So allow me to present the author of Annabeth's War, Jessica Greyson.

Jessica Greyson, a homeschool graduate loves words, first as a hungry reader, and now as a passionate writer. She seeks to write for the glory of God, and be the writer He has called her to be. When she is not writing, Jessica is daydreaming, serving coffee and lattes at her job—while people watching, spending time with her wonderful family, taking pictures, listening to music, and trying to keep up with all of her amazing friends.
You can learn more about Jessica and her books at or her personal rambles at
And here is that pretty book cover I mentioned!

Trained by her father, a master swordsman, outlawed Annabeth has only her sword, her wits, and her disguises to keep Belterra from falling entirely into Lord Raburn's clutches. Can she rescue her captured father and Prince Alfred? Will one girl keep the kingdom from falling?
I hope you'll enjoy this interview an a chance to learn a little more about Jessica and her work. And be certain to check out the fun giveaway she's offering at the end of this feature!
Jessica! To break the ice, how about telling us a little about yourself? What’s
your favorite hobby? Introvert or extrovert? Any pets? Coffee or tea?
Jessica: Writing and reading are certainly on the top of the hobby list. Though currently, I am dabbling a little in watercolor painting, alongside my graphic art business. Definitely, in introvert, though I’ve picked up some extrovert tendencies from my family.
I’ve always loved animals and wanted to keep a menagerie but those plans never quite worked out. We have one dog. Bridget, a West Highland Terrier, who is adored by all and keeps us entertained with her squirrel hunting antics.
Tea if you please, with two lumps of sugar and some cream, or a chai tea always hits the spot.
What led you into the writing life? Were you always a storyteller?
Jessica: I’ve always been a story lover, and would lay awake at night inventing stories for myself or acting them out with my dolls and stuffed animals in the dark. (I have been a night owl since I was a wee thing). I came into voracious reading a little later than most of my friends, but once I fell in I was hooked for life. Writing came later, and I started scribbling my first stories in earnest around age twelve. I asked God for something to do, something I could do all of my life for Him and He called me to be His ready writer and my books have been the result of that call.
Tell us a little about your
debut novel, Annabeth’s War. How long did you
work on this story? How did the idea come to you? Is it part of a series?
Jessica: Annabeth's War is a stand-alone novel at present. It is the result of an old story spark reigniting with a twist and the passion to portray a strong heroine, who still retained her feminine side.
The whole process for Annabeth's War to come into full-fledged book, from first words to published finish, took 23 months.
Can you pick a favorite character from this story?
Jessica: Oh, it's really difficult to choose. I love Annabeth for who she is, and Ransom for who he becomes.
What inspires your work?
Where do you turn when you need a renewal of inspiration?
Jessica: There are a wide variety
of things I like to glean from. Movies, reading other peoples works, music,
pictures, being creative in a different artistic mediums, or simply a day off.
No writing, no word count no perfection just a day of living and being with the
people I love sometimes is the best place for renewal and finding inspiration.
The other day my family took a trip to a waterfall we’d never been to, and as
my sister (who is aspiring to write) and I climbed up into a rock crevice
behind the waterfall we started talking about how we could use it in a story.
What are your
favorite and least favorite parts of the writing process?
Jessica: My favorite is the
spark of a new story. Fresh words and characters tumbling from my fingertips.
The least favorite is
probably editing, and saying goodbye to my characters for the last time.
If you were forced to pick
a single favorite author, who would it be?
Jessica: Without it doubt it
would be Elizabeth Ender. Though she only has only one work out, I have had the
privilege of reading some of her yet to be published works. She has a way of
creating characters, worlds, and touching heart issues as I have yet to find in
another author. Her writing has touched my life and inspired me in a way no one
else has.
So what is next on your
publishing horizons? Can we look forward to a sequel to
Annabeth’s War? Or do you have something completely new in
the works?
Captive of Raven Castle, is the next book slotted to be published, hopefully
releasing sometime in November. It’s along similar lines as Annabeth’s War, being in the Middle
Ages, and a struggle between kings, and it is a standalone novel.
What are you actively
writing right now?
