This is a busy time of year for everyone, so I know it's tough to find time to participate in something like this read-along. However, if you find you have time to go back and read several older posts, your answers to questions will be counted still, even if they were articles from a week or more before! So even if you miss a few days, don't feel like you have to drop out entirely. We still want you! :)
Now on with the story . . .
Chapter 3
Captain Sunan: As I believe I have stated previously, I am getting such a kick out of seeing Captain Sunan in this setting. For one thing, it’s interesting to remember how incidental he was at first.
And how thoroughly he refused to stay that way.
Captain Sunan did not feature in the original (rejected) version of Veiled Rose that I sent to my publisher. As you will recall, in that versio Lionheart traveled with a troupe of minstrels and clowns, and there was none of this stowaway business. The troupe was hired for a gig out east, and thus Lionheart had the opportunity to travel and discover the secret he so needed.
But when my publishers insisted I remove the clown troupe, I was left with coming up with other means of getting Lionheart from point A to point B. So Captain Sunan and the Kulap Kanya (a name which, interestingly enough, means “Rose Girl”) were invented.
I hadn’t really intended to do much with the captain. In fact, while writing this scene I didn’t have any more specific plan in mind beyond simply getting Lionheart safe passage. But as I wrote, Captain Sunan sprang into life with such a vivid, dynamic quality that I really couldn’t repress him. He obviously had an intriguing backstory, a history with Faerie and the fey, an understanding of the worlds that Lionheart cannot hope to match. But how did he come by this understanding? And why would a man so apparently profound end up the captain of a humble merchant ship?
I wrote the scene without any clear answer to these questions, figuring that, if he wanted to, Captain Sunan would reveal more in time. And following this selection, I moved on with the story and didn’t really think too much more about him. For a while.
But the character was there and he wanted more of my time and attention. Over the next few years, while working on other stories, I turned back to Sunan now and then, wondering about him. One day, I was going through some notes I had made for another book (that which will be Book 8) and happened upon a certain, roughed-out idea for a character. And I realized that that character was actually meant to be Sunan.
This startled me. I mean, how could Sunan—Noorhitamin sea captain that he was—possibly end up in this Book 8? This book which is set primarily in Parumvir many hundreds of years before Veiled Rose!
But the notion wouldn’t leave me be. So I began to explore the possibilities of Captain Sunan. And I learned that he had, quite possibly, one of the most fascinating plot arcs in the whole of the Goldstone Wood series. I also learned that his story truly began before Book 8.
His story began with Golden Daughter.
With this in mind, I was that much more eager to write my first novella, Goddess Tithe, which features the captain as a main character. Goddess Tithe gave me a chance to play with the themes initiated in this chapter of Veiled Rose, but which I simply didn’t have room to embellish within the novel.
So, if you’re curious to learn a little more about Captain Sunan and the events of Lionheart’s voyage to Noorhitam, you should certainly pick up Goddess Tithe . . . which is currently just .99 on Kindle and only $8 in paperback. And there are illustrations! J
Word of a Pen-Chan: We learn in this selection about the first of the three major people-groups that make up the Noorhitam empire. Captain Sunan calls himself a Pen-Chan, and says the word of a Pen-Chan is “word you may trust.”
The actual word “Pen-Chan” means “full moon” in Thai. This is subtly
important in ways that become apparent in Golden
Currently, the Pen-Chans are the ruling people of Noorhitam, having taken
over from the Kitar not long before, who, in turn, took over from Chhayans
several centuries before that. All of these people-groups live together in
Noorhitam, layered on top of each other like sediment in the city of Lunthea
Maly, where the Chhayans are the lowest class, the Pen-Chans the highest, and
the angry Kitar stuck somewhere between.
I had a blast developing the empire of Noorhitam, even just the little
bit that I did for Veiled Rose.
Noorhitam only features in a precious few chapters in this novel, but some of
my most interesting research and development was focused on this nation and the
various peoples living therein. I found it incredibly inspiring and intriguing.
Alas, my publishers didn’t like it. Indeed, they would have been happy
for me to write it entirely out of the story.
