Friday, January 27, 2017

Doings at Drakenheath - Looking to 2017

All righty, I know I've been gone for too long. And a sweet little note (in story form) in my inbox this morning reminded me that I should probably give all of you an update on events coming in 2017. So here you go . . . .


Yes! Rooglewood Press will be doing one last fairy tale retelling contest! I just had a long, sit-down meeting with my core team about it this month, and we are gearing up for a June 1st launch. There will be a few changes to the rules and process this year (just like every year), but the basic format of the contest will remain the same. Be watching our newsletter for info in March, and then be ready for the big launch in June!

Do keep in mind--This is going to be the last contest. We've had a great time doing them, but they are a TON of work, and we plan to move on to other projects after this year. So get ready to write your hearts out for one final, thrilling event!


This is news I'm sad to share and have been putting off announcing. But I do feel I owe it to all of you dear readers to keep you in the loop, so here goes.

I will not be writing more Goldstone Wood novels for the foreseeable future. I do hope to one day get back to them, but the truth is, they are not financially viable at this time, My little (growing) family depends on my income, and while my series has been a critically-acclaimed award-winner, it has never been a big seller. I hate having to admit that I need to write for money, not for sheer love and art . . . but there it is. Different seasons for different projects.

As I said, I hope to come back to the series someday. Hopefully in just a few years. But I can't make any promises on that score either.

And believe me, if you're disappointed to hear this, you're nowhere near as disappointed as I am to share it. I have poured my heart into these stories. They have been my life for the last many years. But this is reality for me right now.


This is the project into which I am currently channeling all my efforts. I have two and a half novels written in the series, and lots more in the works. BUT . . . after much thought and consideration, I have decided to pursue this series under a pen name. It's very different work from Goldstone Wood--much darker and more adult (not dirty. I don't write dirty books). I kind of doubt that most of you loyal imps will take to it.

If you discover this new series on your own and enjoy it, great! But I'm not going to market it here, under this name, and I'm probably not going to let anyone know my new pen name, at least not at first.


Needless to say, I will probably not be writing on this blog very much in the foreseeable future. I'll use it now and then to alert you to events, but for the most part, I recommend that those of you who want to keep up with the fairy tale contest sign up for our newsletter. That, or follow me on Facebook, either my author page or the Rooglewood Press page.

It's been a fun run, imps! I've enjoyed all the events--fan art contests, fan fiction, chat parties, and whatnot. But with the little princess now in the mix, the time has come for me to focus my efforts and channel my abilities into more financially viable avenues. Someday, maybe we'll be back . . . and maybe it will be better than ever!

For now, however, may Lumé shine brightly on your path, wherever that path may lead . . .


karina said...

Is Rooglewood Press publishing your new series?

karina said...

We'll all miss Goldstone Wood terribly but I'm excited for you that you are tackling what sounds like a very different sort of project. I hope it goes very well for your little family!
(Also, are you and your mum still writing a book together? That sounded intriguing.)

Deborah said...

Well I lover darker and more adult, so I hope you find you under your pen name. I like authors who are edgy, so I'm sure the new series will be good.

Savannah Jezowski said...

Looking forward to your new series. I hope I can find you. If you ever choose to reveal your new pen name, please let me know!! :)

Esther Brooksmith (wisdomcreates) said...

I'm excited about the upcoming contest -- and VERY much looking forward to it. I am sad that it will be the last one for a while, but I understand. Just as your blog and series have to shift for real life, so do other things. Last year was like that for me. May God guide your steps!

Bookishqueen said...

I'm sad to see Goldstone wood come to an end, but I understand the financial struggle.

Anonymous said...

I dont suppose you would let your hard core fans read some of what you have already written for the next book in the Tales of Goldstone Wood?

Unknown said...

But please please please are you going to publish Poison Crown, since it's already written? We could last years off of that, I promise!
I will (selfishly) admit that I'm disappointed about the pen name... I'll have to go hunting if I want to find more content from one of my favorite authors ever. Though I understand that you're kind of making a fresh start for yourself.
Your faithful imps will always be awaiting your return!

Sarah Pennington said...


