SHONNA SLAYTON is the author of the YA novels Cinderella's Dress (Summer 2014) and Cinderella's Shoes (Fall 2015) with Entangled Teen. She finds inspiration in reading vintage diaries written by teens, who despite using different slang sound a lot like teenagers today. While writing Cinderella's Dress, she reflected on her days as a high-school senior in British Columbia when she convinced her supervisors at a sportswear store to let her design a few windows--it was glorious fun while it lasted. When not writing, Shonna enjoys amaretto lattes and spending time with her husband and children in Arizona.

Kate simply wants to create window displays at the department store where she's working, trying to help out with the war effort. But when long-lost relatives from Poland arrive with a steamer trunk they claim holds Cinderella's dress, life gets complicated.
Now, with a father missing in action, her new sweetheart shipped off to boot camp, and her great aunt losing her wits, Kate has to unravel the mystery before it's too late.
After all, the descendents of the wicked stepsisters will stop at nothing to get what they think they deserve.
Shonna has generously offered a print copy of Cinderella's Dress in a giveaway (USA only, please), so be certain to enter your name down below! But first, enjoy learning about Shonna and her work:
Welcome to the Tales of Goldstone Wood blog! First of all, would you
mind telling us a little about yourself? Hobbies, personality . . . tea or
Shonna: Thanks for having me on
your blog. I’m a fan, so it’s fun to be invited to contribute! As a homeschool
mom to a busy teen and pre-teen, I spend a lot of time driving around to co-ops
and clubs, which means I also spend a lot of time waiting. Those waiting times
are when I write. For example, right now I’m sitting on a little yellow chair
in a Sunday School classroom while a Spanish class goes on next door. If I had
been better prepared, I would also have a dirty chai latte at my side (chai tea
mixed with coffee).
What led you into the writing life? Were you always a storyteller? How did you get
into publishing?
Shonna: As a child, I was too shy
to be a storyteller, but after my fifth-grade teacher read amazing books like The
Hobbit and Watership Down aloud to the class, I was bursting to try
my hand at writing. So, I wrote fanfiction of Watership Down. It’s still
in a file box somewhere in the garage. My path to getting a novel published
took the long way—down the rabbit trail of magazine and technical writing. Glad
the road eventually got here!
Tell us a little about your work! Cinderella’s Dress is
your debut novel, am I right? How did this story come about?
Shonna: Yes, Cinderella's Dress is my debut novel. Set in the 1940’s, it’s about a girl who
finds out her family has been hiding the real Cinderella dress
for centuries, and now it is her turn. The novel is the merging of two
seemingly unrelated story sparks. One was a picture book of the same title,
showing a modern-looking girl sliding down a banister in a ball gown. When I
saw that image, I immediately thought it was a story about Cinderella’s
grandchildren playing in her dress. (It wasn’t!) The second story spark was a
line in a nonfiction book about the history of department stores. Apparently,
until the 1940’s, window dressers in those large stores were all men. During
the war years, window dressing was one of the new careers that opened up for
women. This fascinated me, and I was determined to figure out a way to get
Cinderella’s Dress into a department store window. Fortunately, history was
kind to me and it turns out the late 40’s were also a pivotal time for fashion,
and this helped me with my ending.
This story is a historical fiction with a fantasy twist. What a
wonderful premise! How else does your story differ from other Cinderella
Shonna: Cinderella’s Dress is more of a spin-off
than a retelling. I do have my own version of the Cinderella story in the back
of my mind, and it informs this novel, and (even more) its companion
novel, Cinderella’s Shoes (Fall 2015). My novels involve the
descendants of Cinderella, the stepsisters, and my own creation, Cinderella’s
servant. There was a role back in medieval times called Keeper of the Wardrobe.
My main character, Kate, comes from the line of Keepers who are charged with
protecting the magical dress.
Can you pick a favorite character from this novel?
Shonna: Aunt Elsie is my go-to favorite character. She surprised me the most because she was supposed to stay
in the back story—in fact, in my original plan, she died on the ship as she and
her husband were escaping WWII Europe with the dress. But when she survived the
trip over and was knocking on Kate’s door, I knew I was in for an adventure
with her.
What inspires your work? Where do you turn when you need a renewal of
Shonna: Inspiration is everywhere,
but I particularly enjoy history. Heritage buildings. Antiques. Old photos are
amazing—they set my imagination on fire. (Hence, my love of Pinterest.)
What are your favorite and
least favorite parts of the writing process?
Shonna: My favorite stage is the research and brainstorming. Oh, the possibilities when you come up with a new
idea! But I struggle with first drafts. I write “short” which means I have to
return to the manuscript, slow down the camera in my mind, and give the details
that make a scene come alive.
If you were forced to pick a single favorite author, who would it be?
Shonna: L. M. Montgomery. (When you
pick a deceased author, you don’t have to feel guilty about choosing one
favorite author over another.)
What are you actively writing right now?
