from Etalpalli
“The Flame at Night will return!”
the man shouted. His body tensed, and his crimson wings flared, turning gold in
the torchlight, as if he dared any of the assembly to contradict him.
The tower in which they were
gathered was dark and lit with fires burning in alcoves of the wall. Beams of
wood, like perches, branched out from the inside of the tower, and platforms
sat on some of these. Standing or sitting on these beams and platforms were
tall people clad in resplendent colors, strange and fey. But most remarkable of
their appearance were the magnificent feathered wings sprouting from their
shoulders, arching over their lithe, sinewy bodies.
Opposing the joyful colors of their
wings and attire, the people wore expressions as sorrowful as death, for they
did not want to believe the scarlet-winged man who stood at the center of a
beam that spanned the width of the tower. The firelight flickered on his fierce
face, and no one could tear their eyes away from him, so thus no one noticed
the woman standing on the same beam, closer to the wall.
At last another man, higher in the
tower, answered. His voice was weary. “Queen Ytotia died long ago…”
“Yes!” said the first, raising a
clenched fist. “Yes, she died. Every bit of her and all of her!” He spread out
his arms beseechingly. “That is why we must fear, O people of Etalpalli. Ytotia
is dead. Hri Sora, the Flame at Night, is not.”
“What nonsense you speak!” another
cried from below. “Hri Sora fell to her third and final death ten years past.”
Others murmured their agreement.
“Nonsense?” The new voice was sharp
as glass shards. All looked to she who spoke—the woman on the same beam as the
first speaker. She stepped to the side of the speaker and took his hand. She
spoke softer, but her voice rang through the tower none the less. “Was it
nonsense when my husband foresaw the coming of the Cren Cru? Was it nonsense
when we foresaw the transformation of Ytotia? Was it?”
There was silence.
The woman lifted her chin, but her
voice trembled. “No, it was not nonsense. And neither is this.” Her head bowed.
An elder Etalpallian said at last,
“What then, Seers, shall we do?”
The man spoke again. “We must
prepare for battle. Better still, we should flee.”
Shouts of protest echoed through the
tower. “Leave Etalpalli?” “Our beloved city?” “How dare you?” “I will never
leave my home!” In a matter of moments, nothing could be heard but a blur of
angry voices.
The man and his wife stood still,
hand in hand, and waited.
When the voices finally died down,
the elder Etapallian stood. “Seers, we respect your gifts, and we will consider
preparing for battle. But we will not desert Etalpalli. Did not Hri Sora
herself swear that the City of Wings will live forever?”
The crimson-winged man’s face
hardened. “So be it,” he said. Without another word, he and his wife spread
their wings and flew from the tower.
The outside night was cold, but the
two did not seem to notice as they shot past more towers. The woman, rose wings
shimmering, came alongside her husband. “What shall we do?” she asked.
“If it is the people’s will to stay,
so must we,” he replied, his eyes cold. “Our chance for survival increases in
number. But our children…our children cannot fight. We must send them into the
Wood Between.”
The boy lay on the length of the
cushioned beam. His head rested on his folded arms, and his green wings draped
over his body. He slept soundly, as did the girl on the beam below him. Her
blue wings stirred in her sleep.
Neither of them awoke when shadows
cast across the doorway nor when dark forms bent over them.
“Dalanantu,” a voice whispered to
the boy, and a hand gently shook his shoulder.
The boy’s eyes fluttered open, and
he struggled to look through his brown hair falling in front of his face. He
focused on the figure bent over him, a figure whose wings were red. “Father?”
he whispered. He yawned. “What is it?”
His father stepped off the beam; he
sleepily rolled off. He swayed on his feet, thrown off balance by his wings.
Mother was having more difficulty
waking his little sister, Calizanti, or Caliz, as he preferred to call her.
Dalanantu sent his mind to listen to
the rustling vines that spilled into the room of the tower, surrounding the
waterfall that skimmed down the far wall. Do
you know what’s going on? he asked.
The leaves crackled and whispered
back, Such going ons. We hear messages
from our brethren in one of the great towers. An argument stirs amongst your
Dalan rubbed his arms uneasily. His
fingers brushed over the vines painted on his arms, signifying his gift—the
ability to speak to plants.
“What’s going on?”
Dalan’s own question echoed in the
voice of his sister. She was awake now, raking her fingers through her black
hair. She wore blue to match her azure wings, just as Dalan wore green to match
his. But painted on her arms were swirls and waves, for she spoke with water.
