First is a big one! I have decided to start running a quarterly newsletter.
As you can see, it is called The Haven Chronicler, and it will pretty much take the place of these "Doings at Rooglewood" blog posts by gathering in one convenient place any and all Goldstone Wood and Rooglewood-related events of interest. I'll alert you to upcoming features, special deals, exciting events about to take place, book signings, cover reveals . . . and, of course, book releases! I'm planning on sending it out once every quarter--spring, summer, autumn, winter--with short extra editions on the days of project releases.
You can find the sign-up form in the top left-hand bar. It's quite simple, really. Just type in your email address and hit submit. You will then have a chance to reaffirm that you do, in fact, want to subscribe via an alert in your inbox. This is to prevent my newsletter from getting lost in your spam folders!
The Five Glass Slippers contest is still running strong. I receive new submissions every week, and I know I'm going to get utterly deluged in them come December! So much fun reading. Several of these stories have kept me up late into the night because I couldn't put them down, and others have distracted me during the day from my regular work because I'm so eager to see what will happen next.
I've made a slight change to my plans for the front cover, which might interest many of you:
Do you see the difference? That's right! I've arranged the text to allow plenty of space for all five author names on the front cover. So that means the winners will have their names on the cover (and spine too, actually) of this product, and not my name as editor. (For marketing purposes I'll still be listed as a contributor, just not on the cover.) Personally I find this very exciting!
I feel like a kid on Christmas morning every time I find a new manuscript in my inbox. What exciting surprises await within these pages?
As most of you know, the cover reveal for Goddess Tithe went off like a song a couple of weeks ago (thank you again to all of the bloggers who participated!). The blog button is still up for grabs, those of you who keep blogs! Here it is:
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Please link it back to: |
There are so many fun features coming up for October. We have got a cover reveal for Amber Stokes' upcoming novel, Forget Me Not on the 16th. I am featuring 2 (possibly 3) new YA and fantasy novelists whom I believe you will enjoy learning about, with possibilities to win their books! And there is a blog tour event for Laurisa White Reyes' new fantasy novel, The Last Enchanter, which you don't want to miss.
I am still working away at Book 7 in the Tales of Goldstone Wood. I have been hoping to finish it by the end of October, but there is still rather a monstrous amount of novel to go, and I have so many irons in the fire . . . so I'm not certain about that deadline just now. Prayers would be appreciated! I do hope and expect to officially announce the title--and hints as to the storyline--for that book in November. And I should be planning a cover reveal for January, Lord willing, so keep your eyes open for that!
I had a sudden epiphany about Book 8 last night. Book 8 has been sitting in rather a nebulous form in the back of my brain for years now. But as I'm coming closer to completing Book 7, Book 8 has been pushing itself closer to the forefront of my brain, demanding some consideration. And I was rather terrified to realize how little I actually knew about that story. Like most of my stories in early stages, it contained a number of seemingly disconnected threads and characters, but not that cohesive binding that would draw them all together.
But the binding came to me last night. I suddenly realized what needed to happen in order to make these storylines fit. At least, I think I realized. I won't know for sure until I sit down and start working on it. When I think about it, however, it is no longer like observing a cloud. It's like observing a distant mountain peak appearing through that cloud . . . and realizing I have to climb all the way up there . . .
But climbing a mountain is so much easier than climbing a cloud!
I have recently signed new mentoring students, and recently lost a few others (Oh, college! You thief in the night!). I miss those students, though I wish them well in their budding academic careers. And I have other students who are still with me. Hannah of The Writer's Window has now been working with me for a year, which is amazing! Her story, Moonscript, and her characters have become like dear friends to me by now.
By the way, I do have two mentoring slots available if any of you are interested in signing up! Email me to let me know ( Details about the service can be found here.
I think the time might be coming soon to do another set of interview features for all of my students and their works. Whet your appetites for all the good reading coming as soon as these stories are complete, polished, and have found their way to publishing homes!
In the meanwhile . . .
Have you seen Dame Imraldera's Library, which is hosted by imps Hannah and Beka? It's a gathering place for Goldstone Wood fan fiction and fan art, both from the contests and others submitted just for fun. Two recent tales have been added which were not featured in contests. "Clipped Wings," by Meredith Burton and "The Lady of Ice," by Charissa. If you're looking for some exciting storytelling and elegant writing, do have a look.
Oh, do any of you remember the read-along I hosted for Heartless last Christmas? Well . . . I might be doing one for Veiled Rose this year! I might. This is the plan, anyway. This is the plan if I can get Book 7 drafted in time. And possibly even if I can't. Don't share the banner or anything yet, but you can start dusting off your copies of Veiled Rose, because I do hope to settle in for a nice read with all of you come December 1!
Rather a perfect year for it, since we'll be doing this read-along right after Goddess Tithe's release . . . and Goddess Tithe is so tied up with the events of Veiled Rose. It will be fun to revisit the full-length novel in light of the shorter novella.
