I have now read all of the submissions and am beginning to put forward my top picks. One of the two other readers is not quite finished but hopes to put forward a list by the end of the weekend. Then we'll be discussing the stories and making the final selection.
So all that to say, the winners aren't officially picked yet. There is only one story out of all the submissions that all three readers have already agreed must be in the collection . . . but that's only because one of the readers hasn't finished reading the submissions yet. I have thirteen stories in my "Favorites" file, and I have probably narrowed down to seven top favorites. But that's still too many! Which means I will end up having to pass on several stories that I particularly love. *tears* Ultimately the other two readers and I will be selecting stories based on what we think will make the most interesting collection. Which of the stories are most unique but still complimentary, etc.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: the submissions for this contest astounded me. Even narrowing down to the too-many-favorites file I have was extremely difficult. The variety of ideas and styles and genres and characterizations blew me away! I can hardly wait to share this collection . . .
Only one more week, dear readers and writers!
What a fun job to have and yet so difficult. Looking forward to reading the collection!
Can't wait! Thank you so much for finishing early. : ) Will this move the release date of the book back a month?
@Allison Ruvidich: That's a good question! I'm afraid the answer is "no," however. Part of the reason the readers and I worked so hard to up the announcement date was to help make sure we can release the book by June. With five stories to organize, design, edit, etc. it will take a bit of doing! But hopefully by moving up the announcement, we'll be able to release the book in EARLY June rather than LATE June. :)
This is so exciting! It is going to be a fabulous collection. Can't imagine how hard this deciding job is going to be for you!
It's just amazing how many stories you must have had to read to get finished earlier than planned. And, so many outstanding storytellers, too! I know you must have had fun and been challenged simultaneously. I know the stories that are selected will be beautiful. God bless you and have a wonderful weekend.
I'm excited for the announcement of the winners and for the release of the book! I can only imagine how difficult it is to narrow the selection down to five, but I know the judge's final selections will be fantastic. Thank you again for all of your time on this. You all are a blessing.
I...I just...Anne Elisabeth, you are killing your imps!!!
Oooooooooo.....*momentarily faints*
Oh, the agony of waiting a week! But thank you, so, so much, Anne Elisabeth for working so hard to move the reveal date to February. Finding five amongst everything that must have been sent in is mind-blowing. This is going to be an incredible collection.
Nearly exploding in nervous anticipation over here!!! :D I can only imagine how difficult it is to narrow it down. Good look to you and the other readers as you make your selections!
Okay, give me a moment to keep from hyperventilating.
Thank you for reading so quick and moving it up! I can barely wait. I know God will guide you as you choose.
Yea! Can't wait to hear who won! :-)
I am going to drive myself nuts thinking about this.
So very exciting!!
So, so exciting!!! This contest has been so fun. Can't wait to read the final collection! I'm sure it will be amazing!! :)
Thanks, Anne Elisabeth, for putting this on! And endurance to you as you wrap it up! :)
God's blessings!!
Thanks for putting the contest together, Anne Elisabeth! I can't wait to read the winning submissions when the book comes out! :)
Just under a week, everyone!
SO SO SO exciting!
How many entries did you end up with?
Thank you a billion for moving the contest up!! Even though waiting a week is, in a way, harder than waiting a month! ;)
I was looking at the Heartless read-along, has the book changed at all since then? I didn't reconise some lines.
eeeeek!!! so beyond scared/nervous/pumped and a variety of other emotions! Saturday is going to come so slow! :)
@Jemma: Nope,HEARTLESS hasn't changed at all. The lines are all the same. Maybe it's been a little while since last you read it. :)
@Everyone Else: I am really looking forward to posting the winners and celebrating this project with all of you. And then I am even MORE excited to announce the next contest . . . but that won't be until June. :)
Sorry, this whole waiting and wondering is doing something to my nerves. ;)
I can't wait for June!!! But I better not wish half my year away. Ah well, there will be plenty of things to look forward to in between. Like Shadow Hand. And Golden Daughter. And cover reveals.
It must be hard work sorting through all the submissions. :) It's amazing how many unusual takes there are on the Cinderella story. I love classic stories that get major plot twists. :)
Will be interesting to see the final collection!
TWO MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!
One. More. Day.
EEEEK! Only one more sleep!!!!
It's so fun seeing how everyone is counting down till the winners are revealed. I actually reread Ella Enchanted, by Gail Carson Levine and watched the movie, Ever After this week. I guess I've caught Cinderella fever like everyone else. Hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend. God bless.
@Meredith, I have read Ella Enchanted SO MANY TIMES!!!! I'm serious, like six or seven! And I can recite the first page word perfect. ;) I kept coming back to it as a sort of reference for my story, too. :)
I am going to die. Of nervousness. SFHUOSFHUQHYEJWI!!!! :D
I've been counting down all week! Ahhh, waiting is so hard!!!!
I've been counting down ALL WEEK! This waiting is SO HARD! I want to know who the winners are!
6 more hours until February 1... : ) *Nervousness.* Before we find out, good luck to everybody who entered! : )
So many excited writers. God's peace and blessings to all.
To Anna:
Oh, I've read Ella Enchanted many times as well. I especially love the relationship that develops between Ella and Char, that it's not a whirlwind "love at first sight" thing. They learn about each other as the story progresses. Also love Mandy and her refusal to do "big magic". I love all the Gail Carson Levine books I've read. I think I've read everyone accept A Tale of Two Castles and Three Wishes. I guess my favorite is The Two Princesses of Bamarre. God bless you.
I will not sleep tonight. At all.
Best of luck to everyone!!!
Blessings to all! And may all we have a good sleep, despite the anticipation. :D
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