But I insisted, and once more they were gracious. And I’m very glad that
they were! If not, I should not have had the opportunity to dive into the
history of Noorhitam and explore it as I did this last year while drafting Golden Daughter . . . discovering, as I
did so, possibly the most wonderful and fascinating country I have yet had the
pleasure to write about!
Ay-Ibunda: When Lionheart
makes mention of the name “Ay-Ibunda,” the temple the sylph directed him to
find wherein he might discover answers to his questions, Captain Sunan reacts .
. . strangely. One would not expect the dignified captain to show any glimpse
of fear, and yet Lionheart sees “a flash of fear, or dread” across his face.
Captain Sunan knows about this temple. He knows things he is unwilling to
communicate to Lionheart.
He knows things about the Mother’s Mouth, the oracle whom Lionheart
It’s interesting to me now realizing that when I wrote all of this
selection I had absolutely no idea that
the novel Golden Daughter would ever
exist. I had made no plans for it whatsoever. And yet, knowing what I do about
that novel now (having just written it this last year), I cannot believe that
it hadn’t been in the plan from the beginning. Reading Sunan’s reactions . . .
it’s as though Sunan has existed as a character with his complete history since
long before I came along to write that history down. I wrote what I observed of
him at the time without any idea what his full story might be, but the full
story was still there.
This is why I love creative writing and can’t imagine ever loving any
occupation more!
No one knows: When Lionheart
asks after the location of the Hidden Temple, Sunan informs him that no one but
the emperor himself knows where it may be found. And the emperor is not about
to tell just anyone.
The emperor’s name: It’s
something of a mouthful! Molthisok-Khemkhaeng Niran. Try saying that three times, fast! The way this world works, his
actual “first name” so to speak, would be “Niran,” and “Khemkhaeng” would be
his father’s name, and “Molthisok” his grandfather’s. This is the naming
pattern for emperors, but interestingly enough, not the naming pattern for the other great houses of the Pen-Chan.
But I won’t go into that now.
Leonard the Jester/Leonard the
Fool: The captain warns Lionheart that, should he find the Mother’s Mouth,
she will give him the answer he seeks . . . but the price at which that answer
is given will be dreadful. Lionheart insists that this is what he must do,
And so this selection closes with Lionheart introducing himself as
“Leonard” for the first time. Leonard the Jester. “You are Leonard the Fool,”
the captain replies, with much more insight than poor Lionheart possesses at
this moment.
And here I had to close this most interesting dialogue and dive forward
in time and the story, never thinking to see Captain Sunan again. But it didn’t
matter what I thought. This conversation was too intriguing, Captain Sunan’s
reactions and words too specific. There was bound to be more story to come . .
First Goddess Tithe. Later Golden Daughter. And after that . . .
Well, you’ll have to wait a little while yet to learn Book 8's title. (But I’ll
tell you this: Rohan figured out the perfect title for that book, and I can
hardly wait to introduce it to you!)
“You shall find it as a jester.” Visiting
his dreams once more, the Lady asks Lionheart to tell her what he wants. In a
moment of surprising honesty, Lionheart admits that he wants to be a jester. He
will not say whether or not this is the truest wish of his heart . . . but even
so, the Lady promises that he will find the Hidden Temple, find the oracle, and
find them as a jester.
The young emperor: I was
obliged to do quite a large, three-year time jump in Lionheart’s story. To help
ease over the suddenness of that jump, I decided to open up his time in Noorhitam
from a completely different perspective. I chose to introduce the emperor.
The thing is, by the time Lionheart makes it to Noorhitam, the emperor is
no longer Molthisok-Khemkhaeng Niran. That emperor has died, leaving his thrown
to his young male heir, Khemkhaeng-Niran Klahan . . . who is nine.
So we are introduced to all manner of potentially interesting political
intrigue, tangled up in the fresh young emperor and his “supportive” uncle,
Sepertin Naga. A Kitar uncle, though I don’t think the text tells as much. But
Sepertin Naga is a Kitar name, so I (with my super-powerful insider’s view) can
tell you that the Pen-Chan emperor’s uncle is Kitar and probably has an agenda
for his people that goes far beyond the well-being of his nephew.
There is lots of potential of storyline here! But it’s all still just
potential . . . so we’ll see where it eventually leads us.
