Over the weekend, Rooglewood Press revealed the cover of my new book to all of the mini-magazine subscribers. TODAY, I get to reveal it to everyone else! So allow me to present to you . . .
You can learn the story description and even read the first few chapters on the website page. And the pre-order option for print is now available as well (info also found on the website). The story itself launches on May 16, 2016.
Sometime in the next week I hope to write up an article on how this story came about. It had quite an interesting journey, one that I think would be both interesting and inspiring to other aspiring young novelists. So be watching for that article, which will be shared in my personal newsletter, The Haven Chronicler. Sign up for it if you haven't already!
So what do you think of the look of this cover for the new series? A little different from the Tales of Goldstone Wood books, wouldn't you say? This is the first time since my publishing career began that I've had a publication in a NEW style, so I'm pretty excited about that!
Let me know your thoughts in the comments, dear Imps . . .
Monday, March 21, 2016
Sunday, March 20, 2016
A Note on the Mini-Magazine
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So if you are not seeing your copy of the Rooglewood Quarterly, take a moment to check these various locations. My own copy always ends up in the "Promotions" folder.
Look quickly, though! Today is the last day of the special deal for our mini-magazine subscribers to purchase my new novel at just $0.99, two months before the release date!
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Special Edition of the Rooglewood Quarterly
Don't forget, dear readers, that this coming Friday is the launch of the Rooglewood Quarterly Special Edition! It will include the following . . .
1. The cover and story reveal for my Super Secret Spring Release! Not to mention a special offer for our subscribers to purchase the book for just $0.99 a full TWO MONTHS before the actual release date. So that means, if you are among my more eager readers, you could be reading my new novel by Friday . . . just so long as you've signed up for the newsletter.
2. A BIG feature of our new Five Magic Spindles novelists, including expanded hooks for each of their stories and short interviews for each author! Get to know these exciting new voices and see what they have in the works to share with us later this summer.
As always, we'll be offering a Flash Giveaway to one lucky subscriber, a prize that will remain secret until the day of. And we may have a sneak preview of yet another exciting release coming later this year, of which I have not yet breathed a word to any of you . . . but which I know you're going to love.
Surely at least one of the reasons listed above is enough to make you want to subscribe to our mini-magazine. So be certain to sign up today by clicking HERE and entering your email address in the appropriate space.
I look forward to sharing with all of you!
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Goldstone Wood ART CONTEST!!!!!
One of my FAVORITE times of the year is here! The annual Goldstone Wood Fan art Contest!!! HUZZAH!!!
This year is a little bit different in that I am not actually hosting. Instead, Maid Hannah of Dame Imraldera's Library is organizing this fantabulous event. But don't worry! Other than the online location, the event is JUST the same as it has ever been! Same rules for submission, Fan Voting, the whole works. You'll just send your art to her instead of to me, and on the day the art gallery launches, you'll visit Dame Imraldera's Library rather than here. See? Easy.
You can check out the contest rules on this page.
As you will see, we are offering TWO first place prizes! One for Fan Voting and one for MY personal favorite submission. Both of these winners will receive a print copy of my SUPER SECRET NEW BOOK, which launches in May. There's not much out about the book yet, but I'll tell you that it is set in the world of Goldstone Wood (though it is Book 1 in a new series) and is a VERY loose retelling of "The Twelve Dancing Princesses." And it's a wee bit spooky . . . but in a good way!
Anyway, if you're an artist AND an Imp, you simply must participate! If you are not an artist but feel a creative inclination, you simply must participate!
You can browse through Dame Imraldera's Library to see the fan art and fan fiction of previous years. There is a lot of really wonderful creativity to enjoy for all true fans of Goldstone Wood!
Enjoy, dear Imps! I can hardly wait to see what wonders you create.
This year is a little bit different in that I am not actually hosting. Instead, Maid Hannah of Dame Imraldera's Library is organizing this fantabulous event. But don't worry! Other than the online location, the event is JUST the same as it has ever been! Same rules for submission, Fan Voting, the whole works. You'll just send your art to her instead of to me, and on the day the art gallery launches, you'll visit Dame Imraldera's Library rather than here. See? Easy.
You can check out the contest rules on this page.
As you will see, we are offering TWO first place prizes! One for Fan Voting and one for MY personal favorite submission. Both of these winners will receive a print copy of my SUPER SECRET NEW BOOK, which launches in May. There's not much out about the book yet, but I'll tell you that it is set in the world of Goldstone Wood (though it is Book 1 in a new series) and is a VERY loose retelling of "The Twelve Dancing Princesses." And it's a wee bit spooky . . . but in a good way!
Anyway, if you're an artist AND an Imp, you simply must participate! If you are not an artist but feel a creative inclination, you simply must participate!
You can browse through Dame Imraldera's Library to see the fan art and fan fiction of previous years. There is a lot of really wonderful creativity to enjoy for all true fans of Goldstone Wood!
Enjoy, dear Imps! I can hardly wait to see what wonders you create.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
FIVE MAGIC SPINDLES - the winners!
Today is the day, dear writers! The day we announce the winners and celebrate with them this momentous achievement! I cannot even tell you how excited I am to share about these five fantastic stories . . . which are, none of them, anything like I could possibly have imagined would end up in this collection, believe me. I am still surprised by the variety and creativity demonstrated by these talented novelists!
But don't take my word for it--go have a look at the contest page on our website. See for yourselves!
Don't forget to come back and leave a comment or two. Congratulate the winners! Tell us about your own experience writing for this contest! Let us know which of these five stories intrigues you the most (though we're only revealing the short summaries today . . . longer summaries coming with the March issue of the Rooglewood Quarterly!)
Take a moment to congratulate our Top Ten authors as well. While they may not have won this year, they accomplished something really exciting making it as far as they did, and they deserve the applause!
Everyone who leaves a comment down below will have her or his name entered in a drawing to receive an Advanced Reader Copy (print, of course!) of Five Magic Spindles . . . just as soon as it's available (which won't be for a few months yet).

Celebrate your own efforts, every one of you who finished a story and submitted it . . . that took courage and fortitude! Celebrate the authors who won . . . they agonized right along with everyone else, and today they are enjoying a well-earned victory! Celebrate as readers . . . you've got one thoroughly engaging collection of novellas just around the bend!
It's a good day for fairy tales and creative writers alike.
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