I do hope all of you saw the old year out in style and are looking forward eagerly to all the possibilities that 2014 brings. I know I am! I'll be doing a "Doings at Rooglewood" post sometime in the next few days (along with the read-along) to let you know some of the exciting things currently brewing.
But in the meanwhile, we have a read-along to continue . . .
Chapter 7
The most difficult part: As of
this chapter we hit upon the most difficult part of the manuscript to write.
Which was particularly tough since it was right near the end of the book, with
my deadline swiftly looming. I had absolutely no time to dither, no time to
wait for “inspiration,” no time for anything but to just write . . .
But I had to be very careful. Because as of this chapter, we really begin
to see Veiled Rose overlapping with Heartless. And while the two stories
needed to sync up harmoniously, they also needed to feel like two distinct stories. The last thing I
wanted was for readers to feel like they were simply reading the same book
twice (though I received plenty of reviews early on claiming that I obviously
didn’t have any new ideas, so I just rehashed the old one. Sigh. It’s
impossible to win with reviews.)
One thing that did help tremendously with this section of the book was
that, in Heartless, I didn’t get into
Lionheart’s point-of-view while he was at Oriana Palace. I don’t think he got a
point-of-view at all until we encountered him again in Southlands. Thus I could
be pretty flexible with his thoughts and impressions as he first arrived at
And we finally learn the big question we’ve all been wondering since Heartless . . . what did Lionheart
really feel for Princess Una?
King Abundiantus V: Fun to see
this name referenced again! This particular king (who is known primarily by one
of his other names) is one of the major characters in upcoming novels. But
first, I’ll be writing the novel about King Abundiantus I . . .
Glimpse of a princess: Of
course, Lionheart doesn’t know it’s a princess he glimpses as he tussles with
the gate-guards, attempting to get through to Oriana Palace. He just sees a
curious young girl, peering out from behind a bush. She is dressed simply (for
all Una is a spoiled princess-type, she doesn’t go in for frills and ruffles.
You definitely have to give her points for that!), her hair in a long, messy
braid, and her face is round-eyed, sweet, and maybe a little scared. Quite a
charming aspect, really! And Lionheart calls out to her for aid . . . but she
slips away.
I do like this opportunity to meet Una from a different perspective. I
think Una’s popularity suffers mightily in Heartless
because we are so deeply and honestly invested in her thoughts and heart. There
is no hiding for her, no opportunity to present a gentler, sweeter perspective
to her readers. But here, we get to meet her from a whole new point-of-view . .
. and we discover that she is actually quite charming!
After all, how many of us would like people to root around in our
deepest, most honest thoughts? How many of us would come across particularly
better than Una, less selfish, less spoiled? I know I wouldn’t . . .
Sleeping in a Faerie forest: A
reader who has spent any time at all pursuing the various Faerie forests of
literature will know what a very bad idea
it is to take a nap therein. Lionheart is lucky he didn’t end up with a
white beard as long as Rip Van Winkle’s!
The Other: Once more the Other
mentioned several times previously in the text makes a brief appearance.
Singing into Lionheart’s mind, it declares, You
know the Princess Varvare.
It also says that she has gone “beyond reach of my voice.” So we know
this cannot be the Dragon! No, this is something else entirely, some new dread.
SPOILERS: For those of you who have read Moonblood and know who/what the Other is, you see here how swiftly
the unicorn can move through the Wood Between. It has been stalking the
Wilderlands, patrolling the boarders of Southlands for years and years (which
probably seems like no time at all for such an entity), searching and calling
for Princess Varvare, the hidden Faerie child. But the moment it senses
Lionheart’s in the Wood—Lionheart’s mind which contains strong memories and
feelings for Rose Red, even if he hasn’t consciously thought of her for some
while—the unicorn immediately speeds through the Wood to appear before
Lionheart. And it leaves him a message, a message that may be a command or may
be a prophecy. “When you see her, you
will send her to me.”
He had a ring to find: We
definitely get a new perspective on Lionheart’s arrival at Oriana now that we
know what he seeks. Before, we had no idea that he sought anything but a job.
