But here I am now, and I hope to be able to keep up until the end of the read-along . . . which is coming up quite soon now! Only seven more days after today. Then, I plan to host a celebration to wrap everything up. What would all of you say to a facebook chat party, the evening of January 9th? Would that be fun?
In the meanwhile, let's dive into today's chapter . . .
Chapter 8
The chandeliers: This chapter,
I remember vividly, was incredibly difficult to write. Or rather, not to write.
To begin. We’re quite late in the
story now, and everything is building up to the big crisis-point and climax . .
. and at the time of writing, my deadlines were looming ever nearer. My
deadline to finish the book. My deadline to get wedding invitations in the
mail. My deadline to pick bridesmaids dresses (which I didn’t end up doing . . .
there simply was no time! I almost skipped bridesmaids entirely, but ended up
having my “sister,” Erin stand up on my side, and Rohan’s sister, Rochelle,
stand up on his. And I told both of them to simply pick dresses in pretty
colors and show up on the day of! LOL. They picked soft yellow and spring
green, and both looked very beautiful . . . thus my load was lightened).
Anyway, yes, my deadline to pack up most of my belongings and move them, and
the kitties (three at the time), to Rohan’s house. My deadline to pack up the
rest of my belongings and move myself from North Carolina up to Wisconsin for
four weeks to finish planning the wedding.
All of these deadlines loomed. And I was on Part Four, Chapter 8. And I
simply could not make my brain function! I would get up in the mornings, down
some tea, wrap myself in a dressing gown (specifically a mulberry silk thing
with, of all things, cherubs printed all over it . . . don’t ask me why. It was
the Veiled Rose writing outfit), and
start trying to write. Trying with all my heart!
And this chapter was so memorably difficult, I still get shudders
thinking about it.
The practice in modern writing is to primarily focus on the point of view
of one of your main character. The theory is, the character in question is going
to have the most dramatic perspective on the scene, and that’s the perspective
from which you always want to write. This being Rose Red’s chapter, I kept
trying to open the scene with Rose Red on her strange raft, out on the Dark
Water, making her way to the shore of the Village of Dragons. But for some
reason, no matter what I did, I simply could
not create the right level of dramatic tension.
You see, Rose Red couldn’t see clearly what she was coming to. While
there is plenty of horror in the unknown, I knew that what she could not
experience was some of the most interesting and dynamic stuff . . . and I
couldn’t write it from her perspective! It was so frustrating, and the scene
kept opening so slowly, so dispassionately.
Thus I sing once more the praises of the omniscient narrative!
Writing in the strict third-person narrative is much easier than
omniscient, and while in a rush, I tended to slip into third person along the
way. But with this chapter, I finally woke up to the fact that my style is omniscient narrative. I am not limited to my heroine’s point of view. I
can use her point of view . . . but I am also free to show the reader other
perspectives on the same scene.
So, having scrapped the fifth or sixth version of the chapter opening
(and feeling the day lengthen around me . . . another precious writing day that
could not be wasted!), I opened instead with the chandeliers.
I focused small, on this one features. This curious feature. This
enigmatic and rather creepy feature of the scene. Then, slowly, I expanded the
view for my readers. I let them see what stood in the lights cast by the
chandeliers. I let them see the dragons moving. Then I expanded further still,
and let them see the dragon’s dance.
At last, I introduced Rose Red’s approach, not via her own perspective,
but via the perspective of the dragons themselves. And suddenly, this
struggling scene began to come together. It possessed the right level of fear
and dread and elegance. I could see where Rose Red was going, even if she could
not, and I could fear for her much more effectively.
Omniscient narrative is so often disparaged by today’s writers . . . but
I will never, ever understand why.
A dragon with rubies in her hair: Readers
of Heartless will recognize the woman
dragon with the long black hair, the one who adorns herself in rubies. We were
introduced to her as the infamous Bane of Corrilond, destroyer of her nation .
. . a queen of ages past who was betrayed by the man she loved for a chest full
of rubies. The same rubies she now wears.
A creepy and tragic character . . . and one whose story I hope to tell,
sometime in the next few years! It’ll be a little while yet, but not terribly
long now.
They had never seen this lake
before. An interesting little tidbit about the Village of Dragons. In Heartless, there was no black lake to be
found near the village. But here in Veiled
Rose it appears, and the dragons are very curious, having never seen it
before. The Dragon himself shapes this dark world in which they live, and so he
has provided a means for Rose Red, though not a dragon herself, to access this
hiding place of his fiery children.
And they obey their Father’s every command. They dance to a song that is
without music, made up only of strange rhythm.
A certain yellow-eyed dragon. Another
character we met in Heartless is
glimpsed momentarily in Veiled Rose.
The yellow-eyed dragon—once called Diarmid—played a fairly important role in
book 1, serving as Una’s guide and Felix’s nemesis. He is, of course, another
character with quite an interesting backstory, some of which is revealed in Moonblood.