Butchering the language: Some
people have a gift for picking up languages. It is a convenient gift in a
fantasy story, enabling writers to create a sense of authenticity without
actually having to invent a whole new
language (which none of her/his readers will understand anyway!).
But I am not one who has a gift for languages. And I didn’t see Lionheart
being so blessed either.
Another great advantage to writing in the omniscient narrative as I do is
the opportunity to show both sides of a language barrier. We, the reader, get
to hear what both sides are saying and enjoy the hilarity that ensues! You
can’t do this with the third-person or first-person narratives.
“My name is Leonard of the Tongue
of Lightning. What is your name?” I like that Lionheart actually knows this basic phrase and is able to
answer. But he adds the “What is your name?” at the end, which sounds just like
something you would learn to do when first studying a language.
I wonder if Munny taught him how to say this line?
Lionheart and Klahan: Lionheart feels a pang of sympathy for the
boy emperor. After all, Lionheart too was born into a ruling family, expected
to lead an entire kingdom one day. And Southlands is nowhere near so enormous
as the vast and complex Noorhitam Empire! Emperor Klahan is younger even than
Leo was as the start of this book, and yet he is already the nation’s “Sacred
And yet, Klahan is still present, sitting on his father’s throne. While
Lionheart is far, far, far away from his own nation.
Still, Lionheart continues to insist that his motives are pure. After
all, he must find some way to kill the Dragon!
Lionheart’s performance: Lionheart’s
success as a clown depends much more on his inability to correctly speak the
Noorhitamin language than any real wit upon his part. He is hilariously mad in
the eyes of the court, and he certainly entertains the young emperor (who is
used to clowns who always present a moral of some sort and aren’t really funny
at all).
But, for the first time in his life, Lionheart truly succeeds at
something: He makes the Emperor of Noorhitam laugh!
Part of the inspiration for this scene with Lionheart came from a day
back in a college French class. This was only my second semester studying
French, and I certainly was not gifted, though I did enjoy the work. The
teacher was going around the table, asking the students to name the parts of
the face and head as he pointed to them. When he got to me, he pointed to his
“Cheveux,” I said. “Les cheveux.”
And my teacher started laughing so hard he almost couldn’t speak. I
blinked, surprised. I was quite certain that I’d got it right, and I had no
idea what he was going on about!
Then he said, “No, Annelise, I do not have horses on my head!”
Yeah. Though I knew the word I was trying
to say, my pronunciation was so bad, it came out sounding more like, “Cheval,” not “Cheveux.”
Pronunciation is key, people.
So that’s where Lionheart’s language difficulties came from. He is
actually saying words in the
language. And he probably knows quite well what he is trying to say. But his pronunciation is so bad, it all comes out
mangled. Poor Lionheart. I wish both you and I had that magical gift for
A gift from the emperor: Klahan
is so pleased with Lionheart’s performance, that he offers to give him a gift,
“anything within his power to give.” And Lionheart, to the horror of all
assembled, asks to be taken to Ay-Ibunda.
This is such a sacrilege, such a breach of all etiquette and protocol,
that Lionheart probably came within a hair’s breadth of being tossed into a
dungeon and lost forever. Instead, the young emperor simply says, “No.”
But the emperor is not one to swiftly forget a promise made . . .
Questions on the Text:
1. What are your impressions
of Captain Sunan? If you’ve read Goddess
Tithe, have your impressions changed since first encountering the captain
in Veiled Rose?
2. What are your impressions
of Emperor Klahan after this first meeting? Like him? Dislike him? Think he has
a shot at successfully ruling the empire?
3. Have you ever had any
embarrassing experiences with language barriers that you’d like to share?
4. Favorite lines of the
1. When I first read Veiled Rose, I didn't give much thought to Captain Sunan. It wasn't until I read Goddess Tithe that I realized just how very interesting he is.
2. I like him very much, think he has an excellent chance at ruling the empire (providing that he doesn't let his uncle 'guide' him too much), and very much hope to see more of him someday.
4. Basically all of Leonard's mangled words crack me up, particularly the "I eat you all!" and "Upward fly the lizard, same as everyone! I have a cake!"
