Do you have more than thirty followers on your blog?
If so, let me ask you one more question . . . would you like to be an influencer for my upcoming novel, Dragonwitch?
I am looking for bloggers for my publishing house to send complimentary copies of my novel in return for reviews. You are not obligated to write a positive review . . . though I would personally ask that, if you don't like the book for whatever reason, maybe don't bother with a review and simply pass it on to someone you think might enjoy it. But once the book is yours, it's yours, so review as you see fit.
I'm also eager to do interviews, giveaways, and features. If you're interested in hosting me on your blog, let me know, and I will also provide copies of Dragonwitch for giveaways.
If you are interested in being an influencer, feel free to email me (aestengl@gmail.com) your blog address, the number of followers you have, and your mailing address. And I will be certain you are added to the super-special list!
I hope you get lots of influencers! (I don't have thirty followers) Best of luck! ;)
I might be able to, depending on when it comes out. So the question is...when would you want the review? :)
You can do the review whenever you have a chance!
I am hoping to get together a bunch of features for July 15th, however (which is the "official" release date). If you want to take part in that, your feature can include a review, or an interview, or a guest post written by me, or a sneak peek from the book, or a top-tens list (my top ten favorite fantasy novels, or dragons, or something like that). Lots of options!
So email me if you'd like the review copy and/or to take part in the July 15th features. :)
I have every single one of your other books. I love them! so does my sister. I wish you the best of luck! (I have a blog but I do not have 30 followers.)
Is there a cut-off date to take part in this? I'm getting near 30... I can maybe get a contest together this week to put me over the top?
June 1st is the date I need to get the list in to my publisher, so as long as you let me know by then, you're good! :D
Okay, so I was looking back for a certain post but I couldn't find it, so I'll just ask...who, actresses and actor-wise, would you pick as Eanrin and Imraldera?
Hmmmm, I'm not certain where that post would be either. But I picked Jude Law for Eanrin and Shay Mitchell for Imraldera! :D Who would you pick???
I would LOVE to be an influncer for Dragonwtich, but unfortunately I only have 15 followers on my blog Crafty Booksheeps! :(
However I will definitely help spread the word on how awesome the book will be after I read it! :)
I do not have a blog but willingly post reviews on several sites.
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