First, here's a little about the authoress herself.

Emily Chapman is in the midst of her teen years, very recently becoming a self-published author. She blogs at her personal website, and you can also like her on Facebook.
Her debut novel, Cry of Hope, is an emotional historical novel targeted toward young adults. You can purchase it on Amazon or on her website.
And here's a little about the book:

Emily is here for an interview today. I hope you'll enjoy learning a little more about this young novelist. And good luck on your hunt!
Hi, Emily! Welcome to the Goldstone Wood blog. First of
all, would you mind telling us a little about yourself? Hobbies, personality .
. . tea or coffee?
Emily: Well, I am a short, hobbit-y homeschooler. I have a Frodo chin, and I live with a crazy, large family in the dear South. I love history—particularly U.S. history—and I have an obsession with Narnia. I'm a dreamer, to be certain, and a dancer as well. I like to dabble in photography, and . . . well, I definitely prefer coffee over tea, no matter how strongly that clashes with my writerly nature.
What led you into the writing life? Were you always a storyteller?
Emily: A love of reading, I believe. I wasn't always a storyteller, though I have always loved stories. I began to enjoy writing around the age of ten, but it wasn't until I was fourteen that I began to truly write with passion. You see, I met this girl named Abigail Hartman at a homeschool tutorial that we both happened to attend, and she inspired me. I think God plopped her in my path for a reason . . . and I thank Him so much for doing so. It was then that my writing journey really began.
Tell us a little about your debut novel, Cry of Hope. How long did you work on this story? How did the idea come to you?
Emily: Cry of Hope follows the story of an unwilling young girl, upon whom a voyage to the New World is thrust. She must then overcome the trials and tragedies that threaten to steal the hope standing just outside her grasp.
The trouble with these common questions is that . . . well, it takes a rather long explanation. I've been working with these characters for nigh four years, but the story itself has changed considerably. The first drafts were written when I was twelve, and they were originally inspired by American Girl. They announced that they were retiring their colonial doll, and I thought it brilliant to write them a series for a replacement doll that was inevitably going to come about—for I thought they ought to create a Pilgrim girl.
Needless to say, American Girl never published my works. I never sent it to them, due to unforeseen circumstances (if I had, they wouldn't have published it anyway, mark my words). You see, that was all before I met Abigail. Once I did meet her, and once my eyes opened up to the world of gripping emotion and real plots, I decided to take that immature piece and turn it into something beautiful. Thus Cry of Hope eventually came into existence. It took me about a year to write the full draft, then another six months to edit it.
Can you pick a favorite character from this story?
Emily: I can. Some people struggle with choosing a favorite character, and I have had my doubts, but when it comes down to it, John Ellison—the main character's elder brother—is my favorite. I love him to pieces, really. I wish I could hug his neck.
What inspires your work? Where do you turn when you need a renewal of inspiration?
Emily: Music. I think, when it comes down to it, music inspires my work the most—and is also what I turn to when I need renewed inspiration. It doesn't always work (listening to the same inspiration over and over often dissipates to dullness), but for the most part, music can contain the most inspiring inspiration of all. Or such is my experience.
What are your favorite and least favorite parts of the writing process?
Emily: My favorite would be planning and writing-when-not-plagued-with-Writer's-Block. Least favorite would be Writer's Block. (smiles) Although I don't particularly enjoy research (Cry of Hope's research was desperately dull), so that could be considered a least favorite part. I'll have to research again for my next novel, however, so it may prove more enjoyable. You never know . . .
If you were forced to pick a single favorite author, who would it be?
Emily: You mean thing, you. Though, to be quite honest, this isn't so hard as it would seem. I can say quite clearly that it is Louisa May Alcott. I love Little Women so incredibly much, and Alcott's style is beautiful. In fact, I like to think I bleed a hint of it into my own writing. And besides, anyone who creates a character as charming as Laurie Laurence gains high respect in my mind. ;)
So what is next on your writerly horizons? Can we look forward to a sequel to Cry of Hope?
Emily: A sequel? (laughs) No, no, indeed. I'm downright sick of that book. Oh, I love it to bits, of course. But if you recall, I've been working with these characters and the same era for almost four years. I'm simply ravenous for something fresh and new. Which is why my next Lord-willing-to-be novel shall be set during the War of 1812, following the story of a young man of nineteen. Or such are my thoughts at the moment. A writer's life tends to be full of uncertainty when it comes to plot ideas.
Can you share a short snippet from Cry of Hope?
Emily: Certainly! I'd be thrilled.
Emily: Well, I am a short, hobbit-y homeschooler. I have a Frodo chin, and I live with a crazy, large family in the dear South. I love history—particularly U.S. history—and I have an obsession with Narnia. I'm a dreamer, to be certain, and a dancer as well. I like to dabble in photography, and . . . well, I definitely prefer coffee over tea, no matter how strongly that clashes with my writerly nature.
