Camryn has kindly agreed to share a little of herself and her work with us today. She's also offering a fun giveaway, so be certain to check that out at the end of this post! But now, the lady herself . . .

Camryn Lockhart lives in Maryland with her parents, five little brothers, little sister, and a Great Dane. She likes to sing around the house and draws in her spare time. Writing is her passion among all her interests. She strives to put God first and implement her faith in all she does, including writing.
And now a little information on the wonderful story Camryn has been working on with my mentoring program! Presenting . . . .
at sunset, the banishment is in place. No longer shall this pestilence plague
us. No longer will they implement laws that we do not wish to follow. No longer
will we have to tolerate . . . the Falcon Masters.”
With a ban against their very
existence, the Falcon Masters are forced into hiding or risk losing their
lives. In the ensuing chaos, twins are born—a girl and a boy—who are swiftly
separated, growing up with two different lives. After the daughter, Saige,
turns seventeen, a hurtful comment about her heritage sends her running into
the woods, but she unknowingly runs into a spellbound faerie portal and falls
into the clutches of a Wild Hunter
In the whirlwind of events that
follow, Saige learns about her long lost brother and that her father might
still be alive. More than that, according to an ancient prophecy, the civil war
afflicting the land of Muireach can be stopped by her alone. Will she be up to
the challenge? Or will she fall in the face of evil? Can Saige learn in time
the value of family and how strong faith can be?
Doesn't that make you want to dive into the adventure right away? Camryn is here with us today for an interview, so you can learn more about her and her work. Happy reading!
Hi, Camryn!
First of all, why don't you tell us a little about yourself. Are you an
extrovert or an introvert? Do you like tea or coffee? Cats or dogs? Indoors or
outdoors? Sports or crafts? Anything you want to tell us!
Camryn: Wow,
where to start? I am the eldest of seven
children, five boys and two girls. I am
homeschooled, in my senior year of high school and hoping to make writing my
think of myself as an introvert since I like time alone. Although, I can be pretty outgoing when the
time calls for it, such as making friends after I’ve moved into a new area.
don’t like tea or coffee, but I like hot cocoa and sweet tea! I love cats (they make me laugh with their
antics!), but I prefer to only visit them, not take care of them. I love dogs (again, antics, laughing, etc.),
but I absolutely adore wolves. If I
could have one as a pet and not be concerned about my well-being, I would do it
in a heartbeat!
like being indoors and outdoors, depending on the weather. Reading inside while it rains or reading
outside sitting in a blooming tree makes no difference to me! I dislike intense summer heat or intense cold
and autumn is my favorite season.
aren’t my thing, but only because I’m not as good at them as everyone else is
(I’m a bit vertically challenged, so any tall guys at my youth group would
trounce me at Ultimate Frisbee). I enjoy
them, otherwise!
am into crafts! I like to knit, crochet,
make friendship bracelets; and drawing (that counts right?). Anything that piques my interest, I learn how
to do. But I doubt I’ll ever be a professional
in those things.
play piano and guitar and dabble in a few woodwinds like the penny whistle, but
for the life of me I can’t figure out the flute. I love to sing and my dream role on Broadway
is Eponine from Les Misérables. And, of
course, I like to write!
When did you
first decide you wanted to be a novelist?
Camryn: When
I was 11, I saved enough money to buy my own laptop. On it, I discovered a Word
Pad. I asked my mom if I could write a
story on it and, with her permission, proceeded to do just that…it wasn’t very
good. Then again, I was eleven! I have been writing ever since then, whether
little short stories, fanfictions or novels in the making.
What was the
first story you can remember writing down? Did you ever finish it?
Camryn: The
story I started writing on my laptop at 11 years old was actually the first
story I remember writing. It was about a
girl named Penny (short for Penelope) who went on a journey visiting strange
creatures and people. There was some
sort of intrigue with this masked man following her, and I think he was a bounty
hunter sent by her father, but I never finished it so I can’t remember and I
lost it in cyberspace long ago.
What are some
of your favorite books? Have they influenced your own writing?
Camryn: The Ranger’s
series by John Flanagan was and is one of my favorites! It inspired the story I am currently working
on. Touches of his work might influence
the costume of my characters.
McKinley’s The Blue Sword and The Outlaws of Sherwood were my also
some of my favorite adventures in my early teens and I still hold them dear now. My inspiration for adventure stories most
likely came from her; or maybe my own thirst for adventure spurred me on to
write about such things.
