Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Want to know what my most recent indulgence/craving has been?

Lindt Caramel and Sea Salt Chocolates. And I am totally blaming my beautiful sister-in-law, Kristen, for this, since she turned me this direction back when she visited me in January! And now, thanks to her chocolaty influence, I am a lost cause.

It's such a perfect combination of flavors for me, because I'm not naturally a sweet-tooth. I prefer savories. But this chocolate . . . O! this beautiful chocolate has that delightful dash of sea salt that makes it utterly irresistible.

And Rohan bought me three bars of these for our anniversary. The decadence!!!!

Have you tried them? If not, why not? And don't try to tell me it's because you don't like chocolate. I flatly refuse to believe that I could possibly live in such a world where people don't like chocolate! (Unless you're . . . shudder . . . allergic? Or something? I might have to allow some grace for that.)

I think it's part of every good and healthy writer-life to have some sort of indulgence on hand for timely rewards. What are some of your favorite whilst-writing treats?


Gina @ Hott Books said...

oh, I haven't tried them. I see them in the store and my mouth waters. I know that after one taste I'll never be able to stop buying them. I'd have to stop shopping after eating one!

Kathleen said...

We have lindt in Australia but sadly my mother is allergic to gluten and it contains gluten so we don't have much. My most favoured chocolate I must say is Cabury and not the kind you get in a America o no Austrlain Cabury chocolate is amazing, my friends who have visited America however had been sadly mistaken by American Cabury and were very disappointed, however I am not discrediting the amazingness of American sweets which are quite wonderful. So whenever you come to Austrlia take the time to visit me firstly and I will share with you the delight of Austrlain Cabury chocolate, lol.
That was along message to say I like Cabury :)

Sarah Pennington said...

Oh, that sounds heavenly. Half my family thinks I'm crazy for liking chocolate with sea salt, but I think it's delicious, and caramel would just make it better.

My number-one favorite whilst-writing treat is Lifesavers, since they don't disappear too fast and you can just suck on them while you write. I also like jellybeans, m'n'ms, or other small candies that I can have several of without eating too much, so that I can reward myself by eating one or two every time I finish a page.

Jenelle Leanne said...

mmm, I have not seen those (which would explain why I haven't tried it yet).

I tend to be less of a gourmet when it comes to my writing-treats. I like 5th Avenue bars, or sometimes a small bag of chips. Dr. Pepper is also a must. :)

Jenny Freitag said...

Ah, I love this chocolate! In general chocolate is too sweet for me, but the touch of salt balances the flavour perfectly. Nummy. ^.^

And now I perceive there is someone in the world with whom I must fight for this delicacy. This bodes to be inauspicious.

Hannah said...


On vacation, we went through Joseph, Oregon and stopped at the most scrumptious coffee and chocolate shop. Its called Arrowhead Chocolate. Their white chocolate hot chocolate is straight from heaven. And there alder-smoked sea salt caramel is absolutely tantalizing!

So yes. Chocolate is wonderful.

Unknown said...

MICROWAVE POPCORN. I am mostly a healthy eater, but it is my kryptonite. Although the other day I got Hagen Daz sea-salt caramel gelato... It was scrumptious. :)

Carmel Elizabeth said...

I love Lindt's chocolates! I haven't had the caramel-sea-salt type, but there is a certain spicy one...and I can't seem to remember what it's called. :P It's amazing though, if you can manage to find it. That hint of spicy really balances out the sweet of the chocolate and it is...amazing. ;P

Clara said...

AAAAAHHHH!!!!! No! Please, Anne Elisabeth, don't get me addicted to any more chocolate treats! There is nothing in the world that I like better than chocolate and caramel, and these Lindt's chocoaltes sound utterly amazing. And I want some. Now.

My Mom recently made a WONDERFUL apple/carrot cake with an apple cider caramel in the center and a cream cheese frosting. Other than that, my craving has been for lemon poppy seed scones with devinshire cream...AH! You've done me in, Anne Elisabeth ;)

Meredith said...

Good heavens! All this talk is making me salivate! Chocolate and caramel are a wonderful combination, and I'm sure the sea salt adds just enough savory for a perfect balance. I've never heard of these particular chocolates, but I'll definitely look for them.

For writing treats, I sometimes indulge in Reece's Peanut Butter Cup miniatures or Snickers bars. I try not to snack too much because I can't stop at just one. Well, actually, I won't stop at just one. But, I am a chocoholic of the first order! It gets me into trouble in other ways, because my sweet addiction creeps into my writing. So, I will inevitably catch myself describing luscious treats that I will later have to cut from the story because the descriptions have absolutely no bearing on the plot! It's crazy! God bless.

Hannah said...

I don't know, Meredith. Brian Jacques became very famous for his food descriptions. You could become famous for describing luscious treats! :)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...along with the discussed Sea Salt and Caramel Chocolate, I also enjoy munching on Pocky (a chocolate-coated (occasionally with chopped almonds)cookie stick from Japan) while I work.

Additionally, I feel as though I should apologize for that part of my January visit having such a lingering effect...but it's especially delectable variety at I won't. ;)

Anna said...

@ Jenelle Leanne:

Just wanted to say that I was the winner of your book in the giveaway and I'm enjoying it very much. :) It's really good!!! :D Thanks so much!!!

For those of you who haven't read her book: King's Warrior, you seriously should!!!

Meredith said...

Good point, Hannah. Would you believe I've only read Redwall? I believe I do remember some wonderful food descriptions in that book. I'll have to read it again because I'm afraid I've forgotten most of the plot. Isn't that terrible?

Right now, I am totally immersed in the enthralling Dragonwitch saga! It's absolutely amazing! I think I finally figured out who one of the characters might be in a later book. I honestly don't know how she can create such empathetic villains. That's the mark of a wonderful story teller. And, I love Leta's struggle with herself, Rebellious and Practical. How I can relate! My word! The story is incredible!

Hannah said...

Meredith: SQUEEE! You're reading Dragonwitch! How totally awesome!

Jenelle Leanne said...

@Anna: Oh yay! I'm glad you're enjoying it!

@Meredith and Hannah: I love the Redwall books... but for some reason they always take me forever to just make myself "pick up" I'm not sure why that is. The second I start reading them, I absolutely cannot put them down... but making myself pick them up is hard.

And I LOVED Dragonwitch, too!!!!! :) I blitzed through all 5 of Anne Elisabeth's books in the month of August and now I am impatiently awaiting the next installment :)

Anna said...

Yes, King's Warrior is very cryptic and mysterious! :) Brant!! And Darby!!! *Squeal!*

I really want to read Dragonwitch!! But my parents are in Mexico and I can't buy anything while they're gone!!!! :D

J. L. Mbewe said...

I love Lindt chocolate! But I haven't tried this one yet. Next on my to do list!

Thanks for sharing!