It's been a busy time for me here at Rooglewood. I'm happy to say that, before writing up this last chapter, I completed the revisions on Golden Daughter, so it's ready for it's copy edit and polish. Huzzah! That's always a great feeling. I'll hopefully be planning the cover reveal for this book quite soon now, though there are a couple of details that need to be wrapped up first.
But before we get too caught up in Golden Daughter enthusiasm, Veiled Rose deserves its wrap-up and farewell. I hope you'll enjoy this last chapter. And I hope to see you on my facebook page tonight, from 8-9 Eastern! I'll be there to chat, answer questions, etc. Looking forward to "seeing" all of you who can make it.
Chapter 2
Full circle: So at long last, we end this story where it began—with a young man, all alone, climbing the mountainside up to Hill House. We now know the source of this man’s solitude, and we understand his purpose. What a long, sad tale is his . . . and (as readers of the next book already know), it will be longer and sadder still.
But for now, he just needs one thing: a friend. And I think we can allow him that, at least for the moment.
Bloodbiter’s Wrath: It’s nice to see Lionheart take up his childhood “weapon” once more. We can see him here, after the many, unsuccessful labors that drove him to maturity, longing to reach back into the past. To reclaim that childhood innocence and the dream of heroism. That dream which the Dragon killed. That dream which he has forgone in place of the dream the Lady gives him.
But the longing in his heart—the real longing for a heart of courage—remains. And it will not be fulfilled so long as he walks this road. He knows it. But I think he believes that, somehow, if he can just find Rose Red again, she will make him feel that he isn’t the person he knows he’s become. She will make him feel a hero again.
Reminiscing: Lionheart’s reminiscing takes us back to the early chapters of this novel, allowing us to relive along with him those childhood adventures. Again, that sense of bringing everything full circle is created.
This was an important sense for me to establish here at the end of the book. Because, as you know, Lionheart’s story doesn’t really end here. Veiled Rose ends, but the story goes on. I had already drafted Moonblood, so I knew where things were heading. My readers, however, would not get to read Moonblood for several months after that. I had to do whatever I could to bring a sense of a closure . . . a sense of closure where there could be no closure, really!
Thus I used this technique of the beginning connecting to the ending, of reminiscing, etc. Call it a “writerly trick” if you will, an attempt to make this story feel as though it’s reached its conclusion. For some readers this worked well. For others, it did not (as the painful reviews will attest!) . Following Veiled Rose’s release, I often found myself wishing I could call out to those angry reviewers and say, “No, please! Just trust me! I know where I’m going with this story, really I do, and it’s worth the wait.”
But Veiled Rose did not end on a successful moment for the hero. It did not end with a kiss for the heroine. And sometimes, readers will not forgive that. Oh well. You faithful imps stuck with me, and I appreciate that more than I can say!
“You said once . . .” Again we find Lionheart alone in the forest, calling out for his friend to find him in his trouble. “I’m lost. I need you,” he says. And he does. Not for any romantic feeling—no, no. Readers are much mistaken if they think Lionheart has any romantic interest in Rose Red here at the end of Veiled Rose. But he knows her to be the one faithful friend in his life. The only one who will trust him and believe in him, no matter his failures. At least, so he believes.
And he needs a friend like that. Desperately.
What Leo saw: Here in this chapter we finally learn what exactly Leo saw in the pool of the Mountain Monster’s cave. We learn that he did indeed see Rose Red’s face. We also learn that he saw his own face and, in a moment of clarity, recognized what he saw. Recognized that he was not the hero he wanted to believe himself to be.
And he spent the entire rest of this novel fleeing that image. But he cannot escape it forever.
The goblin: Here, in the very last chapter, we learn the truth of Rose Red’s face. She is a goblin. There is no Faerie princes of unreal beauty hiding behind those veils. There is only an ugly, hideous monster, with jagged, jutting teeth and enormous, moon-wide eyes, flattened nose, rocklike hide . . . she is a monster out of children’s stories and nightmares. Our dear, sweet, loyal Rosie.
But after spending an entire novel with this character, does her appearance really matter so very much?
Again, I faced some backlash for this revelation. People expecting a romantic moment between these two characters were bitterly disappointed. Because, of course, how can we expected Lionheart to have romantic feelings for such a creature? How can there be a kiss when she looks like that?