But there was much more going on in Lionheart’s head. He has a very specific
task to fulfill . . .
Again, I find it interesting to read former work and to see it in the
context of new work—new work that I hadn’t even begun to plan at the time I
wrote these early stories. For instance, Lionheart’s seeking of Una’s ring is so much more pertinent to me now that
I’ve written Golden Daughter.
Because, you see, in Golden Daughter
we are going to learn where exactly that ring came from . . . and what exactly
it signified. Originally, it was nothing more than a physical representation of
Una’s heart (and a literary nod to George MacDonald’s Princess and the Goblin). Since then, it has become so much more .
. .
A Jester’s demise: I enjoyed
reading again the scene of Lionheart’s jesterly apology to Una, in which he
wins her over with his amusing antics and earns her forgiveness for leaping
upon her. This scene as written in Heartless
was part of the very earliest draft, and I’ve always particularly liked it.
Again, it was a challenge to present it again in Veiled Rose, trying to make it both amusing to new readers and not
repetitive to old. But it’s fun scene to read, one way or the other.
In love with a stranger: At
the sound of the nameless girl’s laugh, Lionheart—for the first time in his
life, the text tells us, despite any flirtations and thoughts of marriage with
Daylily—falls madly in love.
And now we know. The Lionheart from Heartless
was a fool, a coward, and a user. But he did love Una. An immature, fragile
sort of love to be sure. But love nonetheless.
If anything, that makes what’s coming that much worse . . .
Certainly not as a beautiful: I
like this indication that physical beauty isn’t of primary importance to
Lionheart. Una is certainly not as beautiful as Lady Daylily, but that doesn’t
seem to bother Lionheart for a moment. Credit where it’s do, he does have a
slightly better idea of what qualities are important than one might expect!
The picture in the hall: The
painting mentioned in this chapter—the three men, two in chains, one in a
crown; the weeping woman; the gold stone and the figure lying upon it—we
mentioned a few times in Heartless.
Here we see it again, and it also gets referenced in Moonblood. So you can bet, with all those references, it’s
important to the series, though the specific story has yet to be told!
And one figure of the mix, Lionheart recognizes immediately: the Dragon.
Half as skilled mopping floors: Following
Lionheart’s jesterly performance for King Fidel and his family, we learn that
our favorite jester has been hired, not only to perform, but also to scrub.
The Crown Prince of Southlands has become a household lackey. Again.
“Lionheart.” Though Lionheart
has only given his false name, “Leonard the Lightning Tongue,” suddenly he
hears a strange voice calling him by his real name, “Lionheart.” The Prince of
Farthestshore, a man he has never before met, speaks to him in the hall. What’s
more, this mysterious Prince knows exactly what Lionheart is about.
Questions on the Text:
1. Why do you think Lionheart
fell in love with Princess Una so suddenly upon their meeting?
2. Lionheart mentions the
Siege of Rudiobus. Any of you have a
guess what story he might be referring to there?
3. At one point in this
chapter, Lionheart looks at himself in a mirror and whispers, “I don’t even
know who I am anymore.” Who of you have
felt this way before? When was that? Is it a feeling of the past, or something
you’ve worked through?
4. Any guesses as to the story
behind the picture in the hall?
5. The text says that, during his encounter
with Prince Aethelbald, Lionhearted “wanted to run, to escape those kind eyes,
to never again hear that voice.” Why do you think he feels this way?
6. Any favorite lines?
1. I think he saw something in her that he hadn't seen in anyone else, and he was probably also attracted by the fact that Una is simply herself, as opposed to Rose Red and Daylily, who hide themselves behind veils.
4. I'm not sure, but my guess is that it's telling the story of how the Dragon was chained to the Golden Stone. The lady, of course, is his sister. The three men I'm not as certain about; I assumed the crowned one was the Prince, but as two who look just like him are chained together, I could be wrong.
5. Because even though he doesn't realize it, he senses who Prince Aethelbald is and that getting too close to him is a dangerous thing. Prince Aethelbald obviously knows who Leonard really is- more than Leonard himself knows- and that scares Leonard. And I'd guess that the Dragon's Sister is influencing him as well.