I also like:
"People have a tendency to do so once they reach a certain age. Or, as in Emperor Molthisok-Khemkhaeng Niran's case, they reach a certain level of importance and acquirea certain number of enemies, which the emperor's brother-in-law insisted was the case."
4. "I say, old see you tomorrow in the corn cake! Let loose my monkey's eye! I love you! I love you!"
"Upward fly the lizard, same as everyone! I have a cake!"
"ELEPHANT! My name is Leonard of the Tongue of Lightning! Why are the trees pink and dripping frogs? The cheese fell!"
"I eat you! I eat you all!"
Lionheart butchering the language was my favorite part of this book!
So fascinating to hear how you came up with Captain Sunan!
1.When I was reading Veiled Rose, I wasn't sure if Captain Sunan was good. But when I reached this chapter, he changed my mind and intrigued me. Throughout the next few books, I wondered if his story would ever be explored. So of course, I was delighted to read Goddess Tithe...and thrilled to discover that Captain Sunan has such a mysterious past that I can barely wait for the next books! )
2.Klahan is adorable. Also, he's brave and determined. If he can survive the schemes of his uncle, I think he will make a fabulous ruler!
4. "Such is the role of those who strive in the comedic arts, to instruct and enlighten the Sacred Father."
"You, most Glorious One."
"Oh. Yes."
"I love you!" he shouted again, furious this time.
1. He seemed like an interesting character with a lot more to him than what was revealed.
2. I liked Klahan, he has a lot of responsibility suddenly dropped on him and seems to handle it well.
4. The clown yelped and started shouting in the common dialect of the city. “I say, old see you tomorrow in the corn cake! Let loose my monkey’s eye! I love you! I love you!”
2.I liked him,and think he'll make a pretty good emperor someday.
4."ELEPHANT!My name is Leonard of the Tongue of Lightning!Why are the trees pink and dropping frogs?"
"The cheese fell!"
"I eat you!I eat you all!"
1. He was a interesting character, but I didn't give him much thought in Veiled Rose.
2. It's hard to tell with someone so young, but I think he would be a good emperor.
3. I've learned quite a few words from different languages here and there, but don't have a embarrassing story to tell. I kinda wish I did ...
- Heather
3) Oh, the stories I could tell you about how badly I mess up French!
1. I like Captain Sunan. I have not read Goddess Tithe.
2. I like Emperor Klahan and think he has a shot at successfully ruling the empire.
3. No.
4. "I say, old see you tomorrow in the corn cake! Let loose my monkey's eye! I love you! I love you!" "What is your name?" "I love you!" he shouted again, furiously this time. "I don't care who you love; you're coming to the palace." "Upward fly the lizard, same as everyone!" the clown shouted again, struggling to get free. "I have a cake!" -pg.269
1. Interesting character. :) I still haven't gotten a chance to read Goddess Tithe yet--though I really want too!!!
2. He's cute. :) I think he'll do a great job.
3. I have not experienced any (that I can think of!), but I've heard of some, like someone teaching my friend's dad how to say, "Awesome" in Spanish that didn't mean awesome... :D
Hi! I'm currently trying to learn my 5th language, and can't believe it! But I'll always remember an "embarrassing experience with language barrier" that a Spanish teacher once told of herself...
While learning a new language she was introducing her new fiance to some friends, using said new language. She didn't know what word to use for engaged, stumbled around a sentence, and ended up saying in that language that she was pregnant! :}
1. I'm ashamed to say that I did not think about Captain Sunan very much on my first reading of Veiled Rose, although I did like that he stood up for the sylph and granted Lionheart safe passage. Now, of course, after Goddess Tithe, I absolutely love his character. I think that he might be a liberated dragon whom Eshkhan rescued, (Risapheth called Captain Sunan Dragon spawn). I wonder if perhaps he loved someone who either did not love him in return or was prevented from doing so, (the woman in the portrait, possibly). Perhaps the woman is one of Una's ancestors, (the woman in the portrait wears an opal ring).
2. I adore Emperor Klahan. He has such an enormous responsibility, yet he is a child and longs to have fun. You can't get any cuter than an emperor wanting clowns for his coronation. He'll make an excellent ruler, and I don't think his uncle will be able to intimidate him.
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