I'm sad to hear that Goldstone Wood is ending for now. It's one of my favorite series, and will continue to be so whether you keep writing the series or not. However, I do understand why you feel you have to put them on hold. And, honestly, it's not like you're leaving us on a cliffhanger or anything. Most of the significant plot threads have been resolved; those few that remain we can content ourselves with headcanons on until you're able to return to the series (and certain ones, I'm not sure if they would've been resolved at all anyway).

I'm very much looking forward to the one last fairy tale retellings contest! (I also know what story I'm predicting/hoping for . . .)

Best of fortune in your new series. I don't know if I'll try to track it down or not, just to see what this series is. But I hope it goes well.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry to hear about the end of Goldstone Wood for now. I understand your reasons and am glad that you are thinking of your precious family. Goldstone Wood has deepened me as a person and a writer and I look up to you as a writer who has put her heart, mind, and soul into writing. Thank you for all your dedication and work. We cannot express our thanks in words to you. I pray the best for you in your new endeavors and will seek out your new series under your pen name. May Lume' shine on your path Anne. Wishing you well. We will always be your faithful imps. :) <3

Varvare said...

though I'm very sad( I literally teared up) family should always come first! But please put out poison crown! Having those books will probably help me pull through until you begin writing goldstone again :)

Clare said...

Is the secret project in the same genre? Or are we not even allowed to know that? I do really want to know what it is! But I understand how you want to keep your names separated. This is sad but thank you for all the books you have written, they are amazing!

Becky said...

Thank you for all you have given to us through your writing. I know you poured your heart into the TALES OF GOLDSTONE WOOD. Truly they were some of the deepest, most encouraging, even healing, books that I have read. I know of many who love the Wood. You showed us so beautifully over and over again that when we find ourselves in darkness to listen for our Prince's call and follow Him to the light. Thank you again, Anne Elisabeth. We will dearly miss you. May God bless and keep your family and may His face shine upon you all, and of course, your new endeavor.

Unknown said...

Very disappointed too, but I understand. I hope you succeed in your new books! I also hope I can find them too.I'll miss the Tales of Goldstone Wood and hope you reboot it again some day!

Anonymous said...

I am literally almost in tears . . .
I am really going to miss this series and the characters (Especially Eanrin who never fails to make me laugh and brighten my day), but I can see why you have to move on and may you be blessed in your new writing endeavors!
I hope I figure out which books you wrote under the new name because I will be eager to try them out!

Dara Esther said...

It's three days later and I still don't know what to think or say. I've only been in this fandom for a year and already it's one of my favorites. I can only say I understand why you have to do this (money is important, after all), though I'm very sorry it's going on pause for a while. I just hope that you'll be able to come back to it as soon as possible!

Hannah C. said...

I just read this, and I'm in a bit of a shock right now. I'm so sad about Goldstone Wood ending for now (let's call it a hiatus, it seems less scary), but the reason is understandable. Your family needs you! :) I'm also interested to know if there's any way that we could track down The Ridiculously Huge Project once it's published...I'm interested in anything that you write, no matter what! You've become one of my favorite authors (if not my favorite) since I started to read these books way-back-when. I've been excited for it since you've mentioned it!
Like a few other people, I'm also really curious about the book you mentioned with your mother, since I'm also a huge fan of Diana Wynne Jones' style of writing, which you mentioned it was similar to. Also, is a release of Poison Crown and/or just a few excerpts in the cards? Or possibly short stories, like Fallen Star?
I hope that everything goes well for you in all your projects! You're a truly talented author! :)
(And until this hiatus is over, I'll just keep re-reading and daydreaming about Imraldera and Eanrin...)

Unknown said...

Sad to hear about this, but good luck to your family!

E.F.B. said...

I am very sad to hear that you won't be able to work on Goldstone Wood for the forseeable future, and tears have been shed, but I completely understand. Actually, I saw it coming, especially once you introduced us to Una. I may not have kids of my own, but I know that they and other necessary life stuff can be expensive, and money makes the world go 'round, as the saying goes. I thank you so much for the stories that you were able to give us. They've me laugh, cry, and smile, they've inspired me, and made me strive to be a better writer. And who knows? Life can change so fast that maybe you'll be able to get back to your literary babies sooner than you think. :) Until then, for us fans, there's always rereads. :)

As for your new series, well, I admit I'm not always into darker stories, but then, it can depend on the reason for the "darkness". Even if I personally don't like your new stuff, I'm sure you'll find your audience, and I wish you all the best with it. :)

The Rooglewood Press contest: Silly as it sounds, the fact that it's the last one makes me really nervous. I was so very disappointed in myself last time for not even being able to finish my story to send it in. Lots of tears happened. But then, I hadn't read any retellings before, so looking back I can see how I wasn't ready to write something like that at that point in time. Maybe now that I'm more familiar with that sort of thing, I'll be able to do better. Even if I don't win, it will be a major accomplishment for me to finish and submit something, so I (nervously) look forward to trying.