All right, I must go. Makoose has settled in upon my lap and is using his soft white paws to make my stomach nice and squishy. So I think that means I must write . . . .
Love the new cover!t
Fun news! Any chance you'll be doing an A-Z series again? I loved those.
Wow so many exciting things coming up!!
Yea! Can't wait! So many exciting things. :-)
Exciting times, indeed! You've got a lot on your plate - but I hope most (if not all) of it is fun. :) (I totally understand, though, that it can still be stressful...) Thank you again for hosting the Five Glass Slippers contest! And that's so sweet that you rearranged the cover to feature the authors' names!
Also, thank you for the S/O regarding Forget Me Not! :D
I loved the cover already, and really didn't mind your named on the cover, but it's nice of you to change. You have quite a busy month ahead of you!
My entry will probably be part of your deluge, I'm sorry to say. I got stuck on it while I was focusing on another project of mine, and only just got Edward out of the stable. I had no idea how hard it was to give a guy a horse.
But I will get it done, and even if it doesn't win, I do have plans for it.
Ahh, I love the fall--such a hectic, yet utterly wonderful time of year! :)
I love the new cover! I'm going to have to get busy on my story if I'm going to enter. I have my idea; I just haven't written it yet. >.<
Read-along? Exciting! I'll look forward to it!
Oh this is all so exhilarating! I can't wait for all the fun stuff coming up!
I'm so glad Book 8 is starting to come together. Hopefully, you'll be able to get Book 7 done without pain so we can have a fun time with Read-along!
It's been such an honor to be your student! You've taught me soooo much! Thank you!
And you all should go read the fan fictions at the Library. They're great! :)
Phew! You're so very busy. Everything sounds so exciting, and I'm thrilled Mrs. Laurie is working with you! I'll be delighted to post a review. I've done one for each book, but it will be nice to have one done closer to the release date, Lord willing.
I know the Cinderella submissions must be lots of fun to read. I wish you the very best in choosing stories. Since you are a named contributor to the book, will you be writing an introduction or something of that kind?
Such wonderful news about Book 8's binding idea coming to you. Since the stories are connected so well, it seems natural that each piece comes to you near the completion of previous works. Creativity is so interesting the way it reveals itself in different ways to individual people.
So thrilled that there might be a read-along for Veiled Rose! The one for Heartless was fantastic. I think Veiled Rose is an appropriate book considering Cinderella: your own subtle retelling.
Please take some time for yourself. I'll be praying. God bless you.
Anne Elisabeth Stengl, I just would like to say that I am in awe of you. I mean, you do so much and still keep putting out 'Tales of Goldstone Wood' books! And you're so nice to us hopeless fanatical imps.
Thank you, and Dieu avoir de (God be with).
This sounds very exciting! I love the idea of a newsletter, and I wish you the best of luck with writing. It can be so tough sometimes, can't it? By now I'm sure you've realized that it's always worth it. :) I agree with Anonymous: Dieu avoir de.
An ebook transcript of the Braille version? I'm pretty sure they don't make ebooks in Braille.
@Galadriel: You're right, they don't. But the transcriptions can produce an "e-file" for Braille, which is stored on a disk (from what my research tells me). Meredith would be able to explain them better than I can, but it was part of the agreement I signed with Verbatim Braille Transcription Services.
Pretty awesome, the technology abounding these days!
@Rina: I do hope to do an A-Z again, but there simply hasn't been time to focus on a consistent blog series like that lately. Hopefully the read-along will make up for it! :)
You have been quite busy! I quite understand. And I'm certainly looking forward to the read-along. There were so many great and interesting insights during last year's. :-) But...I'm still holding out hope that one day you'll another A-Z. ;-) Or maybe some other blogger will do one, either on ToGW or another great book/series.
To Galadriel: Braille e-files are made using interpretative software that converts print text. Then, a certified transcriptionist reads through the file to catch any errors, (and there are usually some since the software doesn't always interpret the text correctly). This is why so many books are not produced in braille because the process takes time. The BRF, (Braille Ready File), can then be uploaded onto a standard flash drive. I have a braille device that functions like an e-reader, only it uses the Braille alphabet. I'll insert the flash drive and then can read the book. Technology has definitely been a huge blessing in making material available. It's a credit to Mrs. Anne Elisabeth's God-given talent that the transcriber I commissioned to braille Heartless loved that book so much she wanted to complete the series and make it available. I'm truly grateful that I've had the opportunity to read each book in the series thus far.
This issue is a complicated one, because and other sites refuse to produce e-readers that would enable blind individuals to read books the instant they become available to the sighted population. The NFB, (National Federation of the Blind), has filed a complaint with these sites to advocate equality since everyone has the right to read any book they want regardless of a print disability. It can be very frustrating to find a book you'd like to read and be unable to do so. Anyway, I'll stop ranting. Hope this information helps you. God bless.
Well, I think I have a good chance of winning that race since I'm 40% of the way through "Veiled Rose" already! Really enjoying it. I think many of these books would be very popular on audiobook if you could find a really good reader.
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