2. I think Lionheart is referencing the story of the Dragonwitch, who gained entrance to Rudiobus in order to procure the Flowing Gold and "kidnapped" Lady Gleamdren.
3. When I was fifteen, I went through a particularly trying time. Someone who I thought was a friend revealed himself as treacherous in that regard. The only thing I'll say is that it involved my weight and a supposed date. So, I felt inadequate and a stranger to myself. Thankfully, I've gotten past it, or at least I'm not as bothered anymore. Occasionally, those memories will sneak up on me, though.
4. I think the story behind the picture has to do with the Dragon's awakening from his century-long sleep. As for who the other people are, I am not sure. I'm leaning toward these possibilities: 1. Vahe is the crowned king. 2. The two chained men are either other goblins, (Sir Oeric, for instance), or one of the men could be Prince Aethelbald in disguise. 3. I think the weeping lady is Beana.
5. Lionheart is disturbed by Prince Aethelbald because the Prince of Farthestshore can see into his very soul. Lionheart cannot bear his secret self to be exposed. How I relate to his feelings! (I love this scene between Lionheart and the Prince). Also, Lady Life-In-Death fears Aethelbald, too, and her fear is felt by Lionheart.
Happy New Year!
1. Una laughed at Lionheart's jester side, which was what he always wanted to be as a kid.
2. A later story?
3. Yes. In the past.
4. We know the gold stone is in the Netherworld where Rose Red is. Perhaps something that took place in history.?
5. He himself is torn. As they said above, Prince Aethelbald knew who Lionheart was.
6. Lionheart clambered up onto the pedestal and put his arm around the stone king's waist. "She says I must die," he told it, indicating the girl with a sweep of his hand. She stood with her mouth open, hardly seeming to breath. "Will you mourn for me?" The stone king scowled.
He opened one eye and peered up at the girl, who was staring down at him. "Satisfied, m'lady?" -pg. 309
Is the Silent Lady a person? On page 315 the Sister says, "She won't help you, sweet prince, I will." Will we see her in a later novel?
2.The siege of Rudiobus is the time when the dragonwitch enters the mountain and captures lady Gleamdrene
4.I think it is when the Dragon was bound to the Goldstone
5.I think it because he has the voice of the lady of dreams realised's in his head.
6.Could my end be put of until tomorrow ?
1. Hard to say. It could be that she was unlike any princess he ever knew and that she laughed at his jokes.
2. The Dragonwitch's siege in Starflower.
4. Except for the clues you've given, I can't say I really do. I haven't given it a lot of thought.
5. Meredith's answer. :)
- Heather
1. Daylily had a wall surrounding her emotions. Rose Red is just his servant. So Una is a break from everything else. :)
2. Um...I dunno.
3. Well...yeah, sort of. You see, I'm fourteen and I am doing community college. Last semester--my first semester in college--was really hard.I had to give up all my free time and hobbies--including writing. :( Anyway, there were just some low times. :)
4. Maybe the Dragon, Beana and What's-His-Face? I can't remember that guy's name. King Vahe's bro.
5. He doesn't want anyone to know what he has done/what he's doing.
1. She was different than then other girls he knew. Rose Red was a girl, Daylily was a lady, and Una was a lass. She's more open and honest than the other two, and she laughed easily. Neither of the other two did that.
2. Was it perhaps the events of Dragonwitch?
3. Unlike some of the other commenters, I've never quite had a major event that made me wonder, but I think that everyone has a point in their life when they're trying to figure out who they are.
4. When the Dragon was bound to the stone.
5. He hates being pitied. He sees Aethelbald as pitying him, and that he won't have. He also knows that the Prince is aware of who he is and what he has done.
6. He gathered for another spring, catching hold of the stone king’s fist at the last moment. “I don’t suppose my end could be put off until tomorrow, could it?”
Stengl, Anne Elisabeth (2011-07-01). Veiled Rose (Tales of Goldstone Wood Book #2) (p. 309). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
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