For those of you who don't know what she means by this question, I have been working with Rooglewood Press to host writing contests based on retellings of famous fairy tales. The first one, Five Glass Slippers, was hosted last year, and the five contest winners were published in one beautiful volume for your enjoyment. This year, we are hosting a contest based on "Beauty and the Beast." You can learn more about that contest on the Rooglewood Press page. Five Enchanted Roses is scheduled to release next summer.
And, on June 1, we will be announcing the third annual contest based on another famous and well-loved fairy tale. What will that fairy tale be?
Well . . . I can't tell you.

I will say that we are planning (as of right now) to host five of these contests. And all five fairy tales have been selected, and a certain amount of work has even been done on each of their cover designs. They are all very well-known tales and will, we at Rooglewood Press believe, make for wonderful retellings.
So sorry my answer has to be a non-answer! But I really do think you will all be happy with the tales we pick. And if you're not happy, hopefully you'll be able to come up with variations for them that will make you happy. That is, after all, half the fun . . .
That is good to know! I was far to late in realizing that i could enter into this Beauty and the Beast contest, since i am in Asia. I'm glad to know i can do it next year. Anyway I've recently been reading Moonblood and seeing Una again in a different perspective. Will she ever show up again in the series as the Prince of Farthest Shore's wife?
Ms. Anne Elisabeth Stengl, will you be hosting music and writing contests (fan fictions) on your blog again next year? :)
Yeah, it was around August when I first heard about the Five Red Roses contest, and I thought that the contest deadline was going to be soon (I didn't look.), so I didn't bother to try doing an entry. Figures that I got an idea for a Beauty and the Beast retelling not long after the start of this month! :-P. Oh well. Maybe I'll write it someday.
And I'm completely with Anonymous! I've been meaning to ask if you will ever bring Una back into the storyline! I would be really happy if you did. She's one of my favorite characters. And I know that you probably can't give us a straight answer, but do you have any ideas that might turn into something someday?
~ Natasha.
So neat that you have five fairy tales already selected. Know they will all be outstanding. God bless you.
Only five?! No!!! They're so much fun!
Ooh, it's so exciting to think of more contests! My brother and I have been speculating about which fairy tales will be picked.
@Anonymous--I've saved your question for a blog post answer!
@Olivia--Yes, I hope/plan to host several contests next year, including a fan art contest, a fan fiction contest, possibly a fan music contest, and MAYBE a fan costume contest! The fan art and fan fiction for sure. :)
@Allison--Only five fairytale collections . . . but then we also have plans for another set of collections on a slightly different theme which we'll run when the fairytale contests are finished! There will be tons more contests, no worries. (And I think you will all LOVE the new theme . . . but that's many years down the road, so I can't spoil it.) ;)
Thanks for answering. Even if it was a Non answer.
Oh my goodness gracious--you mean there's ANOTHER theme of contests down the road?? I'm thrilled! Except we have to wait over three years to find out what it is...
And a fan costume contest sounds like so much fun! I hope that happens! :D
I find it exciting that you already have the next 3 contests planned, and it is reassuring (and even more exciting) that you have another theme waiting after that. Hurray!
Apprecciate this blog post
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