Jessica: Its work in progress
title is Becoming Hannah, and is the
sequel to Sufficient Grace the next
book I’ll be working on publishing once Captive
of Raven Castle is happily established. It’s a change up in genres as I go
from being in the middle ages to out west in the 1800’s.
Would you share a short
snippet from Annabeth’s War?
Jessica: I would be delighted to!
Snippet from
Annabeth's War
Ransom rolled over to face her. “You are making a mistake.”
“I am saving your life,” she said, sinking his dagger deep
into the tree above her head and well out of his reach. Then, taking his sword
belt, she climbed up into the tree and hung it also out of reach before dropping
to the ground.
Ransom glared at her and a smile pulled at the corner of her
“Godspeed to you, sir. May He keep you and your noble sword
safe. Thank you for everything you did, but I cannot accept your help. This is
my war and I must live or die by the results.”
Thank you so much Anne
You're very welcome, Jessica!
And now, dear imps, Jessica is offering a print copy of Annabeth's War to one lucky winner. Be sure to enter your name below, and take time to congratulate Jessica on this wonderful new story!" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway
Annabeth's War sounds super cool. I'll have to look for it.
Question for Jessica: is it hard for you to keep the details of your books true to history?
I saw your book on Homeschool Authors and LOVED the cover. :)
Who are you published with? Who designed the cover?
How did you come up with your idea?
This is a stunning cover! I really am VERY curious about this book, and it's something I would love to read. Ransom is an excellent is Belterra! Makes me want to read this book even more:)
Congratulations! Sounds like a great story and you have a lovely cover.
Quick comment, in the "follow Jessica's blog" rafflecopter entry option it says to send an email that you followed. Who do we email? Anne Elisabeth?
And question for Jessica: What is your favorite time period to set a story in?
Sounds fantastic and the cover is gorgeous. Thanks for introducing me to a new author and for the giveaway!
Oh, how inspiring! Being a homeschooler who wants to be an author, it is always so wonderful to hear success stories. Jessica, your book sounds awesome and the front cover is breath-taking! When I was younger, I loved writing books about epic warrior girls. I'm down to only one now, heh, heh.
What was your publishing journey like? Do you have any advice for writers looking to be published?
@Rina: Sorry! Go ahead and email me! (
We entered! We don't have twitter so we are blogging it! =D
It sounds like such an awesome book!
~The Keller Girls~
Question for Jessica:
Did she base her character's personality off someone?
Blogged about here:
Hello Lovelies! You have some awesome questions I am looking forward to answering soon as I get more than a minute on my computer!
Thanks so much!
Jessica Greyson
Thanks for the chance to win it Jessica!
is it hard to find time it write?
This sounds like a beautiful novel!
Question for Jessica: To whom (if anyone) would you liken your writing style?
This book sounds amazing! I'm always on the lookout for good historical novels, soooo....:D
Were there any particular authors or books who inspired you as a young writer?
The cover is beautiful! And I love the idea of a strong heroine yet maintaining her femininity. Will have to add to my to-read list! Thanks for sharing!
Congratulations, Ms. Jessica. Your heroine sounds like a very strong character, and I enjoyed the excerpt from your book. Will be praying for your writing projects.
Question: Do you have a particular verse of Scripture that inspires your work? God bless you.
Sounds like an exciting book!
Question(s): What is your favorite genre to write? What is your favorite book? Your favorite song? And, if you had a chance to give a writer who has a hard time writing in the real world (as in, a strictly fantasy author) what advice would you give them? (Go ahead and consider this your chance.)
God Bless,
Oooh, that is a gorgeous cover and a very interesting premise.
So Jessica, have most authors you met been introverts? I'm curious because of my recent first conference and my experience there.
Hmm you sound like me!
Who is your favorite character?
Ooh! This looks exciting! My question: how did your life in modern times influence a novel set many hundreds of years ago? Also, is Annabeth's War set in the "real world" or a fictional one?
@ Sarah, Do I find it hard to keep close to history? I do, that is why Annabeth’s War and most of my other stories are completely fictitious right down to the country, just loosely based on a historical idea or premise. My passion is Historical Fiction and I hope someday to write it, and well but I have yet attempt it.