Les Misérables by Victor Hugo
is a recent favorite of mine due to a friend a year ago doing a play adaption
his senior year. I read it and fell in
love with Hugo’s style of writing. I
found that after I read a chapter or two from Les Miserables, my writing followed after Hugo’s long descriptions
and explanations. He definitely
motivated me to aspire for beautiful descriptions that make people cry! Well, perhaps not cry. Tearing up will do.
then of course, Anne Elisabeth’s wonderful Tales
of Goldstone Wood! Her books showed
me that I can write something exciting and
write about my faith in Christ.
in all, I think these authors influenced me toward the fantasy genre that I
have stuck with the past few years.
What is a
one-sentence summary of the manuscript you are currently writing?
Camryn: When
civil war breaks out the Falcon Masters are caught in between—their leader
captured, his newborn twins are split at birth—and when the eldest daughter,
Saige, grows up, she has to come to terms with who she is and stop the civil
war that has plagued her country her whole life, learning that a little faith
goes a long way.
What is the
most important lesson you've learned in your first few weeks of mentoring?
Camryn: Location,
location, location! In my writings, I sometimes
focus too much on situations and the emotional turmoil, and then lose sight of
the setting itself. It’s actually
something that I struggle with a lot.
I’m a very visual person, so when I have to describe a place I’ve never
seen, I run into quite a few challenges.
What tricks
do you try when you face writer's block?
Camryn: Usually
when I am stuck with a scene or a story, I step back and ask myself, ‘Where do
I want to go with this? What do I hope
to accomplish by the end of this scene/story?’ Once my main goal is back in
perspective, I forge ahead with my writing.
But what do I do when I have a case of writer’s block and I don’t know what I am going to do
next? Then I turn off my computer or
shut my notebook and go play video games with my brothers or help my mom
cook. Sometimes your brain simply needs
a break!
Who is your
favorite character in your current manuscript and why?
Camryn: I
haven’t been attached to one yet, but if I had to pick it would be Caedmon. He is a part of a small group that originated
as pranksters but became mercenaries during the civil war. Caedmon is a gentle and strong man who has
only loved one girl his whole life. He
has internal struggles that I have in my own life and I find that I like him
for how he is able to handle them.
Would you
share an excerpt from your current work-in-progress?
The Falcon Master
Saige cried
but didn't want to admit it. She hadn’t
cried since she was fifteen. Why should she start now? Angrily, she wiped her tears away with the
back of her hand. She couldn’t see
through the rain and her tears and had absolutely no idea where she was
going. Arrowynd, her mount, trotted
along at her leisure. Eventually, Saige
had the good sense to rein her horse in and take account of her
surroundings. Her mouth fell open in
surprise. They were much closer to her
village of Kething than she thought.
woods she had grown up playing by loomed before her in the cold mist. Though the sight of her childhood playground
should have comforted her, a chill was gradually working up her spine to the
nape of her neck. She shivered and
rubbed the reins between her fingers in thought.
After the
day her best friend, Jareth, disappeared into the woods, her foster parents
forbade her from ever going near Sparevan Wood again. Her freedom was further restricted when
reports reached the village of disappearances similar to Jareth’s all over
Kilfatar and Muireach. One hundred and
thirty children in total had vanished into the woods, all around the same
age. They were not seen again. Saige was kept close to home until it was
ingrained in her to never approach the forest.
And she
hadn’t. Saige had been a good, obedient
child, listening to what her elders said, doing as they told her. She was stubborn for sure, but good-hearted,
which was why the fact that she still stood before the forest and hadn’t turned
back yet baffled her.
after that day, when she would look back and try to explain what happened next,
Saige would blame her rampant emotions, or say that she missed Jareth. Truthfully, however, she could not pinpoint
quite why she went into the woods.
Perhaps she did not see the floating lanterns of the will-o’-the-wisps
dancing around inside the tree line, or perhaps she did not feel their magic
draw her into the enchantment they spun.
For on
that day, Saige decided to enter the imposing forest. She did so bravely, riding in with her head
held high, her horse prancing in excitement.
The trees hidden by the curtain of rain moved aside silently at the
will-o’-the-wisps bidding and welcomed the long-awaited girl into its
enveloping arms.
A man descended
a steep incline. The rain blew in his
hooded face, eradicating the purpose of his thick, fur cloak altogether. Regardless, he pulled the edges of the cloak
further around himself, attempting to keep warm. The ground leveled out into a flat forest
glanced back up the mountain and saw the silhouette of a village in the rainy
mist. The reason he had been summoned
there was obscure, to say the least. A
messenger bird had come to his cabin two days ago with a note saying to come to
the Twin Summits as soon as possible.
