We're coming close to the end of this read-along. Tell me, dear readers, would you like to do something fun to celebrate? I was thinking about a facebook chat party from 8:00-9:00pm eastern on Thursday evening perhaps. Over on my author page. Everyone who participates will have her/his name entered for a chance to win Veiled Rose, Goddess Tithe, and one other Goldstone Wood book of choice. Just a chance for chatting about the book, asking/answering questions, sharing art, thoughts, insights . . . basically what we've been doing, but all at once! Let me know if you like this idea, and I will add it into the schedule.
Anyway, here is our daily chapter!
Chapter 12
The Eldest’s Hall: Upon waking, Rose Red finds herself lying in the ruins of the Eldest’s Hall.
Which may at first seem quite dreadful, until we realize that at least she back in her own world!
We also realize just how deeply connected the Eldest’s House had become with the Dragon’s Netherworld. As the Dragon, in his rage, tore apart the cavern of the Village, he simultaneously tore down the stones of the mortal hall. He is a supernatural force, unbound by single times or single spaces, but moving in many times and places all at the same time. Truly a dreadful foe.
But he is gone. Long gone, even. Rose Red regains consciousness in ruins, but ruins free of the Dragon.
Beana: Though the last we glimpsed of her she was wearing human form, Beana has returned to her goat shape as she reunites with Rose Red. The lantern is gone too, you’ll notice. It is probably not easy to carry it out of the Netherworld (readers of Starflower will recall that the moment Eanrin left the Netherworld, he lost his hold of the lantern as well. If I remember correctly, the same happened to those who carried it in Dragonwitch too. Is it terrible that I don’t always remember details like this from my own work? It’s been a while since I wrote those, though! LOL).
“The prince left us long ago.” Rose Red tells Daylily that the Prince saved them from the Dragon, but Daylily is unable to receive this sort of information, not at this time. Though she was there and quite possibly witnessed the entire climactic events, she could not conceive of what transpired. And when Rose Red speaks, Daylily immediately assumes that she means Prince Lionheart. And Lionheart did not face the Dragon. He hasn’t even returned yet, leaving them to get by as best they can.
And the poison in Daylily’s veins continues to work on her, making her perceive Lionheart’s absence on a personal level Lionheart himself probably never intended.
Five years: Beana informs Rose Red that five years of mortal time have passed since Rose Red passed through the gates into the Eldest’s House. Yet it seems like so little time to Rose Red! And those who have been imprisoned, though sick with poison, are not long-since starved and dead. No, they appear to be waking from a long, restless sleep.
I wonder if they aged at all during that time? The Eldest is obviously aged by the dragon-poison, but that’s not the same. And the text doesn’t say if their hair has grown long or their nails (poor Foxbrush still hasn’t grown a beard!), so I would think they were in a state of stasis. Not aging nor feeling any bodily needs. Completely frozen. Rather like Sleeping Beauty and her long sleep.
Daylily glanced at Rose Red. There is a strong implication here that Daylily knew exactly what would happen the moment everyone in that room set eyes upon Rose Red. The text doesn’t say overtly that she intended for Rose Red to be chased away by the terrified inhabitants of the House . . . but the fact that she looked from her to Foxbrush and back implies a certain calculation. And why else would she call his name suddenly, effectually drawing Foxbrush’s attention to her . . . and the unveiled creature supporting her.
Foxbrush’s reaction I do not blame (all considering, this is a pretty brave moment for him!). Nor the reaction of the others. It’s sad to see such violence and fear turned upon our beloved Rose Red, but it’s hard to cast stones at these poor, poisoned souls so newly wakened from dreadful sleep.
But Daylily . . . for the first time, I find I cannot forgive Daylily. She has been a tough cookie all along, on a difficult character to quite get a handle on. But I’ve been able to sympathize with her, understand her actions and point of view. But this? This is just wrong.
However, even now I would beg the reader to remember that Daylily is suffering under terrible dragon-poison . . .
Questions on the text
1. Were you surprised at the reaction to Rose Red demonstrated by Foxbrush and the others? Or did you remember that she was unveiled?
2. Any favorite lines?
Allison wants to know: "Did any of Leo's reasons behind his choices-- such as why he did not take Una's ring by force-- surprise you as you wrote Veiled Rose?"
I wish I could say yes, but not really, honestly. For one thing, I knew he couldn't take Una's ring by force because he hadn't in Heartless, so all along I had to be developing reasons for him not to. That was such a key element, there wasn't much room for surprise.
Also, you have to bear in mind that I had already drafted Moonblood before writing this version of Veiled Rose . . . so I knew Lionheart pretty well already and was carefully structuring everything to lead to the events in Moonblood. Again, not a lot of room for surprise! At least, not in this respect.
Allison also wants to know: "Also, would you mind if I made a Wikipedia page for you? I know computer programming, so it won't be a problem. I just want to make sure you don't have a particular reason for not wanting it."
I would LOVE to have a Wikipedia page! What a concept, being able to look myself up Wikipedia . . . :) Feel free to build one, and also feel free to email me if you have any questions about content details. I'm happy to help (even if, as I said in the previous post, it takes me a little while to get back to you due to the current schedule).