I am delighted to say that, quite recently, even more of Diarmid’s story
came to me. I was discussing various possibilities for book 8 with Rohan, and
suddenly that conversation spun off on an unexpected sidetrack . . . a
sidetrack with delightful possibilities! And now I have yet another novella I
hope to write, possibly next year, 2015. I can’t say too much about that one
just now, save that the working title idea is: Bright as Fire.
Reacting to the light: The
dragons’ reactions to the light of the Asha Lantern is frightening . . . and
tragic. Particularly when you recall (as more clearly explained in Dragonwitch) that Asha itself represents
Hope to worlds—hope of the great lights and songs beyond the Final Water.
But the dragons have lost their hope. And they hate even the reminder of
Her lantern dimmed: When, in
her fear, Rose Red actually takes comfort in the familiar terror of the Dragon
compared to the new terror of his children, the lantern light begins to dim.
Rose Red is trusting in something she knows and understands. Something
terrible, but something she believes she understands.
There is, sometimes, a strange comfort in despair, when it’s a familiar
despair. A strange comfort in anger, when it’s a familiar anger. A strange
comfort in jealousy, anxiety, avarice . . . all the various sins of our lives
that are familiar to us, as close to our beings as our own skins.
Hope is less familiar. In some ways, hope is so unnatural to our mortal perceptions
that it can even be frightening. And it is unfamiliar and, therefore, more
difficult to trust. Rose Red, tired already from her long and dreadful journey,
is beginning to fall back on that which she knows for certain. She knows the
Dragon. She knows what he can do to her. And she doesn’t fear him as much as
she fears hoping that she can beat him . . . and ending up disappointed.
One of the Veiled Folk. Vahe’s
Lost One: In this passage, we catch glimpses of understanding about Rose
Red’s heritage and past. We even learn the name of her father (though the text
doesn’t overtly refer to Vahe as her
father . . . it simply calls her Vahe’s “lost one”). We learn that her people
are called the Veiled Folk, though we do not yet know why or what sort of veils
they wear.
But the hints are there. And, I hope, the motivation to go on and read
the next book . . .
The Night of Moonblood. Ooooh,
a reference to the next book as well! How fun. I’m sure a bit frustrating to
readers who aren’t aware that this book is part of a series, that these are themes to be developed in a later book . . . but for a series
reader, great fun!
“Is she the one you seek?” After
all these years (which really mean very little to the Dragon when he’s not
incarnate, but which are much longer and more frustrating when he’s wearing an
incarnate form), the Dragon is still not certain if Rose Red is the “Beloved of
his Enemy” whom he seeks.
But he believes she must be, due to the “protections” around her. Due to
the knight set to guard her since the time of her infancy.
The knight who is even now on her way down into the Netherworld, seeking
her lost charge . . .
Still searching for Daylily: Despite
all the fear and dread surrounding her, Rose Red continues doggedly onward in
her search for Lady Daylily. She insists that the Dragon cannot keep Daylily
down here in the Netherworld, claiming that he tricked and poisoned her—though the
Dragon himself insists that Daylily came of her own free will.
No deals! The Dragon offers a
bargain to Rose Red—if she can convince Lady Daylily to return with her, then
both may freely go. If not, then both must remain in the Village of Dragons
with him.
But when Rose Red insists, “No deals!” the Dragon does not argue the
point. Instead, he simply says, “Shall we dance?” And he sweeps Rose Red into a
dark, dragon’s dance . . .
Cinderella theme continued. This
story is not a retelling of
Cinderella, at least not overtly. But there are many strong Cinderella themes to be found throughout. (Proving,
yet again, the universal awesomeness of fairy tales, which can be reused and
revised and resituated in innumerably wonderful ways!)
Here we see our humble chambermaid Rose Red transformed—temporarily—into a
princess. Through magical means, she finds herself wearing a glorious ball gown
and dancing at a sort of ball beneath shining chandeliers.
So much more than a friend: All
the Dragon’s other transformations and enchantments cannot serve to move our
intrepid heroine. The beautiful gown she wears, the dancing, the seductive
words . . . none of it makes a difference.
But when Rose Red finds herself dancing with Leo—Leo in an idealized,
mature form, which may or may not be an illusion—she finds her resolve
And when Leo, her childhood companion, her master and defender, tells her
that she is “so much more than a friend” to him . . . suddenly Rose Red is “unveiled”
more thoroughly than if the very veil on her face were snatched away.
We learn at last for certain: Rose Red is in love—impossibly, hopelessly
in love—with Prince Lionheart.
And in that hopeless love, she drops the Asha Lantern.
Cliffhanger: And, of course,
the chapter must end on a cliffhanger. Rose Red pulls the veil from her face .
. . but we will have to wait to see what she sees!
Questions on the text:
1. The dragons’ reaction to the light
of hope is tragic and frightening . . . and yet I find it strangely relatable.
