Policy: Interview Features and Endorsements

Until further notice, only Rooglewood Press authors will be featured in interviews on this blog. When I am ready to offer outside features again, I will announce it on this page.

In future all features will be for:

A) Traditional novelists


B) Self-published novelists who have had their work fully edited by an expert* in the publishing field. Professional formatting and packaging are also required.

I do not offer endorsements. Please do not send me unsolicited manuscripts. Should this policy change, I will announce it on this page.

*This author considers an expert editor to be a person with several years of experience working as an editor for a traditional publishing house. If I have personally worked with a freelance editor who does not meet the above qualification but whose work is of high professional quality, I will reconsider. Otherwise, I must use the above definition as the qualifier for expertise.

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