Caliz’s bleary smile faded as she
saw her parent’s solemn faces, and she took a step closer to Dalan.
Sighing, Mother took Caliz’s hands.
“Darlings, we have never kept from you the fact that your father and I have the
ability to dream of the future. It is a special gift given by the Lumil
Eliasul, just as he gave Dalan the gift to talk with plants and Caliz to speak
with water. But our gift can be troubling, and now we have seen that…” her
voice faltered.
“The Flame at Night is coming home,”
Father said.
Dalan felt the vines shudder in
fear, and he himself shivered. “I thought she died when Caliz was a fledgling,”
he said.
“So did we all,” Mother whispered.
“But we were wrong. She is coming back to destroy everything.” She pulled Caliz
to her. “We must send you away.”
“Away?” Dalan repeated sharply.
“Into the Wood Between,” said
“We’ve never been in the Between,”
Caliz protested. Mother shushed her softly.
“Caliz can go,” Dalan flared. “I
want to stay and fight.”
“No,” Father said. “You must take
care of your sister.”
Desperate, Caliz tried a new
argument, one that she wavered on even as she said it. “We’re too young to
Father put one arm on Dalan’s
shoulder and his other around Caliz. “Dalanantu,” he said. “You are fifteen.
Calizanti, you are twelve. You are no longer children.” His voice caught. “You
can no longer be children.” He kissed them each. Mother came forward, and they
all held each other close. Dalan breathed in the scent of his father and the
sweet aura of his mother. Suddenly, he was terrified, and he held them tight,
unwilling to let go.
“Now we must hurry,” Father
whispered. “You must pass through Cozamaloti Gate.”
Cozamaloti, the gateway to
Etalpalli, suspended above a colossal waterfall. Getting through it from the
outside was more difficult than going through it from the inside. From the
inside all you had to do was walk forward at a certain place and you would
appear on a bridge leading across to the shore.
Dalan and Caliz’s parents had
accompanied them as far as the gate, and there the siblings had to go on alone.
His cheek still warm from his
parent’s parting kisses, Dalan held tight to Caliz’s hand as they passed from
the Far World into the Between. They stood on a rope bridge above a trickle of
a stream draining over rocks. Dalan stared at in disbelief. He’d never seen
them before, but the falls were supposed to be a magnificent cascade of water.
Not this meager…thing.
“What happened to the river?” he
Caliz hunkered against him, her blue
eyes wide. “It’s afraid,” she whispered. “It’s afraid of something coming, and
it doesn’t want to be noticed.”
So Caliz could still communicate
with waters outside of Etalpalli. That was good news at least. Could he
communicate with the trees? He probed his mind forward and felt the pressure of
the Wood before him. Yes, he would be able. But the vines back in Etalpalli
were still present in the back of his consciousness. Where did you go? they asked.
He tried to send back a reply, but
it was no use. It was only because there were so many of them that their voices
could reach him. They couldn’t hear one of him.
Then, breaking forth from far away,
came the baying howl of a dog.
Caliz froze next to him, her wings
taunt, ready to fly. “What was that?” she asked.
The baying began again; this time
there were two howls.
Grabbing his sister’s arm, Dalan
pulled her towards the Wood. But Caliz pulled back. “Dalan!” she cried. “It’s
too thick. We won’t be able to fly in there! We’ll get lost!”
He tugged her forward. “Father told
us to stay in the Wood until they come for us. Come on!”
She hesitated.
In that moment, the howls sounded
again, far closer than they should have been after such a short time.
She stumbled forward in her fright,
and they both entered the Wood Between.
And then came the heat.
Even as they passed into the trees,
three figures appeared charging along the river’s bank. In the center was a
tall woman who seemed to burn with rage, and two monstrous black dogs flanked
her. The woman, without breaking her stride, walked over the riverbank’s edge
into open air, shouting, “ETALPALLI!”
She vanished instantly. The Flame at
Night, Hri Sora, Queen of Etalpalli, had returned home.
The two Black Dogs sat down on the
river’s edge, whining in bewilderment.
Both Dalan and Caliz were fixated in
horror. Then Dalan summoned his strength, and grabbing his sister, plunged deep
into the Wood. The foliage was thick, and the trees were close together,
blocking out any sight of sky. He could feel its mocking attitude, and he
seethed when it silently laughed as their wings caught in the branches of a
dare you treat us so? he told it angrily. We are but guests. Leave us alone!