As always, I pray for you and your family often and will continue to do so. I wish God's blessings on your every endeavor. May He guide your Path wherever it leads. <3


Just terrified my family with my cries of dismay.

I totally understand, but I was expecting to have Poison Crown to finish it off. :(

Hope your precious Una is doing well! I look forward to your new series. I can't wait to read it!

Unknown said...

I haven't been able to comment anything because I've been recovering from this disappointing news. I just want to thank you for taking the time these past few years to give us the stories that we do have. This series changed my life while I was in my darkest times. It has changed the way I view the world. Thank you, and may God bless you and your family

Unknown said...

Will we be getting Poison Crown??

ghost ryter said...

Thank you so, so much for all the wonderful Tales of Goldstone Wood books you've written! This series was one of the first that I really, truly fell in love with, and both you and them have had a huge impact on me. Your announcement only makes me cherish the books even more!

Please don't feel bad for making writing decisions based on money. People like to talk about "doing art for art's sake" and whatever, but financial need is a very real issue. If these books aren't selling and bringing in needed money (which...makes me kinda angry, to be honest, because these books are incredible and should be bigger sellers), then it's only sensible to put them on hold and focus on things that might do better. I admire you immensely for thinking about what will best for your family.

This announcement really does break my heart, but I can completely understand. And I am hoping right along with you that someday we'll get more Tales of Goldstone Wood. It could be twenty years, thirty years, fifty years, but I'll still be a devoted Imp at heart. <3

And about the Ridiculously Huge Project...I've honestly always loved when already established authors publish things surreptitiously under different names, and I feel like that would be a lot of fun for you. I shall be keeping a careful eye on all upcoming releases....

Tracey Dyck said...

Ghost Ryter said pretty much everything I was going to say. :) I have loved and will continue to love your books, Anne Elisabeth, and I pray your future endeavours are even more successful. Goldstone Wood will always have a special place in my heart. I'm so grateful for all the novels I have to reread (and all the novellas I have yet to read). I can't imagine how difficult this decision was for you, but I'm confident that God has gifted you, and He will keep using that gift to bless your readers! I hope to sniff out your new books under the pen name (since I rather enjoy darker books)!

Praying blessings over you and your family!

Tracey Dyck said...

P.S. Both Tales of Goldstone Wood and participating in all the fairy tale contests up to this point have been instrumental in my writing journey, and I can't thank you enough. You have no idea of the positive impact you've been making on people. :)

Anonymous said...

Please please please consider releasing Poison Crown. We are so looking forward to it. It will help tide us over, as so many others said.
Praying for blessings on your new ventures in writing. God's got this.

Deborah O'Carroll said...

So sad to see this, but thank you for the beautiful books so far, and best wishes for you in your new journeys of life and writing. :)

Unknown said...

I'm sad to see this end for now, but I'm so excited for your life and whatever plans god has for you! Thank you for being an inspiration, and for showing me how freeing and exciting writing Christian fiction can be. You've helped me grow a lot. (I, foolishly, didn't even realize that was a genre, at least not with my fantastical interests and influence.)

This is literally my favourite series, right next to the Chronicles of Narnia. (I'm a total geek. xD)

Good luck in your future pursuits!

~Angelique C.

Unknown said...

I've just discovered your books and you are brilliant! I wish I understood enough about writing so I could explain why. It's like you have this story already woven together in your head that's a thousand books long and everything is related. No one is irredeemable, everyone needs redeeming. I've rarely seen such a talented author weave such a beautiful message into such amazing stories. I feel like if more people knew about them, they would fly off the shelves! I guess it's difficult to be that book that says READ ME before you even open it when it's on the shelf with millions of other books trying to do the same thing, but I wished I tried these a long time ago. If they were audiobooks, I definitely would have. I am telling my friends and family about them and will pressure them to read if I have to buy them all a copy!

