MP3s, as I discovered recently, are going to be MUCH more complicated for me to share here. Not impossible, but complicated. So if you could send your work as videos, it would be greatly appreciated.
You don't have to personally APPEAR on your video. As long as we can hear the music, that's what counts!
We've received several awesome submissions already, but it's still quite a small contest at this point . . . so don't be shy! The more who participate, the merrier!
And if this is the first you're hearing about this contest, you can find all the rules HERE.
Youtube sounds great! I just finished writing down the sheet music for my second of three pieces and will begin recording them on the first of June. I will get them in as promptly as possible. : )
I so want my sister to enter this contest. Only problem is... she hasn't yet read any of your books (not from lack of wanting to). LOL
Maybe next time???
Ugh, videos ... have to re-record a song, but I'll do it.
So excited to hear what everyone comes up with!
So, so exciting! And, I hope that there are several pieces submitted. God bless.
I can't wait to here everyones things.
Ms. Stengl, are you announcing the next fairy tale contest tomorrow?
Ghost Ryter-- if you use Windows Movie Maker (or whatever video editor is compatible with your computer), you can set an MP3 soundtrack to a video, which you could then upload to Youtube. Hope that helps. : )
@Michelle Dyck -- I sure am! Bright and early tomorrow morning the cover and the rules for the next Rooglewood Press fairy tale collection will be announced. I am SUPER excited to share it. :)
@Allison -- Thank you for sharing that useful information with everyone! I'm glad you know what's what where MP3 and Youtube etc. are concerned. It's all a bit of a mystery to me!
FANTASTIC! I can't wait! It feels like we've barely wrapped up Five Glass Slippers, and now the next one's already starting. :O
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