What led you into the writing life? Were you always a storyteller?
Emily: A love of reading, I believe. I wasn't always a storyteller, though I have always loved stories. I began to enjoy writing around the age of ten, but it wasn't until I was fourteen that I began to truly write with passion. You see, I met this girl named Abigail Hartman at a homeschool tutorial that we both happened to attend, and she inspired me. I think God plopped her in my path for a reason . . . and I thank Him so much for doing so. It was then that my writing journey really began.
Tell us a little about your debut novel, Cry of Hope. How long did you work on this story? How did the idea come to you?
Emily: Cry of Hope follows the story of an unwilling young girl, upon whom a voyage to the New World is thrust. She must then overcome the trials and tragedies that threaten to steal the hope standing just outside her grasp.
The trouble with these common questions is that . . . well, it takes a rather long explanation. I've been working with these characters for nigh four years, but the story itself has changed considerably. The first drafts were written when I was twelve, and they were originally inspired by American Girl. They announced that they were retiring their colonial doll, and I thought it brilliant to write them a series for a replacement doll that was inevitably going to come about—for I thought they ought to create a Pilgrim girl.
Needless to say, American Girl never published my works. I never sent it to them, due to unforeseen circumstances (if I had, they wouldn't have published it anyway, mark my words). You see, that was all before I met Abigail. Once I did meet her, and once my eyes opened up to the world of gripping emotion and real plots, I decided to take that immature piece and turn it into something beautiful. Thus Cry of Hope eventually came into existence. It took me about a year to write the full draft, then another six months to edit it.
Can you pick a favorite character from this story?
Emily: I can. Some people struggle with choosing a favorite character, and I have had my doubts, but when it comes down to it, John Ellison—the main character's elder brother—is my favorite. I love him to pieces, really. I wish I could hug his neck.
What inspires your work? Where do you turn when you need a renewal of inspiration?
Emily: Music. I think, when it comes down to it, music inspires my work the most—and is also what I turn to when I need renewed inspiration. It doesn't always work (listening to the same inspiration over and over often dissipates to dullness), but for the most part, music can contain the most inspiring inspiration of all. Or such is my experience.
What are your favorite and least favorite parts of the writing process?
Emily: My favorite would be planning and writing-when-not-plagued-with-Writer's-Block. Least favorite would be Writer's Block. (smiles) Although I don't particularly enjoy research (Cry of Hope's research was desperately dull), so that could be considered a least favorite part. I'll have to research again for my next novel, however, so it may prove more enjoyable. You never know . . .
If you were forced to pick a single favorite author, who would it be?
Emily: You mean thing, you. Though, to be quite honest, this isn't so hard as it would seem. I can say quite clearly that it is Louisa May Alcott. I love Little Women so incredibly much, and Alcott's style is beautiful. In fact, I like to think I bleed a hint of it into my own writing. And besides, anyone who creates a character as charming as Laurie Laurence gains high respect in my mind. ;)
So what is next on your writerly horizons? Can we look forward to a sequel to Cry of Hope?
Emily: A sequel? (laughs) No, no, indeed. I'm downright sick of that book. Oh, I love it to bits, of course. But if you recall, I've been working with these characters and the same era for almost four years. I'm simply ravenous for something fresh and new. Which is why my next Lord-willing-to-be novel shall be set during the War of 1812, following the story of a young man of nineteen. Or such are my thoughts at the moment. A writer's life tends to be full of uncertainty when it comes to plot ideas.
Can you share a short snippet from Cry of Hope?
Emily: Certainly! I'd be thrilled.
Excerpt from
Cry of Hope
“’Twas the best we could get for a small price,” John
said. “A small price will buy you but a
small ship.”
“Yes,” Joshua said grimly.
“But much freedom costs much regarding price, and that is my chief
Hope glanced at him sharply.
“Cheer up, old chap!” John exclaimed, slapping his friend on
the back. “My heart is in the venture,
and I have faith we will succeed.”
Joshua rubbed his chin.
“Yes,” he said slowly. “My faith
is alongside yours as well. My only
concern is how high the price will be.”
A chill tingled down Hope’s spine, and she instinctively
edged closer to her brother . . .
Thanks for sharing with us today, Emily!
A historical fiction about the Pilgrims! How cool! It's fun that your favorite character is the heroine's big brother. I love having awesome big brothers in my stories too (because I have one in real life)!
I was just reading Minerva's blog, Is she still writing it. (Don't tell her I told you, but she really is hillarious)
Wow! Publishing your first novel is such an accomplishment. Congratulations, Emily. God's best to you.
Hannah :: I'm glad you think it a good idea! And you love awesome big brothers too?? Hurrah! ^.^ You just might like this book, then. ;)
Becky :: Aww, thank you so much. God bless!
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