Sometimes I have reacted similarly to circumstances, angry at even the idea of
hoping for a good outcome to something I once longed for. Have any of you ever
felt this way? Can any of you relate to our frightening, pathetic dragons?
2. The Dragon claims Daylily came to
the Netherworld of her own free will. Rose Red insists that it was all a trick
and manipulation. Which do you think is true? Or might both be true in a way?
3. How many Cinderella themes can you
pick out in Veiled Rose? As I said,
it’s not a retelling of Cinderella, but there are many familiar themes to be
had along the way, adding to the “fairy tale” feel of the whole. Is there a
substitute for the glass slipper, lost and found? Is there a substitute for the
pumpkin coach, a means of transportation created out of something humble? Is
there a substitute for the prince, the ball, the evil stepsister/stepmother?
The prince? The fairy godmother?
Catching up on questions from several days past! Sorry about the delay. Do feel free to keep asking your questions, and I will keep up with them to the very best of my ability.
Caitlyn wants to know: "Is the door in the cliff on top of the cliff, or is Rose Red looking down to the side?"
I picture Rose Red standing at the bottom of a tall cliff, and the door is at the cliff's base.
Caitlyn also wants to know: "Can fan art be taken pictures of real places that might resemble things in the book, or does it have to be drawn?"
Yes, you can definitely submit pictures of real places if you like! Fan art is much broader than just drawings.
Jemma wants to know: "What are the names of the black dogs?"
The Black Dogs have Etalpalli names, Yaotl, and
Eztli, Which mean "war" and "blood" respectively. But I don't believe anyone but the Dragonwitch herself knew those names, and now that she's dead, they are likely long forgotten.
No one knows, not even Imraldera. Probably the Black Dog itself doesn't even know its own name . . . only the Dragonwitch knew which was which, and she never said and can no longer say.
Caitlyn also wants to know: "How do you pronounce Ay-Ibunda? Is it Ay as in a or Ay as in I?"
Ay is pronounced "I." Ibunda in pronounced with a soft "d", so that it almost comes out sounding more like "th."
And Caitlyn wants to know: "Is the Silent Lady a person? On page 315 the Sister says, "She won't help you, sweet prince, I will." Will we see her in a later novel?"
Absolutely! Her identity is first revealed in Moonblood, and she is a major character in Starflower . . . but if you haven't read either of those, I don't want to give it away! :)
1. Oh, I definitely can relate to the dragons. So often, it's easy to prefer despair than to reach out toward hope. For, when you reach out for something, you might experience disappointment again.
2. I think Daylily went to the Netherworld willingly, although the Dragon probably tempted her.
3. I'm not entirely sure if these guesses are right, but here are my thoughts:
Glass Slipper: If the slipper is something good, then the Asha Lantern. If the slipper is supposed to be an evil symbol, then perhaps the mirror in which Rose Red glimpses her face.
Pumpkin: The twig boat that Rose Red uses to cross the Lake of Endless Blackness.
Stepsister: Lady Daylily.
Stepmother: The Dragon. That guess is rather odd, I know, so I'll say he's either the stepmother's stand-in or a great twist on "Prince Charming." As the prince character in the musical, "Into the Woods" says, "I was raised to be charming, not sincere." You can either look at the prince character in the Cinderella story as evil or good. It's a hard call. I know he disturbs me.
Fairy Godmother: Beana.
Prince: Eshkhan. He's absolutely wonderful!
I absolutely love this chapter even if it is frightening. Outstanding job!
1. I can certainly relate to the Dragons. Especially since they hate it because "It represented everything they lost long ago." That is such a human thing to do: if we lose something, we just naturally hate the person who has it now.
2. I think that she would never have gone in there before she had breathed the Dragon poison, but I think that she went there more or less of her own free will.
3. I feel like I must be missing something... Perhaps, as Meredith said, the slipper was the Asha lantern, because she lost it and it was found by the "prince." The pumpkin coach would be the ship, the prince the Dragon, the stepsister Daylily, the fairy godmother Beana.
1. Yes, I can relaet to the dragons.
2. I think both might be true.
3. The pumpkin coach could be the stick ship across the Lake of Endless Blackness. The prince could be Prince Lionheart. The evil step sister perhaps Lady Daylily. The Evil Stepmother could be the Dragon. The fairy godmother could be the Wood Trush.
1. Yes, I can relate with the dragons' reactions. I think it's a very human reaction.
2.I think both can be true - the dragon used his poison and tricks to tempt her, and she made her choice with her free will based on what was influencing her.
My question is... did "The Divine Comedy" at all influence your Netherworld? It reminded me of it, what with the lost souls Rose Red meets, the despair, and the journey through it to some higher place.
2.I think it was a bit of both.
1. Yup! :)
2. The second. Or maybe a little bit of both. She probably wouldn't have gone down in her right mind, but we shall never know, shall we? :P
3. I have to agree with everything Meredith said! Can't improve on that! :P
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