Immediately, the Wood recoiled in
shock. The next moment, suspicion emanated from every branch and leaf.
dare you speak to us? it replied. You
are but a traveler.
He felt its presence poking into his
mind, determined to learn why he had been able to speak with it. Annoyed, he
brushed away the jabbing branches of its presence and started to speak back.
A searing shock of pain jolted
through his mind. He staggered over, breathless. At first, he thought the Wood
had hurt him.
But then he realized that the pain
was not his own.
He felt burning, horrible burning,
disintegration into ash. It was the vines. The vines back home whom he’d spent
his entire life talking to. They were burning.
About that same moment, Caliz
suddenly reeled and fell to the side. Her eyes widened, and her hands flew to
her throat. “I can’t breathe!” she gasped, heaving for air.
He grabbed her by the shoulders and
shook her. “Yes, you can!” he shouted. “It’s the water that’s getting
suffocated. With ash! It’s all in your mind. You can breathe.”
She stared at him with huge eyes,
barely comprehending. Her forehead knitted, folding the painted teardrop on her
Wrapping an arm under both of hers,
he held her against him and dragged her forward, ignoring the sweltering pain
that scored his own body.
The Wood laughed at them.
Dalan’s temper exploded, and his
mind lashed out at it. Go away! Leave us
The Wood laughed harder.
Suddenly, Dalan’s feet tangled in
foliage, and he fell to the ground, pulling Caliz with him. He glanced at his
sister and saw that she was still and white. She was in shock. In shock because
she was beginning to understand what the ash-filled water meant. His own mind
throbbed with the cruel laughter of the Wood. He wanted to tear it out,
anything to get away from such a presence.
Then quite suddenly, above the roar
of the Wood, a silver song of a bird trilled through the air.
The sinister laughter cut short.
The silver song whistled and cooed,
filling the Wood with a softer, kinder emotion.
And then Dalan heard the voice of a
there, little sapling. Do not be afraid. My brethren do not yet know you, but
with your special gift, perhaps you will make friends with some of them. But I
am a maple tree, very old, and my roots spread far. I drink of the River, and
it speaks of strange things. Etalpalli is burning. But then here you are, a
young Etalpallian sapling with a little sister. You are tired, I can feel it.
Come and rest under me, and you shall be safe.
Dalan struggled up, bringing Caliz
along, and followed the kindly voice. There was a maple, a hollow curved into
the base of its trunk. He collapsed against it, exhausted, and Caliz curled up
next to him, her head in his lap. He managed to place an arm protectively over
her before falling into a deep and troubled sleep.
The vine crept along the forest
floor. It moved with steady grace, its many tendrils curling and its flowers
swaying. The wood watched it respectfully and did not try to hinder its
As the vine crawled along its way,
it suddenly heard the stream-like trill of a wood thrush. Curious, the vine
slid along after the song. In the branches of an ancient maple, the wood thrush
sang to the unseen skies. The vine rose up, winding around the trunk, rising
over a large root that stood in its path.
Then the vine leaped back like an
elastic cord pulled taunt and let go.
Next moment, the green vine widened
and then took form. In a matter of seconds, the vine transformed into a woman.
Her long-limbed, slender form was green, and her lithe hands were six-fingered.
She was clothed in darker green scarves that swathed her body, and green hair
tumbled down her back, vine tendrils and blossoms growing from them.
Such was Lady Asilvee, the Wandering
Beauty of the Wood.
Her lovely face was full of surprise
and sorrow for she beheld a wondrous sight.

The woman tisked and reached
forward. But then she paused. “Poor little things,” she said in an undulating
voice that dipped from high to low. “I mustn’t startle them.” She sent a swift
glare at the tree. You put them in an
enchantment of sleep, she reproached.
didn’t know what else to do, the maple retorted. They were exhausted, and if they had continued to plunge through the
Wood, they were likely to plunge into Guta’s pit! Don’t blame me. But I’ll lift
the enchantment now that you’re here. See if you can talk to the boy. He has an
unusual gift.
Tilting her head, she let her mind
reach out to his. Yes, here was something that was like unto hers, one with
whom she could speak. Young one, she
said silently. Do not be afraid. I’m
trying to wake you without frightening you.
The boy’s eyebrows drew together.