When he
arrived, he made his way directly to the Nest, the council room of the Falcon
Masters. The falconer captains and
generals sat in their crescent of seats with him at the center as he waited for
their explanation. He sat there for
nearly an hour before one of them spoke.
It was an older man with long silvery hair.
his rough voice said, “Travel to the border of the forest where the villages
Keld and Kething are one. Wait there
until you see the White Falcon fly.”
they dismissed him.
So now
he stood at the mountain base in cold weather that chilled him to his bones,
heading somewhere with only a vague clue as to why he was there. Bowen sighed and turned his face up to the
weeping sky.
me?” he muttered. There was no
answer. He sighed and resumed his muddy
trek downward. It was going to be a
long, wretched day.
Something’s wrong…
peered at the trees around her as she passed them. The bark was as black as pitch, but looked as
smooth as marble. A moment ago, she
could have sworn the bark had been brown.
The leaves that she could see hanging from the lower branches looked like
teardrops of emerald dangling from the boughs.
But it was autumn and the leaves she had seen before entering the wood
were orange and gold. She had never seen
trees like these before.
was no more wind; not even a breath of a breeze existed, and yet the air was
not stale. It wasn’t raining anymore
either. In fact, it was as if it had
never rained in the first place. Saige
looked up to the sky, but the branches of the trees interwove to make a
tightly-knit canopy, blotting out the sky and any rain that might fall through.
must be what is blocking out the rain,” she muttered, as if to reassure
herself. But even she, deep down inside,
could tell that she was not in the Sparevan wood of her childhood.
trees were mere handbreadths away from each other, but parted wherever she
went. Clawed branches stuck out like
they were trying to catch her hair. Saige
slowly became unsettled. She felt like
something--or someone--was watching her.
Regretting her hasty decision to enter the wood, Saige sat back in her
saddle and pulled Arrowynd to a stop.
isn’t right. Maybe we should go back…”
an owl came screeching down. It
stretched its sharp talons out and began scratching the horse’s face. Arrowynd neighed shrilly and reared, lashing
out her hooves at the bird. Saige gasped
and tried to keep her seat.
girl! Steady!”
soothing was in vain. The large owl kept
attacking and the mare kept rearing.
Then the powerful beast lunged several feet in one stride. Saige screamed and clung desperately to the
saddle horn. The great-horned bird
huddled between the roots of a giant tree, his fur cloak wrapped around him to
keep him warm. He had been waiting there
for a day and a half now, with no sign of the White Falcon. He ground his teeth and crossly readjusted
himself in his uncomfortable niche.
Before he
settled, he heard an inhuman shriek.
Bowen leapt to his feet, ready for anything. He listened intently to the silence of the
Ebony Weald looming to his left. That sounded like a horse. The tall man peered into the dark trees and
listened. Another scream rang out; this
one decidedly human and female.
whooshing sounded above him and when he looked up, he saw
the pale belly of a white bird flying into the depths of the ebony trees. The
White Falcon… he thought. With a
deep breath, Bowen dove into the thick trees, following the pale bird and the
echoes of the feminine cries.
What an exciting selection! Thank you so much for sharing, Camryn.
And now, Camryn has offered a lovely work of original art as a giveaway to one lucky winner! Here it is:
If you would like to win this Falcon Master poster, enter your name in the drawing below. And be certain to thank Camryn for sharing with us today. I'm sure we will all be eager to read the final product as soon as Falcon Master is complete!" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway
I'm trying to catch my breath after that excerpt. Wow! You are an amazing writer, Camryn. I'm desperate to read the whole story now. Will it still be a few years before I can do that?
Thanks for hosting these interviews, Anne Elizabeth. They're really fun!
Yes, they are REALLY fun! I love all these interviews. :-D
Wow that is a really good drawing!! I love it! just wanna pick that book up and read it!!! :O
Oh Camryn!! I love the way I can feel the wet wind and see the mist on the trees! Good job :)
First off...WOW. I adore, adore, adore that front cover. It's simply incredible. And that summary is so tantalizing! I love the fact that it has to do with falcons.
One of my best friends is a falconer's apprentice, and she has her own falcon (no joke) so I'm even more fascinated with this novel, having had some experience with falcons myself.
