For those of you who are unaware, this was a raffle in which readers offered the names of Goldstone Wood characters about whom they would like to see featured stories. The winner of this raffle will have a story written about the character of her choice . . . and a special dedication!
The story itself, once complete, edited, and given a cover design, will be offered TOTALLY FOR FREE for all of you to enjoy.
Are you ready to learn the character selected? I'm pretty excited about this one . . .The chosen character is:
Chosen by: Christa Scott
That's right! The nanny goat/lady knight, who featured majorly in both Veiled Rose and Moonblood is about to get a story all to herself! And I have JUST the adventure for her . . . one I think all of you will enjoy. One which might just give you a few surprises about the character and her super-secret backstory.
We might even learn her real name . . .
Whoops! Didn't you know? That's right: Beana is not the lady knight's actual name. You'll notice in her Big Scene with Sir Oeric at the end of Moonblood she is never referenced by name . . . because we only know her as Beana, but that isn't the name by which Oeric knows her.
So get excited, dear readers! We've got some fun ahead of us with this character. And big thanks to Christa Scott for choosing her. (In fact, I am told that Beana was far and away the most popular choice among the raffle participants, featuring four or five times in the drawing . . . so the odds were highly in her favor!)
I have got a rough outline for the story already worked up and plan to start refining and drafting the adventure in the next few days. No promises yet as to a release (I am working on a big novel project at the moment, and I don't want to take too much time away from it just yet), but I'll keep you all posted.
Thanks to everyone who participated in this fun little raffle! I look forward to sharing this exciting new Tale of Goldstone Wood with all of you soon.
What a great choice!!! I'm so looking forward to this!
Ooh! This is gonna be awesome!
Yay, Beana! This is going to be fun. I can't wait!
Yes!!! Of course, I'd still like to know how Eanrin loses his eyes... ;-)
Yay!!! So much to know about Beana and this will be a great start! :D
Yay, Beana's a great choice! Really looking forward to it! And I KNEW that wasn't her real name! I knew it I knew it I knew...*cough* Okay, calming down now. XD
How exciting! I adore Beana and am so very curious to know more about her. So this is thrilling!!
I'm very much looking forward to reading this.
Yay! Beana wasn't my choice . . . but, honestly, I think that's because a part of my brain knew someone else was sure to suggest her. xD Looking forward to reading the story!
Beana is awesome! I'm looking forward to reading her story!
Yay! Beana!
Honestly, there's just so many questions that any character would have made for an awesome read! I was torn between Diarmid and that one knight of farthestshore myself.
I...sadly...forgot about Beana! D:
Aack, sososososoooo exciting!!! I can hardly wait!!!
Oooh!!! I can't wait to read it!!
Oh, wow! Can't wait to read it; she's been one of those characters whose origins I've been trying to gather hints of in the stories. :D
By the by, somethings' up with Dame Imraldera's Library. Every time I click on the heading that should lead to the fanfic contest (I need to finish reading them and vote!), it keeps freezing and reloading the home page. It does that with all the other tabs, too.
Anyone else having that problem?? It worked fine just a few days ago... :/
@Merenwen Inglorion -- I don't actually run the Dame Imraldera's Library site . . . so you'll need to email (dameimraldera@gmail.com)the site managers to let them know about any problem! :)
Hi, you said Beans when complete will go out for free, do I need to sign up for that? Is it a nook format? Love your stories,
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