Suddenly, his eyes flew open, and he struggled up into a straight posture,
twisting at the waist to face her.
She drew back, smiling a little. “So
much for not scaring you,” she said gently. Judging from his hostile expression,
he didn’t appreciate strangers in his mind.
“Where did you come from?” he
demanded, sounding out of breath as if he’d never recovered it during his
“I am the Lady of my own demesne,
but I wander far. I come from Here, There, and Everywhere,” she said in her
strange voice. “I am Lady Asilvee the Wandering.”
Dalan glared at her and felt for the
knife at his belt. “I’ve never heard of you.”
“I have,” said Caliz. She had woken
and was sitting up next to him. “You wander through the Between and the Far,
bringing cheer with the sweetness and beauty of your vines and flowers.”
Dalan frowned at his sister, even as
the lady smiled. “How come I’ve never heard of her?” he asked.
Caliz smiled. “Mother used to tell
me stories about her when I was little, and you never listened.”
“If it was about a plant person, I
think I would have been interested,” he insisted.
“It was a lady plant person,” Caliz reminded. Suddenly, her smile faded away,
and her eyes widened as she stared about the forest as if seeing it for the
first time. “A story…Mother…used to tell me.” Her voice broke, and her hands
flew to her mouth. “Used to tell me!”
She began to sob.
Asilvee slipped into the cove beside
them and held out her arm. Dalan scooted away, but Caliz practically crawled
over the top of him to reach Asilvee’s embrace. The faerie lady hummed gently
and rocked her, saying things like, “Poor little thing.”
While she comforted Caliz, Dalan
decided to take the opportunity to explore the Lady’s mind, for she was a plant
now just as much as in vine form. He did so hastily, skipping over actual
thoughts and picking up only emotion. If there was any malice in her, he would
find out. But he could only sense compassion and kindness. Then he read one
is well that the Lumil Eliasul brought me to them.
Her voice spoke again, as clear as
if she were speaking in his ear. You
know, I can feel you in there, young man.
Startled, Dalan jumped and stared at
her. She smiled at him, and he blushed. Hesitantly, he silently spoke with her.
You said the Lumil Eliasul brought you to
did. And I am beginning to understand why. Why did two Etalpallians run away
from free skies into tangled forests?
Dalan winced. I fear we no longer have a home. He realized then that the burning
sensation had faded long ago, leaving only a shell of emptiness.
Asilvee’s eyes widened, and she
hummed louder as if she were afraid Caliz would overhear their thoughts.
Tears began to prick at Dalan’s
eyes, and he fought them back. I don’t
know what to do.
She nodded. She rose, tall and thin,
Caliz still in her arms.
But Dalan drew back, still cautious.
Sympathetically, she said aloud,
“When you entered my mind, young one, what did you read?”
“You follow the Lumil Eliasul.”
“Do you trust the Lumil Eliasul?”
“My parents did. I did. But after
this…” He looked away. “I don’t understand,” he said shakily.
“It is hard, yes. But if you will
place faith in him, then I ask you to follow me. You do not have to stay in my demesne
for long, only for as long as you wish.
Dalan took another deep breath and
nodded. She nodded back, and turned to walk. He had to trot to keep up with her
long strides, and he kept his gaze anxiously on Caliz, who still had her face
buried into the Lady’s shoulder. He sighed. Would she ever recover from this?
Would he? He understood what the emptiness in his heart meant, and he had never
felt so alone. What was he to do?
They passed along the chosen Path
through unmeasurable reaches of the Between, worlds rushing past them. But at
long last, they stepped into the Far—the corner that was Asilvee’s alone.
A landscape of canyons and cliffs
covered in lush green moss, ferns, and vines with waterfalls, large and small,
spilling and plunging through crevices and down depths, spread out before them.
Above the lush realm spread a sky alight with the rainbows and sparkles of mist
and light.
At its Queen’s return, the land
chorused a welcome, plant, water, and bird, while many vines curled forward to
meet her.
Dalan gazed awestruck at the beauty
before him. The skies, the waterfalls, the lush green…it reminded him so much
of home. Sudden tears pricked his eyes. Anything could have happened to them in
the Wood. What were the chances of Asilvee finding them and offering her home;
her out of all the Fae? It seemed the Lumil Eliasul did care for them still.
Caliz lifted her face and stared out
upon the realm, her tears slowly drying. She clung a little tighter to Asilvee,
but the pain of her near past was already beginning to fade in the bright light
shining overhead.