Well, there can’t be. And if that’s’ what readers want, they will be disappointed. But there can be something more, something much deeper and more profound. There can be real honesty. There can be true friendship. Even between the monster and the coward.
A confession and a promise: Lionheart tells Rose Red what he has not had the courage to tell anyone else: that he failed. He doesn’t tell her the whole of the story, but he tells her the most important aspect. He tells her of his failure. Because he knows that she, of all the people in his life, won’t care.
And Rose Red, wrapping her arms around him in a surprising moment of tenderness and demonstrative affection, promises him: “There ain’t nothin’ you can do that will turn me from you.”
A powerful promise. We can only hope that she’s right . . . because Lionheart has not done his worst yet.
But for this story, let it end here. Let it end with friendship and devotion. Let us hope that Lionheart may indeed prove himself worthy of a friend such as Rose Red. That he may indeed, with her at his side, recover himself and transform into the king Southlands needs.
A reminder: And yes, I used Rose Red to remind my readers that they need to read all the legends together to know how everything turns out. Not that everyone paid attention, mind! But I tried.
And there we are, dear readers all! The end of this read-along. Thank you for joining me on this exploration of Veiled Rose, my sophomore novel. Keep checking back for more fun upcoming events on the Goldstone Wood blog, including the upcoming 2014 Fan Art Contest! Dates to be announced shortly.
Questions on the Text:
1. What were your thoughts on first learning the truth of Rose Red’s secret?
2. How does this chapter strike you as an ending? Bittersweet? Sad? Hopeful? Incomplete?
3. Having come to the end of this story, who would you pick as your favorite character?
4. And, one last time, any favorite lines?
Allison wants to know: "My final question of the read-through is, aside from Shadow Hand, will we ever come back to the Southlands again? You mention books set in other locations, but I don't know if you've elaborated on this."
You know, I'm not actually certain. Not for a little while at least. The next several books after Shadow Hand are set in Noorhitam, Parumvir, Corrilond, Arpiar . . . and then after that, things are little bit more up in the air. But the fact is, this series is constantly growing, so the likelihood is we will return to Southlands at some point and time. At least for some novellas, if not full-length novels!
Jemma wants to know: "Is Golden Daughter book 8 or 7? I have this weird feeling that it was once refered to as book 8 but that doesn't make sense."
Heh, I probably did refer to it as book 8 at some point . . . it's all too easy to get my numbers mixed! But no, Golden Daughter is definitely book 7. Book 8 has an as-yet unrevealed title . . . but I should be letting you know about that pretty soon now!
Jemma also wants to know: "When will you do a blog page for you next book? (Because I can't wait!)"
I'll be doing a blog page for Golden Daughter around the same time as the cover reveal. Right now, the cover reveal is tentatively planned for the end of February . . . just before Shadow Hand's release. I have a couple of loose ends to tie up first, but believe me, I'll be letting everyone know! And yes, I hope to do a "characters you will meet" page for Golden Daughter too, time permitting.
Caitlyn wants to know: "Those inhaling dragon smoke were in stasis and didn't age, but this chapter describes how the smoke poison aged them. Were they only in stasis when the Dragon was there?"
Well, they didn't age in years. No more than they starved or grew longer hair or anything like that. But the poison definitely took years out of their life, so they aged in that respect, particularly the Eldest. I think he suffered the most because he was king, and it was his kingdom that was being poisoned.
Caitlyn also wants to know: "Did it ever say Lionheart really loved Rose Red? We saw Rose Red loved Lionheart, and Lionheart loved Una."
Nope, I don't think I ever said anything about that. Lionheart does love Rose Red, of course, just not romantically. Romantically, he fell in love with Una. But he loves Rose Red as his most trusted, most devoted friend.
Whether or not he ever falls in love with her remains to be seen . . .
Anna wants to know: "You keep pointing out the Cinderella parallels in Veiled Rose. Were those intentional or not-intentional?"
LOL! I really don't think they were intentional. I'm pretty sure I am just so steeped in Five Glass Slippers submissions at the moment that Cinderella parallels jump out at me everywhere. However, I do suspect that I unconsciously was including those themes, since I have always been nuts for fairy tales. I consider my genre to be "allegorical fairy tales," after all.
Heather wants to know: "Within your next few books, how many of them will take place after Shadow Hand?"