@ Anna, Annabeth’s War is self-published, under my little personal Ready Writer Press. Louie Roybal did the cover art and most of the design. He is an INCREDIBLE artist who I have had the pleasure of working with. I made the title with sword graphic.
@ Bookishqueen, Annabeth’s War, was a long culmination of ideas, and a twist to an old story plot that came to life under Annabeth and Ransom’s telling of their tale.
@ Clara Darling, I am glad you love the cover, and Ransom is fabulous!!! (if I do say so myself...)
@ Rina S. My favorite time period to set a story, dear me. Hmmm, I’ve set a lot in more of the Middle ages setting, I find it easy, probably because I read a lot of that history when I was younger. I am getting more into American History now and enjoying the process very much.
@ Hannah, My publishing journey has been a very long process as I bounced between the reputable publishing house and the more questioned self-publishing. God’s leading was very clear (after years and years of saying I’d never self-publish) that self-publishing was the road for me. When that came together along with a few boosts of confidence and direction, the rest went lighting quick and I found Annabeth’s War published in a very short time.
Advice for those looking to be published. Explore your options, talk to regularly published authors and some self-publishers there are benefits and draw backs to both. Each writer has their own journey, and though it can be difficult it’s a beautiful process.
@ The Keller Girls, Did I base my characters off anyone? Well, no one in particular you might say, I believe that authors often either consciously or un consciously weave part themselves into their characters, but no one in the book was based off of me or anyone else in my life, or historical character.
@ Mikayla H. Finding time to write can be very difficult, especially in busy seasons of life. I try to snatch a little here and there, for I really enjoy it and on stressful days it’s the perfect cure. Carrying a notebook around me or scribbling thoughts down on receipt paper while I am work help me hold onto my ideas until I can find time to write them properly.
Sounds like a very fun book!
Okay, here's my question: what have you learned about yourself through your writing/publishing journey?
What is your funniest typo?
@ Miss Megan, I am not sure I liken my writing style to anyone, I am a bit of old and a bit of new all mixed together.
@ Stacy C, (I like your profile pic by the way ;) ) Were there any particular authors or books that inspired me as a young writer? Well, I listened or read Anne of Green Gables, and Little Women constantly growing up, along with a few of the other girl classics like A Little Princess and Pollyanna, as I got older I loved the stories told by G. A. Henty and Lois Walfrid Johnson. All of those authors captured my imagination with their stories.
@ Jennette Mbewe, Thanks for stopping by!
@Meredith, Thanks for your prayers! I think the verse that inspires me the most would be Psalm 45:1, it’s kind of my life verse when it comes to writing. My heart overflows with a goodly theme, I address my psalm to my King. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.
@ Rayebrynn, My favorite genre to write I like to dabble about in a couple different genres, I don’t know if I could call any of them my favorite simply because when I am writing the story I love it no matter what it is. Favorite book, at the moment it is Only a Novel by Miss Amy Dashwood or Ransomed by Elizabeth Ender, (assuming we are speaking fiction, nonfiction it’s the Bible of course.) Favorite song, that changes on a daily basis, right now I am loving The Tenors latest CD, it has a very storyish feel to it. Advice to fantasy author who has difficult writing in the real world. Write what you love and do it well, other people will write about today, you write about what you love.
@ElizabethLiberty, I would have to say many of the authors I’ve met are introverts, there aren’t as my extroverts that I can’t really think of an extrovert one.
@Queen Ali, My favorite character in books I’ve read or in Annabeth’s War? Books I’ve read...he has yet to be published but his name is Kestrel and he’s absolutely AMAZING!!!!!! However in AW, it would really be a tie between Annabeth and Ransom.
@ Allison Ruvidch, Hmm, good question. I am not really sure I’ve studied how my modern life influenced my novel. Annabeth’s War is set in a fictional world.
@ Jennelle Leanne, What did I learn about myself? That I was certainly more capable then I thought I was, and able to achieve things that I had only dreamed of.
@ Galadriel, Funniest typo... Oh, I’ve had a few. One though was finding Ransom’s name written as Random....big mistake!
Sounds like a good book. (:
Who is your second favorite author whose works contributed to your writing?
The looks really cool, definitely something I want to read! What is your favorite of the stories/books that you have written?
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