Breathing in deep, Dalan’s resolve
hardened. The race of Etalpalli was not ended. The legacy and beauty of the Sky
People would live on in him and his sister, and here they could learn to live
up to that role. Where would their Path lead after that?
He did not know. He only knew that
he would follow the Lumil Eliasul.
of Arpiar
the Wood whispered.
The youth paused, tilting his head
as he considered the hushed warnings that shuddered through the leaves. Danger from you? he asked, raising an
eyebrow in mock surprise.
The Wood chuckled. It was a
treacherous sort, one to never turn your back on. Yet the boy understood its
wily ways, even if he didn’t agree with them, and he could respond with a humor
that it would appreciate. Most of the forest would always be hostile to him,
but there were groves of it that were beginning to accept him.
message of danger, came the response. It
is coming this way. There was malicious glee in its tone, and the boy
recognized that he should take it seriously. What form this message would take,
he did not know, so he must be prepared. With fluid grace, he drew an arrow
from the quiver on his thigh and fit it to the bow he held in hand.
Tendrils of pale sunshine slipped
through the tangled boughs of the Wood and haloed the boy in gold. He had a
fair face of about sixteen years, and all his appearance—from the green scarves
he wore, to the painted vines about his arms—bespoke of his bond with trees and
shrub. But most startling of all, strong wings of emerald feathers sprouted
from his back, curving gracefully behind him.
At last, the message came through
the trees. It came upon the ground, curling over roots and rough. Asilvee
For a moment, the boy hoped it was
Lady Asilvee herself, the Wandering Beauty of the Wood. But no, it was her vine
messengers. He relaxed. These vines were his friends ever since their queen had
sheltered the boy.
is it? he asked.
Their emotion of sorrow hit him. There’s great trouble, Dalanantu. Your
sister, Calizanti, is in dire peril.
Dalanantu frowned as he hurried
after the leading vines. Caliz in peril? He never should have agreed to allow
her to wander alone. But she was a far cry from the timid child she had once
been. The loss of their homeland, the great Etalpalli, and the fact that they
were the last of their kindred, devastated her. In that dark time, Lady Asilvee
had cared for them in her lush demesne—a place reminiscent of the glory of
their former home. Over time, with the assurance of the Lumil Eliasul, they had
healed. Caliz’s spirit had matured, but neither had aged out of Time. Dalan,
sensing a tumultuous future, had begun training himself with a bow, and Caliz
wielded two knives with deadly accuracy. She was still gentle and sweet, but
unable to take care of herself? Hardly.
He hurried along the path, pulse
pounding with dread. The vines halted, and so did he. Warily, he let his mind
reach out to probe the boundary before him. He recoiled in horror.
His sister had entered Arpiar.
Calizanti swiped her silky sheen of
black hair out of her eyes and returned to glowering. What an idiot she was.
Everyone—everyone—knew you did not step off your path in the Wood to help a
wounded animal. Yet she had, and the wounded animal, the Wood, and everything
else had promptly vanished, leaving her on the barren plains of Arpiar.
And just her luck that a Roc was
flying overhead. Her blue wings had borne her as fast as they could, but it was
not enough. The shadow of those monstrous talons had fallen on her. Her wings
still hurt from being crumbled up in that grab. The Roc had borne her to the
palace for the Witch-queen would wish to see what had stumbled into her realm.
The queen had taken one look, and
Caliz had found herself locked in a cage.
A cage!
She shuddered. To cage a winged
creature was utter cruelty. With iron bars, no less! But then, she expected
nothing less from goblins.
Vartera, Witch-queen of Arpiar,
stood below her suspended cage. Alone of all goblin-kind, Vartera was
beautiful, through dark enchantment. She stood tall, her robes of silver
falling in alluring curves around her shapely form. Her skin was blushed gold,
her hair midnight dark, and her eyes gleamed silver. But her beauty was
terrifying as all beauty must be when it hides evil.
The goblin inhaled, her eyes
gleaming with greed. “A maiden of Etalpalli. Impossible. All the Sky People
were slain long ago, burned into ashes.”
Caliz turned her face away. She knew
it was so; she’d always known. But hearing it spoken for the first time was
harder then she imagined. A tear slipped down her cheek.
