Thursday, October 6, 2016

Hot Off the Press

I know, I know . . . most of you probably don't even bother to check this blog anymore, it's been SO long since I posted! But I am finally ready to let you know the reason behind my distraction and busyness this summer.

After nine months of hard work drafting and polishing, allow me to introduce my newest release!

Una Rochelle de Silva
Born September 13th
7lbs 14oz

And she is, in fact, the most beautiful thing in the world!

Here she is, mere moments after her epic delivery . . .

Rohan: "OMG this is my DAUGHTER!"
AE: "She's so little and adorable, isn't she??"
Una: "Well that was . . . interesting."

So we decided not to tell anyone (save family and friends) about the pregnancy for various reasons. One of them was that Rooglewood Press had SO MANY big releases, relaunches, and projects this year, and I didn't want to distract from any of them. But I am taking a short maternity leave now . . . I'll still be working on my novel-in-progress (because I can't help myself), but most of the other Rooglewood-related projects are on hold for the time being. Not for long; just until I've fully recovered and gotten into more of a rhythm with Princess Una in the house.

Speaking of . . . here are some gratuitously adorable pictures of her tiny highness for you . . .

Kissy face--three days old!

Una Bakamuna's first bath!
(Bakamuna is the Sinhalese word for "owl" . . . and also Una's nickname. So she has a lot of owl-things!)

Marmaduke is SO thrilled with his tiny new human! Look at that happy face.

In fact, all of the Drakenheath beasts have been pretty excited about the newest edition!
Me soon after coming home, with Minerva in my lap, Magrat at my feet, and Milly guarding us faithfully. This Princess Una has LOTS of faerie guardians, apparently!

Here she is at two weeks old with her handsome daddy! My two beautiful loves . . .

Smooshy face sleeping in Daddy's hands! 3 weeks old.

And these two I took just last night as we were settling down for bed.

Yes, I know I'm completely biased . . . but I am quite convinced that she is the most perfect little princess in all the worlds (mortal, Faerie, or Between!).

And she's awake and fractious right now, so I must go . . . cuddles are in order . . .


Dara Esther said...

Awwww she's so cute! Congratulations. Now real-life Monster will have his own Princess Una to look after ;). My mom and I were wondering if there might be a baby coming after some of the things you said, but we weren't sure. This is just great!

Rachel said...

SHE'S SO ADORABLE!!! Congratulations!

Rachael said...


But seriously, congratulations! She is so cute and for sure the most beautiful princess ever born!

Garnet said...

She is absolutely beautiful! May she bring you and Rohan much, much joy. I have to confess I rather suspected she was in the works from a thing or two you said. Guess that comes from having been a mother who didn't reveal a pregnancy or two herself!

Shantelle Mary said...

She is SO PERFECT! What a beautiful little princess, indeed! ^_^ The pictures are so wonderful ... This post just makes me happy. :)

Blessings to you all!

Liv Hammonds said...

She is SO beautiful!! Congratulations, Anne Elisabeth!! <3

Unknown said...

Awwwwww!!! She's so cute!!! Congratulations! I called my little sister (she's two) over, to look at the pictures, and she's poking them saying, "Baby!!! Baby!!! Aww, cute baby! Mama and baby!! Baby!!!!"

Esther Brooksmith (wisdomcreates) said...

She is soooo beautiful, and I am so happy for you. <3

Clare said...

That is such a perfect excuse, and I love her name, and she is adorable!!!! Congratulations.

Jane Maree said...

AAAAAHHH SHE'S SOO ADORABLE!!! I can't stop flailing over the NAME!!! <3 <3 <3

Sarah Pennington said...

D'awwwwwwwww. Congratulations! Little Una is so sweet and adorable and I'm sure she's such a blessing to you.

Rebecca said...

What a darling!! You are all too adorably lovely for words <3 <3 <3

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! She is adorable. :)

Emily Ann Putzke said...

Congratulations!!! She is so beautiful!!

Hannah C. said...

Congratulations you two!!!! I was also wondering if you were expecting something big with some of the clues you dropped...:) She is the most adorable little baby!!! And can I join in with the fangirling about her name?! <3 <3 Congratulations again!! Princess Una is precious!!

Unknown said...

She's the best surprise ever! Even more wonderful than a new book, and that's saying a lot. :D

Unknown said...

Oh my, she is so absolutely precious! <3 I just adore her nickname, so cute!

Rebecca said...

Congratulations!!! She is so cute :)

Christine Smith said...

AAAAAHHHHH! What a happy surprise! She's just so precious, I can't stop staring at the pics. And her NAME. All too perfect. <3 <3 <3

I am ecstatic for you two! Congratulations!!!

Emily Drown said...

Oh my goodness! What a beautiful little surprise. <3 Now the world is blessed with a real Princess Una.

Unknown said...

She's so beautifully adorable!

Savannah Grace said...

OH MY GOODNESS, ANNE ELISABETH. She is ADORABLE! Love all the pictures you posted - so much sweetness!

CONGRATULATIONS! She's beautiful <3.

~ Savannah

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, so wonderful! Congratulations! I'm glad I checked! I was wondering why you were gone so long. Now it all makes sense! She's very adorable and has a wonderful name! But since she also has amazing parents, she's also super lucky/blessed! And I don't blame you for not telling until after, I wouldn't have either!

I can't wait to see more from you and I wish you and your family the best!

Becky said...

I am so happy for you all, because I know what an amazing adventure you are just beginning. Una is such a precious bundle of love and totally gorgeous. Please keep the photos coming. It's so wonderful to share your joy. God's love and grace to you. Enjoy every moment, time really does past swiftly.

Natasha Ann said...

Congratulations! Little Una is so absolutely adorable! <3 <3

E.F.B. said...

I saw the birth announcement on FB when you posted it and nearly fainted from surprise! Sneaksy, sneaksy, Anne Elisabeth! ;) Not having a FB account, I couldn't say it then, but now that I have the chance...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Una is without a doubt the cutest, sweetest, most beautiful little bundle of joy, and the these pictures are actually making me cry with happiness for you and Rohan! I've been praying for you all and will continue to do so. <3 Congrats again!

Gina @ Hott Books said...

how adorable!
Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

I am still anxiously awaiting the Poisoned Crown to read, but understand the delay! She is precious! Congratulations on your beautiful princess!

Unknown said...

I am still anxiously awaiting the Poisoned Crown to read, but understand the delay! She is precious! Congratulations on your beautiful princess!

Unknown said...

AHHHHH! How ADORABLE, what a precious gift! Congrats to you both!

Sara said...

Wow, I didn't realize how long it had been since I checked the blog! "Hot off the press" - hilarious! Seriously, though, congratulations to both of you. She is so precious!!! (Also, can I just say that Una Rochelle is the most beautiful name ever)

Kendra E. Ardnek said...

Oh my word! How did I not see this post until now! She's adorable. Precious. (And now I feel no shame for my plans to name my own first daughter the same name that I've given a character.

I will confess that I suspected that this was your "Medical Issue" that you delayed the Next 5 Something Something about. After all, you told us not to worry about it.

But now you've increased my desire to hold a baby by another 1000% and there are NO babies whatsoever in my immediate circle.

Annie James said...
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Annie James said...

Congratulations, she is beautiful.

Annie James said...

Congratulations, she is beautiful.

JenB said...

She is absolutely gorgeous :). Congratulations!

M. Smith said...

Congratulations, may your quiver be filled with the Father's Glory, all the days of your life! Now and Forever! said...

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Anonymous said...

So precious:). Any idea when you will be finishing your next book? Love your writing and so glad you and your family are growing 💗