Jemma wants to know: "Will we get to read the story of the child with a white lion?"
You sure will! Very soon now, actually . . . click here to find a hint.
1. I was surprised as I had indeed forgotten about the veil. Poor Rose Red!
OOo, the Facebook party sounds very fun!
1. Yes, I believe I was surprised. And saddened. And irritated at Daylily.
I'd like the Facebook party, but I don't have a Facebook account. :'(
Your Wikipedia page is pending approval! It could take 2-3 weeks. Bleh. I'll let you know as soon as it's up. So far it just has a brief bio and your bibliography, but I hope to expand on that and maybe make pages for your books, too. I linked you to the Christy Awards, third person omniscient narrative, and fantasy series, so anyone searching lists of those will see your name. I hope you like it!
1. I totally forgot she was unveiled. When I realized that, I wasn't surprised so much as mad at Daylily. :P
1. Although I am not surprised, exactly, I am disappointed. I am most disappointed of all in Daylily, who had seen Rose Red's face, should know that she is safer veiled, but still drew attention to her. I suppose that, with as badly as she had been hurt, all she could respond with was more pain. Although Foxbrush disappoints me, too. He is supposed to be the smart one.
2. "The Dragon was gone."
Is there a specific country you based the Southlands on?
Will Rose Red and Daylily ever meet again? (I mean, not in 'Veiled Rose,' but in the series.)
The Facebook party sounds fun, but I'm away that evening. : (
Just so you know, Anna, you don't need a Facebook account to see what's going on. Anne Elisabeth's author page is accessible to all public. You just wouldn't be able to participate. :(
1. I think I forgot she was unveiled.
2. The weird half-light was gone, replaced by murky but ordinary daylight. No more sensation of walking in two worlds at once. The Dragon had fled Southlands and released the palace back into its own realm, where it belonged. -pg. 352
The facebook thing sounds interesting a I will get my Mum to do it if you do.
1. Yes, I had forgotten that her veil was gone.
Will Una have any children? Because that is what most ladys do and I am curious to what they would be like if she did.
By the way a wikipeidia page sounds realy interesting.
I'm wondering if perhaps you could do something other than a Facebook chat party? I know that both I and Anna do not have one, and I think from Anonymous-Jemma's words that she doesn't have one, either. I know that there are places out there where you could do a live chat or something of that sort. If it would be of any inconvenience, than please don't bother, especially since I know that you are very busy, but if it wouldn't be too much of a bother, I know that we'd appreciate it.
1. If I remember correctly, I wasn't surprised and remembered that she was unveiled, though I was not quite expecting Daylily to be so... maniacal.
2. For although the Dragon was gone, his poisons lingered, and the frightened men and women must find some vent for their fear. And Rose Red had forgotten that she no longer wore her veil.
1. Yes, I was surprised, although I do not know how I forgot that she was unveiled. I suppose I assumed that when she awoke, she'd be veiled again. Glad you chose not to do that, though, since it would have lessened the emotional poignancy of this chapter. Poor Rosie. I am so intrigued about Foxbrush and sympathize with him more as a result of this read-along. Daylily frustrates me in this chapter, but I still like her and am looking forward to her role as protagonist in Shadow Hand.
2. Lines: Rose Red's conversation with Beana, especially the portion where she laments that she almost gave in and accepted the Dragon's kiss. Beana's response is so beautiful and true. No one can stand up to that monster alone, and we must have help.
1. I remembered she was unveiled, so I wasn't surprised by the reactions too much (especially Foxbrush's given his reaction toward the beginning of the book).
2. I really liked this conversation between Beana and Rose:
“Brave child!”
“Not really,” Rose Red said, speaking into Beana’s coarse coat. “I . . . Beana, I almost let him—”
“So would we all,” said the goat. “There is only one who can stand up to that Monster in the end. Our strength must always give out at last, but his never will. You called him, just as you were supposed to, and all is well now. My brave child!”
1. At first I was surprised by Foxbrush's reaction. But later on, I couldn't blame him one bit.
- Heather
In human psychology, it's very true that we have these quick reactions based on a person's visual appearance. It is part of our wiring. Actually, the happiness of our face has a lot to do with the long haul of our lives. People that are in their 60s and 70s actually reflect in the way the wrinkles go what kind of demeanor they have had on a daily basis. Our face shows what kind of life we have lived.
But I think it would be difficult for anyone to observe a regal, stately physical carriage which is like that of a princess graced with superstrength and then behold a face which didn't compute with that at all.
May I ask if there is a main message you, Anne are trying to convey through this device? I feel like I've missed it. In this area, I feel insensitive.
CS Lewis has very little mortal time passing when they go to Narnia. It is a good idea having lots of time pass when they go to the underworld. It might explain how some wizards live to be so old.
Thanks for letting me know! If we do the Facebook party, then I will definitely watch! :)
Yes. I would like to do the facebook chat party.
Yes. I would like to do the facebook chat party.
The facebook chat party sounds like a great idea!
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