“Perhaps you are from a different
Time,” Vartera mused. “Perhaps if you’d continued through Time you’d be nothing
but a pile of ash. Oh, but have no fear, pretty one. I have you now, and I shall
keep you safe.” She tilted her head as if listening. Then she began to glide
down the hall, calling over her shoulder. “Tune up your voice, my songbird. I
expect a song on my return. And see if you can perk up that tree of mine.”
Once she’d vanished, Caliz began
inspecting her cage. It hung on a long chain from the ceiling. The cage was
tall and slender. It was also inescapable.
Sighing, she dropped to the floor,
wings cramped, and stared out at the tree of which Vartera spoke.
No tree grew in the forsaken land of
Arpiar. She must have stolen it from a realm as a sapling. The tree was as
imprisoned as Caliz. It grew up from the floor, its roots held down by marble
tiles. An iron fence encircled its trunk. It was a beech, forced to stay in a
diminutive size instead of growing to the giant it should have been. Such a
tree should have been proud and savage. This one was utterly defeated, from its
decaying bark to its leafless boughs.
Caliz had never seen a spirit so
broken, and she wondered why Vartera bothered to keep it since it was no longer
beautiful. She longed to comfort it, but such was the gift of her brother. She
spoke with water alone.
So instead, she began to sing. She
sang of the great Wood Between, its beauty, magnificence and power. For long
she sang, and when at last her voice faded away, the tree’s branches rustled,
as if softly sighing.
The crossing into Arpiar was so
easy, Dalan shuddered. Just like Vartera to keep her borders open so that any
might stumble into them.
The Karayn Plains spread out before
him, and the grey sky strained taunt overhead. Instead of freeing, the open air
seemed to constrict around him.
He flew along the plain, feeling
lonely, for he could not remember a time when there was not the spirits of
green, growing things tugging at the back of his mind.
But wait!
There was a tree’s presence here. So
far off and so forlorn…but there. Uncertainly, he hovered. How could a tree be
in Arpiar? Was it a trap? But it was the only sense of direction he had. He
sped off towards it, and it was only a matter of time until Queen Vartera’s
palace rose up amongst the crags.
It was dangerous business, sneaking
into the palace. Goblin guards stood on duty, and Rocs circled overhead. With
dartings and hidings, Dalan entered the palace through a high window. He
crouched in the shadow of the flying buttresses, scanning the hall below him.
There was the tree, but he had no time to study that wonder, because in that
moment, he saw his sister. She was huddled in a cage of iron, her beautiful
wings confined by bars.
Hot anger blazed in his veins, but
he forced himself to scan the hall for any other life-forms. Nothing.
Quick as an arrow, he darted down to
the cage.
Caliz gasped, leaping to her feet.
“Dalan!” she cried. “You came! I knew you would.”
Scowling, he searched the bars.
“How’d you get in here?” he growled.
“It just grew up around me,” she
said. “There’s no lock. But Dalan…I think I know what might break it.” She
pointed beyond him, and he turned.
There stood the tree, great, but
Every fiber of Dalan’s body suddenly
ached as he felt the tree’s sorrow and confinement. His throat caught in
sympathy, and he fluttered closer. Hail,
Lordship, he said, addressing the majesty all beeches have. How came you to this state?
The tree shuddered with shock. It
had been barren of any communication amongst its kindred for years upon years.
Now here was this boy, speaking as if he was a tree himself. How, it wondered. How?
Dalan stood, concentrating on
respect and awe. In time, the tree would answer.
It did. Where did you come from?
the Wood.
Longing hit him so intensely, Dalan
staggered back. “Caliz!” he gasped. “This a tree of the Between!” His mind
reeled as he imagined it being torn out of its proper place and trapped in the
were you taken, Lordship? he asked.
ago. Long ago. When I was very young.
Inhaling sharply, Dalan said, I will help you if I can. But do you think
you might break through the floor and snap the bars that cage my sister? We
shall go for Lady Asilvee, and she shall help us—
The tree’s horror nearly knocked him
off his feet. No! it wailed. No! A spell is upon me. If I break my bonds,
I shall burn! Burn into cinders!
Dalan strained to push aside the
tree’s rumbling terror from his mind. Never
mind then, he said. He bit his lip, unsure of his next move. His hand
reached out and stroked the bark of the captive. It trembled in wonder under
his caring touch. What could he do for it? For now he needed to rescue Caliz,
but how if the beech could not help?
In that moment, the bark contracted
underneath his hand, and he heard Caliz scream, “Dalan!”