Lifestory said...

A Branch of Silver, A Branch of Gold was probably one of the best stories I have read. I would say don't give up on Goldstone, even if it's just something you work on in your spare time ( What's that, right?). Every writer needs a pleasure project to release and be herself, even if it's just short stories that you post here. If you don't give yourself a creative space, you'll suffocate. Thanks for writing great books.

Grace said...

I was wondering if anyone could tell me what Anne Elisabeth Stengls pen name is , I have been searching for it but can not seem to find it I would appreciate it, thanks.

Tom Williams said...

Nice post.Looking forward to your new series.It's make me almost crying.I was expecting to have Poison Crown to finish it off. :( Good luck.

M.Jack said...

Nice post. I really enjoy reading it. Very instructive, keep on writing.Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Do any of you know what her other name she writes under is?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately not. I come back every few months to see if anyone has figured it out.

Anonymous said...

Salut, I do not want to say what her pen name is directly because she obviously wants it to be a secret. Yet, I understand that it can be difficult to find a good author, and since Anne Elisabeth Stengl is one such author, it is a shame that she should be lost. Looking about the interwebs, I found someone who figured it out. Very few people have, it seems. I know that I did not. Anyway, the first name sounds like a pale, expensive metal.
Maybe she will reveal it someday. Eventually enough of her fans will find it that she may not have to, though. Really, I almost expect this. Communities like her's are rather resourceful. Everyone lends a hand. Do not think I am just writing fluff or being coy, either. Every sentence I have written so far is important. She was explicit stating that she wanted her new series to have a fresh start, but I will tell you that the last name is the same as a luxury car.

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Anonymous said...

This makes me so sad. This was my favorite book series of all time. I found you by accident looking for fiction at my library. I’ve been hooked ever since. I hope you do pick it back up one day.

Avid Reader said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Avid Reader said...

Hi Ms. Stengl! I love your books. I love the Goldstone Chronicles and the first book of the Family of the Night series . Unfortunately I didn’t find out until after I read Branch of Silver Branch of Gold that you weren’t going to write anymore in the foreseeable future . In case you change your mind I just wanted to give you some advice on who to market your books to. I’m not saying to change anything about them for they are perfect as they are, I’m saying that there’s a different market that you can go for that I believe would love your books. Long before I read Christian science fiction and fantasy I read regular sci-fi fantasy and those who read those type would love your books as they are and it’s a pretty large market. I don’t know if you can but try to see if tor will republish your books.

Also you can try webtoon publishers, they would also love your books. Webtoons is not actually a cartoon but it is fiction written with illustrations, at least that is what I’ve heard. They also market to all age groups in case you’re wondering, these are not just for children but teens, young adults, and older adults as well. I hope this helps. Ask your agent to look into this if you think it’s a good idea. Pray about it first of course and you could even ask the Lord for a sign in your head and not out loud if He would be okay with this. If it does work out just have your agent or a new agent do all the work and don’t worry about it. Let them do all the work of promoting your books and you just worry about your little princess :-D. And if it is okay and you do continue writing please finish the Family of Night Series, when you have the time of course.

I have been reading books since I was five years old and you are one of the few true writers left out there. It’s your gift and a beautiful one at that Oh and I know this is coming years late but, congratulations on your little princess :-D

Tomay said...

I feel so pained right now, discovering this post. I'm a new fan of GOLDSTONE CHRONICLE. I really love them. I so much love your books. ALL YOUR BOOKS.
I have not been a fan of reading but the moment I clash with your book. (Heartless to be precised). I knew from that moment I want to read. Most especially your books. They are the BEST!
I'll really love to read your new books. You're a good writer and my favorite writer.

Una would have now be a big gal.
Say a Big Hello for me to her.

I Love you so much ma. I pray you get all your heart desires.
Much Love from me to you.

Lady Merewen said...

It makes me so sad that the Tales of Goldstone Wood are done, even if it's only for a few/several years. A friend lent me a copy of Starflower last year, and I fell in love with the series....
I know I'm a newcomer to the fandom, but still...

Lady Merewen said...

I understand having to write for money. Money is essential (obviously). I agree with ghost ryter - your books are awesome, and should be bigger sellers

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We'll all miss Goldstone Wood terribly but I'm excited for you that you are tackling what sounds like a very different sort of project.

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