Shonna: Trick question. I’m working
through my editor’s first-pass edit notes on Cinderella’s Shoes,
and I’m also expanding the outline on what I would do for an actual Cinderella
retelling if I were to write a prequel to the duology. So, I’m editing and
outlining, but not technically writing.
Would you share a short snippet from Cinderella’s Dress?
Shonna: Sure. This is where the main character, Kate, meets her future love interest. She is at an audition for a movie role that she doesn't really want, and is about to terribly embarrass herself . . . but I'll stop the snippet just shy of that:
Excerpt from
“Next, girls, we’d like to see you jitterbug.”
He snapped his fingers twice, and a teen-age boy walked out to the center of
the room. Oh no. The boy had been at the back of the room the whole time. He’d
seen her moving the props around. As he drew closer, the other girls whispered
eagerly to each other.
He was tall with flipped-back dark-brown hair,
wearing blue jeans and a button-down shirt with the top button open and a white
T-shirt underneath. Kate had no idea who he was, but based on the reactions of
the older girls, they did.
He smiled at each of the hopefuls, and when he
looked at Kate, her ears burned like the New York asphalt outside.
The man closest to the record player leaned over
and switched it on. Out blasted the Andrews Sisters’ “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy.”
Kate smiled in relief. She’d danced a hundred
times to this old song. It would be a cinch after all.
The boy grabbed Sadie’s hand, and the two
jitterbugged in front of the casting table. Working his way from girl to girl,
he finally reached Kate. He grinned and held out his hand to her. “Care to
When Kate made eye contact, her stomach did a
jitterbug of its own. She didn’t expect his eyes to be so Frank Sinatra blue.
Blue like the early-morning sky. She shyly ducked her chin, forgetting for a
moment this was an audition.
Without warning, he yanked her in front of the
three men and their clipboards and swung her around like she was a teen-age
Shirley Temple. He pulled her close and whispered, “Relax, doll, you’re doing
His warm breath tickled her ear, and she leaned into him. Girl Next Door might be an okay role after all.
Thank you so much for being here with us today, Shonna! It's so much fun to learn about yet another fantastic take on this timeless story.
I hope all of you readers are now intrigued to read more of Cinderella's Dress. Be certain to enter your names in the giveaway! (Again, US only this time). Or you can purchase the story on your Kindle. Remember, every time you buy a book, you help to support an author! Every purchase makes a difference.
Happy reading!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Happy reading!
Sounds like an exciting adventure! :)
How cool! I love the setting, Ms. Shonna. How much research did this novel need? Thanks! : )
Sounds like a wonderful addition to the fairy tale!
I love fairy-tale retellings/spin-offs, and after reading that snippet, I want to read more!
Wow, it looks really interesting, love the original plot!
I entered the giveaway but I totally missed that it was a US-only giveaway and I'm from Canada. Sorry about that!
This looks like an interesting book! I enjoyed the little preview. -)
Congratulations, Ms. Shana. Sounds like a very interesting book, and I love that you focused on the home front during World War II. Do you know if there's a possibility the book might be available in audio format sometime? Keep up the outstanding work.
Also, I've seen your Cinderella Interviews on YouTube. Thanks for those as well. I located The Stepsister's Tale, by Tracy Barrett, because of them, and it was a great story. Also enjoyed your feature for Five Glass Slippers, which is phenomenal, too.
I am so excited to read this book! It sounds great! I have always been a huge history fan so the 1940's setting rocks!
Fairytales and historical fiction? I would totally read Cineralla's Dress. Also, The Hobbit and Watership Down are brilliant books, and they've definitely been an inspiration in my writing as well.
oOOH! This book sounds really good!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I want to read this book now. I already know who will get it for her birthday.
Thanks again, Anne Elisabeth for inviting me to your blog. I've had a very warm welcome from your readers :) Let's see if I can answer some of these questions...@Allison: A lot of research! Which is fine by me, because it was so much fun to learn about these times. I'm kind of addicted now--I buy old magazines and diaries on ebay when I can @Nichole, I'm a fellow Canadian...maybe I should do a Canadian giveaway when I visit this summer. *Grrr postage* @Meredith no audio on the horizon just yet, but my publisher is working through their list. Hope they get to me soon :) And I'll let Tracy know you liked her book! And @Ryebrynn, @Ana,@Amelia, @Grace, @Anonymous, @Raechel, @Renee, and @Sarah Three cheers for historical fairy tales!
How thrilling!! It sounds like an adventure not to be missed. Thank you for sharing with us, Shonna!
I've always loved the fairy tale settings! These are the titles of books that snatch my attention on the library shelf. Looking forward to reading it through!
Ooh, now THIS looks deliciously original! :) Too bad the giveaway doesn't include Canadians this time.
Cinderella's Dress sounds fascinating!! I love the idea! I also really enjoy books set during the World War II era; so yeah... I'm really exited to read your book, Shonna! :)
Beautiful cover too!
This sounds wonderful. I love stories based on fairy tales and can't wait to get a copy.
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