Vartera appeared behind him.
She simply appeared out of thin air.
As Queen of Arpiar, she could skim across its expanse in seconds.
She lunged for him.
With a gasp and a thrust of his
powerful wings, Dalan shot backwards. His feet hit one of the supporting
pillars, and he boosted off it, shooting up to a corner of the roof.
Vartera laughed, shaking her head.
“Another pretty bird!” she cackled. “How many more are you? Send me a few more,
and I could start an aviary. I could breed the Sky People back from
Dalan froze in fear as he felt
threads of spells weave around him. In another moment, he’d be caught.
“Don’t you dare treat us like
animals!” Caliz shouted, and with deft aim, she threw one of her knives out of
the cage. It bounced off the goblin’s perfect skin, causing no more harm than a
toy, but Vartera looked away in surprise.
It was all the distraction Dalan needed.
He shot from his corner, the unfinished spell scraping his skin, and darted up
the flying buttresses to hide in their shadows. He needed a plan. Perhaps if he
made Vartera angry enough, he could cause a misfired spell to sever Caliz’s
Admiration radiated from the beech.
he agreed. I think it just might work.
Before he could start coming up with reasons it wouldn’t, Vartera’s voice
trilled up from below.
“Your sister doesn’t like me to
treat you like an animal. Very well, I won’t. How would you like to become a
man before your Time? I could use a guardian as enchanting as you are.”
Biting his lip and shooting a quick
prayer to the Lumil Eliasul, Dalan dove down. With blurring speed, he swooped
past Vartera, grabbing one of her trailing silver scarves, swiping it off her.
She gasped, then smiled as he flew
about the room. “That’s right, show off, my pet.”
His heart hammered as he kept up the
speed. Would she only mock him until he was too tired to fly? He needed her
He dove again, dodged a stroke of
her claws, and this time, he grabbed her crown.
To even touch one of the Faerie
crowns was a capital offense. He flinched as he plucked it off her head, half
expecting a bolt of lightning to strike him dead.
She snarled. “Give that back, my
lovely,” she commanded, her enticing voice becoming threatening.
He clutched it to his chest before
throwing it sideways to Caliz. She reached through the bars and caught it.
Vartera stuck.
Dalan cried out in pain as the spell
sliced through his wing. He looked over his shoulder to see his severed wing
fold in on itself.
Then he fell.
Caliz screamed, dropping the crown,
as he hit the floor.
His breath tearing out in agonized
bursts, Dalan struggled to his feet as Vartera approached. His ruined wing
threw him off balance, and he swayed as she reached for him. Quickly, he drew
his dagger and sliced across her extended arm, only succeeding in making her
The Witch-queen caught him by the
throat and jerked him off the ground. Stars exploded in front of his vision as
every slice of air was cut off by her horrendously strong grip. He fought
fruitlessly at her grasp as her claws dug into his skin. He could barely hear
Caliz’s screams above the throbbing of his ears and the cry of his lungs.
“You dare assault one of the
Queens?” she mocked. “You shall be taught a severe lesson, before you learn to
serve me. I rule all.”
The tree’s roots burst from the floor.
Snarling so that the palace shook,
one root went for Vartera, several others for Caliz’s cage.
Simultaneously, the tree burst into
Its snarl morphing into a roar, the
beech grabbed Vartera with terrible power. Shrieking, she dropped Dalan as she
stabbed into the wood.
Caliz’s cage splintered as the roots
wrenched the bars apart. With a savage cry, she streaked over to her brother.
Dalan lay paralyzed by the sight of
the consuming flames and by both his and the tree’s pain.
In one tearful glance, Caliz saw he
would not be able to fly. She wrapped her arms around his waist, and with a
mighty push of her wings, she lifted them both up.
“No,” Dalan moaned. “No…his
Lordship…I promised…”
not mourn, the beech said, barely visible in the raging inferno. You are free, my friend. And so, at last, am
Flapping hard, Caliz soared out of
the place, leaving the chaos behind. Dalan went limp in her arms, the pain
overwhelming him to unconsciousness. He was heavy; she could barely keep her
arms around him, and his wings, draped below her, slowed her speed.
A harsh croak of a Roc rumbled
She gasped in fear. Not now. Not
Eliasul! she pleaded. Would you
deliver us from Etalpalli only to be enslaved by Vartera?
Before her a Path materialized. It
had always been there, but in her fear she had never seen it. She dashed
towards it. A glimmer stretched before her.