Um . . . well. That's a bit hard to answer. Sort of all of them. But also, not really. Um . . . I think you'll need to read Shadow Hand before I can answer that (Since I would hate to give away spoilers!).
Allison also wants to know: "Were you aware of the events of Shadow Hand when you were writing Veiled Rose and Heartless?"
Not while writing Heartless, no. And not while writing Moonblood either, actually! But late in the drafting of Veiled Rose, I began to realize that I couldn't leave Daylily's story untold. And more of it was beginning to come compellingly to mind. I still sat on the ideas for it through the drafting of Starflower and Dragonwitch, but it was pretty much roaring to be told by the time I sat down to it! But no, the first idea for it didn't come to me until part way through drafting Veiled Rose.
Fan Art:
Here are some fun pieces of fan art to celebrate the end of the read-along! First, this photograph by Caitlyn:
INTO THE WOOD By Caitlyn and Hunter |
And here is a beautiful poem by Allison, inspired by characters and events in Veiled Rose:
Ashes and Dreams
I wear a
coat of dreams.
glistens and it gleams.
catches lives and begs for them
To join
in its grand dance.
Though the
wise refuse and wander on,
always will give them the chance.
galaxies combine.
It stirs
its broth of life and death
Into a
mix refined.
it weighs me down.
pinches and it twists.
It drags
my shoulders to the floor.
strains and hurts my wrists.
it shows me dreams
That are
too grand for me,
though I cry and though I beg,
It will
not let me be.
I wore
my coat of dreams.
glistened and it gleamed
Until I
tore it off.
And now
that it is gone,
I wonder
if I’m wrong.
though it gave me dreams,
It never
gave me life.
it gave me beauty,
I though
it not the price.
It never
gave me love,
it dearly tried.
For all
its wild grandeur,
My coat
could only lie.
listen to my warning:
Do not
scorn the idle dream.
Be wary
of your coat
it glistens and it gleams.
If it
ever asks you for your life,
Be sure
to throw it out.
For I’ve
had my dreams fulfilled,
they’re ashes in my mouth.
Yay! Thank you so much for doing this, Anne Elisabeth. It's really been a blast.
1. The first time I read it, I thought, "What? She's not beautiful." The second time, though, when I had read a little about your intentions in this book, I felt really grateful. Because she's still beautiful, more beautiful than sad, bitter Daylily.
2. Bittersweet. And hopeful. I feel inspired to read Moonblood again.
3. I can't pick just one! I would say Leo and Rose Red, because together, they are such a powerful message. They break my heart and make me laugh at the same time.
4. The whole chapter. It was poetic. : ) If I had to pick, I would say '"I can't promise this will be a happy story, Rosie."' And '"Remember, you have to read all the legends together to know for sure, and we don't know them all yet."'
Again, thank you so much!
And I totally forgot to put my favorite line: '"I'd like to know that story someday."'
1. I remember being a bit surprised the first time; I think I was expecting more of the literally fatal beauty type rather than the ugly monster type.
2. Bittersweet and sad, but with a hint of hope and a promise of stories to come.
3. Rose Red or Beana. I love Rose Red . . . she's not my favorite Goldstone Wood heroine (that would be either Una or Imraldera) but I do like her. And Beana is just awesome.
4. "Maybe it will have a happy ending," said she. "When everything's complete and come full circle. This part ain't so nice, but maybe somethin' good will come of it?" She gulped and stepped back to look up at the prince, for the moment forgetting what she was, not caring as his gaze moved across her face. "Remember, you have to read all the legends together to know for sure, and we don't know them all yet. There may be a story out there to make this one happy."
Leo nodded, and there was a trace of a smile behind his beard. "I'd like to know that story someday."
Also, thank you so, so much for doing this read-along. It's been awesome; I've loved rereading Veiled Rose and learning about when you were writing it and seeing things I never thought to notice before. It's been awesome, and I hope you'll do Moonblood next year!
Allison, your poem is sublime.
Anne Elisabeth, the ending was as near perfect as I've ever seen. (How do you do that?!?) Thanks for having this read along!
1. was surprised, but thought I should have seen it coming.
