The Next Big Thing:
The title of my upcoming release in the Tales of Goldstone
Wood is Dragonwitch.
Where did the
idea come from for the book?
Wow, that's hard to say. The ideas were brewing for quite a
few years before I finally wrote this novel! Actually, it started out as two
separate stories, one focused on the Dragonwitch and her story, the other
focused on a character I called "the Smallman King" and his fight
with an evil ogre that was reminiscent of David and Goliath. I wrote the
original stories in the style of legends, and they were referenced in the
novels and novellas I worked on through high school. But later I realized that
they were really one story, intricately joined.
The character who really brought them together, though, was
Mouse. That character sprang out nowhere in the summer of 2010 while I was
deeply involved in writing a completely different novel. But once Mouse came to
mind, the rest of Dragonwitch began
to fall into place, becoming the story that you will be reading in another few
What genre does your
book fall under?
This novel, like all my novels, is a fairy tale fantasy,
aimed at the YA audience.
Which actors would you
choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
I would cast Jamie Bell as Alistair, the young heir to
Gaheris House.
I think a young Samantha Morton would make an excellent Lady
Leta of Aiven, Alistair's betrothed.
For the other characters . . . well, they
would be a lot harder to cast! But Eanrin would still be played by Jude Law,
and Imraldera by Shay Mitchell.
What is the
one-sentence synopsis of your book?
When a terrifying evil breaks through a death-house gate
and sets upon the North Country, three unlikely heroes set out on an impossible
quest to bring nursery rhymes to life . . . but in so doing, they must enter
the realm of the Dragonwitch.
Will your book be
self-published or represented by an agency?
This novel is represented by Books & Such Literary Agency
and will be published this summer by Bethany House Publishers.
How long did it take
you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
Let's see, I started writing it in July 2011, I think, and
finished the first draft in January 2012. It seemed like a whole lot longer,
however! That book was a very
difficult one to write.
What other books would
you compare this story to within your genre?
My stories are similar to Robin McKinley's wonderful retold
fairy tales, such as Beauty or Rose Daughter. But my fairy tales are
original, rather than retellings, so in that they differ.
Who or What inspired
you to write this book?
The Dragonwitch herself made me want to write this book. I
have been toying around with her as a character since I was sixteen years old.
Then she had a dominant role in my last novel, Starflower. I was very eager to continue exploring into her
character, finally giving the reader the whole of her story rather than the
hints and pieces dropped so far.
What else about your
book might pique the reader’s interest?
Death-house gates . . . monsters from another world . . .
doomed heirs . . . prophetic dreams . . . the power of words and books in the
hands of the weak . . . disguises, escapes, intrigues, and one very terrifying
dragon, trapped in a woman's body and bent upon revenge. Add to that a dash of
romance, and I think it's a pretty fun story altogether!
Thanks for stopping by on the blog hop tour! Next week, January 23rd, be sure to check out these fine authors:
Abigail Hartman:
Jennifer Freitag:
Faith King:
Very cool! I like the pictures of the actors and actresses you picked out. (I recognized Samantha Morton from Jane Eyre!)
Mouse has me extremely interested. I wonder how she pulls the story together.
whoaaa....Death house gate? I know you had mentioned that before in some of your past books, but I wasn't expecting it in this one. Who are the three unlikely heroes that must travel to the realm of the Dragonwitch? And why? I assumed that the Dragonwitch is the evil who comes to the North Country. Is she after all?
P.S. These are contemplating questions. I'm not really expecting answers.
Wow, I'm even more excited for Dragonwitch now! It sounds like it'll be an amazing adventure!
I LOVE Jamie Bell! And Jude Law is the PERFECT Eanrin. I can't wait for Dragonwitch!
Anne, I absolutely loved Eanrin's top ten list of qualities he looks for in a perfect mate on! The last line was very telling and confirmed my suspicions. We can't wait to read on!
I'm excited for the release of your new fantasy story.
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