The River of the Between snaked
across the grey land, its current terribly swift.
More Rocs screamed in pursuit.
Vartera must have recovered enough to send them.
The Path led to the River and
stopped. Caliz understood at once, but her heart quailed. Surely not! The
River, no matter how many times she’d sang to and played with it, was no friend
of hers. She would die!
The Rocs swooped.
Throwing all her faith on He Who
Names them, the girl dived, darting between the very talons of the Roc,
plunging into the water.
The entrance wrenched Dalan from her
arms, and she flailed, her limbs dragging every which way. Her wings sucked her
Where was her brother? Where was he?
She saw him tumbling in the current
along the river bed like a broken plant. She struggled after him, but even as
she grabbed him, she realized it was hopeless. The River had no mercy. They
would drown in its depths.
in me, the Lumil Eliasul called. Trust
in me and use the gift I gave you.
Closing out the vision of churning
water, Caliz spoke to the River. You know
who I am, my friend. I have danced on your shores and cared for your ways. If
ever my love meant anything to you, I
plead upon He Who Rules the Farthestshore to deliver us.
Water roared in her ears, and she
tightened her embrace on her brother in despair.
The current surged under
them—lifting them to the surface.
Caliz gasped as her face broke above
the water. River! she cried in
disbelief. River! My—my friend!’
The gift I gave you, echoed the words
of the Lumil Eliasul.
She closed her eyes, thankful tears
streaming into the water. Thank you, my
The River pulled them along till at
last they emerged from Arpiar into the Between. Here the River slowed to an
unnaturally sluggish pace, and Caliz dragged Dalan onto the bank.
Exhausted, she stared up at the
leaves bending over them. Bending a little too close. The branches of the trees
swayed above Dalan, brushing his face gently.
She smiled. He would be glad to know
they were concerned for him.
He coughed, and she crawled over to
him as his eyes fluttered open. “Calizanti?” he murmured.
“I’m here.” She stroked his hair out
of his eyes. He smiled, then gazed curiously at the leaves rustling above. They
pulled back, pretending indifference. Wincing, he sat up, then met his sister’s
eyes with dread.
Her lip was trembling as tears
rolled down her cheeks. “Dalan,” she whispered. “Your wing…”
His eyes burning, as he remembered
the agony of the tree’s sacrifice, he extended his wing—and gasped.
The wing was whole, as if it had
never been rent.
“How? What?” he stammered.
Caliz’s eyes rounded as wide as moons, but before she
could speak, the River gave a burbling laugh. Slowly, her mouth dropped open as
she turned to it. “You?” She stopped and considered her words. Who could say
what powers the River had? If it could heal, who would have known, for it had
never been compassionate? Could it truly have…?
Brother and sister sat silent upon
the River’s banks, the great Wood surrounding them, bathed in golden light as they considered the beech,
the River, and the gifts they had been given.
Slowly, Dalan stood, pulling his
sister up beside him.
“Where do we go now?” she asked.
He studied the vast forest
surrounding them: the ominous shadows, the dancing lights, with gates unseen,
and the pull of mystery and song. “Forward,” he replied, and smiled. “Forever
forward in the path of the Lumil Eliasul.”
Hannah, as always, your story-telling skills and artistic talents never cease to amaze me. I adored this tale of the love of siblings, and your illustrations brought an added element to your story and made your characters come to vibrant life. Bravo!
My favorite picture had to be the first one, with the Faerie Queen; she is gorgeous!
Spectacular! The imagery is so clear, and your characters so real! This story is a joy to read. Good work!
Oh, this is a marvelous story! I love the subtle nods to Superman, (the parents sending their children to safety and sacrificing themselves), and even the subtle nod to "Hansel and Gretel" with the siblings being captured and having to escape from the goblin-witch. It was so sweet to have the beech tree sacrifice itself as well. And, to know that that river has healing properties! So neat! Wonderful work. God bless you.
I'm glad you enjoyed it! You know, I wrote the story without Superman or Hansel and Gretel in mind at all. But that just goes to show you how beloved themes repeat themselves in stories. :)
What a beautiful story of siblings and friendship! Your pictures were incredible, and I could feel every emotion pulsing through Dalan and Caliz. Well done!
Thank you! I really adore Dalan and Caliz. I joked with my mom that if I hadn't been so busy in July, I could have written an entire book about them!
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