2. I think the ending is sweet. Reading it the first and second time, it still feels a sense of completeness.
3. I'm gonna have to say Rose Red.
4. "Remember, you have to read all the legends together to know for sure, and we don't know all of them yet. There may be a story out there somewhere to make this one happy." Leo nodded, and there was a trace of a smile behind his beard. "I'd like to know that story someday." -pg. 374
1. Like I've said, I already had known she was a goblin. I was a little taken aback by how hideous she was, but delighted at the same time.
2. Aw, I love this ending. Yes, it's bittersweet, but it's so very hopeful! It's perfect. :)
3. Mean question. Mmm, probably Rosie.
4. "Maybe it will have a happy ending," said she. "When everything's complete and come full circle. This part ain't so nice, but maybe somethin' good will come of it?"
I hope to be there at the Facebook party! And I just got most of the fan art and poems onto Dame Imraldera's Library.
Thanks for doing this readthrought! It's interesting to get to do something like this with an author and see their insights into what they were thinking as they wrote the book/series you're reading.
1. I was surprised, though I had suspected that what we saw via the Dragon in his world was not real and not what she really looked like.
2. Very bittersweet, but hopeful - and definitely gives the story a sense of completion while still leaving you wanting more.
3. I think I've got to choose Rosie. Her or Beana as my favorites.
4. “Rose Red,” he said softly to the stream and the trees and anyone who might listen, “you said once that if I had any trouble, to sing out and you’d come. Well, I have plenty of trouble. And I need you. If you’ll come.”
Do you know that I have half a mind to get on Amazon and give you a "I LOVED THIS BOOK" Review.
1. "HEEEE!" "Oh.." I was suprised but I don't mind goblins so I just liked her all the more.(Kinda glad she not overly beutiful).
2. Kind of Bittersweet.
3. Leo.
I really love this story and I love how you have been doing this AWSOME read-along.
This read-along is like a study guide but it has so many points that are better.
1. It is done by the author(you) so it has the points that the author(you) wanted to reveal.
2. Not only is it free but you have a chance of getting a signed copy of the book(Veiled Rose).
3. You can ask questions about the book(Veiled Rose), and about other things.
4. Veiled Rose is one of my favorite books ever.
5. Anne Elisabeth Stengl(you) is one of my favorite authors ever.
There are many other points that I couldn't think of at the time
1. I was not surprised by her appearance, although the revelation made me cry. It was so very beautiful. I think I mentioned that Rose Red's appearance was a source of great discussions between me and my mother. She thought Rosie would turn out to be beautiful, and I thought the opposite. Her character was so enthralling and lovely, so lonely, loyal and strong, that I thought it would lessen the poignancy of the story if she turned out to be "beautiful" in the physical sense. Thank you so very much for going the nontraditional route. There are too many fairy tales that rely on attractive heroines. I'm guilty of that myself. Outstanding work.
2. The ending is both bittersweet and hopeful. I absolutely love it, particularly the inclusion of the wood thrush. He's still there in their story, and despite the weakness of the human characters, he is working within their lives. How wonderful that that is true for us as well.
3. My favorite character is Rose Red, but this read-along has definitely made me admire Daylily more. So excited to learn her whole story.
4. It's hard to pick favorite lines, because I loved the entire chapter. However, Leo's speech is phenomenal, particularly when he says that the mountain monster isn't one person but all of them, and when he confesses that he is his own worst enemy. Aren't we all? I think of Romans 7 everytime I read this chapter, where Paul laments that the things he wants to do he does not. He cannot escape himself and must rely on Someone to deliver him "from this body of death".
Once again, I must thank you so very, very much for this beautiful read-along. You are so kind to take the time to do so many activities for us when you are so very busy. I loved learning about your journey in writing this book, (God truly orchestrated events and helped the novel to be ready in His own perfect timing). I also loved your insights into the characters and everyone's insightful comments and questions. God bless you.
Oh, and Ms. Allison, your poem was so wonderful. Loved the imagery of the coat. Did you have a particular speaker in mind: Daylily or Leo, or is the speaker intentionally ambiguous? Outstanding work!
Just viewed the online chat. So much fun!! Too bad I couldn't participate. :( But reading all the comments was a blast in of itself! :D Thanks for hosting it!!!
@Meredith Thank you for asking! I didn't write the poem with any particular character in mind. I wondered if once Lady Life-in-Death had you, there would ever ben an escape, and concluded that if it there was, it would be the strongest, most terrible thing that would result in self-doubt. Thank you for asking! I'm glad you liked it. : )
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