If I could have a wolf without risking my health, then I would jump at it too. I'd also settle with a stunning red fox. Did you know they actually breed foxes for pets up in Russia? Soooo jealous.
You're excerpt is very intriguing! Keep up the good work! I really want to read this story someday!
Camryn you are soooo inspiring!!!!
To you what is the hardest part about the writing process?
I loved your opening line! It felt real. How did you come up this idea?
Rebekah Gyger
I am very excited to see all this new talent coming up in fantasy.
The cover is amazing, but I have a thing for silhouettes. :-)
Thank you so much for sharing with us and doing the interview.
I am curious of who these Falcon Masters are. It sounds like they are a people group different than the others. I know what a Falcon Master is in regards to medieval history. So, I guess I'm wondering how the two relate and what makes them a "people group" if that is what they are, considering there was a leader that was taken captive. What sets them apart from the other peoples?
Also, if and when you get a blog or something, let us know so that we may follow your progress, cheer you on and get the book when it is available. :-)
Thank you guys so much! :)
Rae, hopefully it won't be too long before I get this story published. :) I'd like to think that you will read the complete story soon!
Hannah, that is so cool your friend is a falconer's apprentice! :D I've had to do so much research, I've often thought training to be a falconer would be easier than looking up how to do things.
I didn't know they could have foxes as pets in Russia. That's pretty awesome. :)
Jojo, for me, the hardest part about writing is telling the reader exactly what I see and how the characters feel. I can't say, "Hey, remember in this movie how that building they ate lunch in looked like? Yeah, that's what this room looks like." ;) It's tough for me, but for some people, it's not. :)
Thanks, Rebekah! Well, when I first came up with it, it was almost an exact replica of Ranger's Apprentice with how an apprentice is chosen by a master and trained in the arts of their trade. But my mom taught me about plagiarism, and I realized I couldn't actually publish that story. So it's been adapted and changed. Really it was just a game I played with my brothers until I began putting words to paper. Honestly, I don't believe I came up with the story entirely on my own. I think God inspired me with the majority of it. :) I hope it turns out the way He wants it to, and that it reaches all the people it's supposed to.
Jennette, you're spot on, actually. :) The Falcon Masters represent Christians in this fantasy world, and thus are a people of their own. That sets them apart. The rest of the world lives according to their standards or codes of honor, or lack thereof. The medieval trade of falconry is just something I thought made them cool. ^_^
Thank you guys again so much! :) I'm glad you liked my story.
In Christ,
That is so cool, your a amazing writer :)
Camryn, I wanted to point out something else that really struck me just in the excerpt you shared. I believe Ms. Stengl has written something before about making sure your readers can in some way relate to the characters, despite how otherworldly the rest of the story is. I think you did a amazing job of that! Yes, Bowen is waiting for a mysterious white falcon outside a fairy forest, but he immediately has our empathy because he's having to stand in a downpour (something I believe all of us have experienced at one time or another). Good job! :)
Your exerpt was amazing Camryn! I kept scrolling down wanting more...I love your clear writing style that caused me to think of John Flanagan's epic series:) Please keep up with this incredible story! It's so very good!
To Ms. Camryn:
I truly enjoyed the excerpt from your exciting story. Like Ms. Rae has already said, it's wonderful that your characters are so relatable. The Falcon Masters are very interesting, and I love any story that features orphans and outcasts making a difference in their world. Wonderful job, and I also loved learning that you are one of seven siblings. I know you get lots of writing material from the inspiration of your family. I'll be praying for you and all your efforts. God bless you.
Mrs. Stengl: These "Fantasy Writers of Tomorrow" posts are phenomenal! Thank you for posting them. It's truly amazing the vast array of creativity that God has so wonderfully lavished upon these talented individuals. God bless you, and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend. It's been a very hectic few weeks for me, so, Lord willing, I'm going to relish a relaxing day at home tomorrow. I have a feeling I will be ensconced in my favorite reading spot, totally immersed in the adventures of a certain cat-man and a silent yet supremely courageous and expressive young woman.
I wanted to tell you, Anne Elisabeth, that my book club is reading Heartless this month! I'm planning to use some of the questions from the Christmas Read-Along for our discussions. :)
Wow! Just Wow! I am blown away by your talent, and I can't wait to read this entire story whenever it comes out!! What an amazing talent you have!
I love the idea behind this story Camryn, and the adventure that is just beginning to unfold! God bless you in all your writing endeavours--and beautiful drawing! :D
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