Welcome, scavenger hunters, to the Spring Scavenger Hunt!
The hunt begins on April 4 at noon Mountain time. If you want to start at the beginning, visit
robinleehatcher.com and follow the links on through the full cycle, back to her blog, gathering your clues along the way. Or you can just start here and proceed! Remember that you
will need to gather all 32 clues to finish the hunt.
It ends on April 6 at midnight Mountain, so there's no race to the end! You have all weekend. Check near the end of each post to get your
clue in red. Write them down as you go!
And yes, the hunt is open to international entries. And the prizes include a Kindle Fire HDX + $100 gift certificate. And the two runners-up will receive all 31 of our books!

Now that's out of the way, it's my pleasure to introduce you to an exciting author, my guest for the hunt. Lisa T. Bergren is the award-winning author of over 40 books! She is versatile and always innovative, writing everything from children's picture books, YA, historical romances, non-fiction, and more. Her most recent acclaimed work was the wildly popular River of Time series, a time-travel, romantic, YA adventure.

But today I am excited to feature her newest release. Lisa started thinking about
Remnants after she finished reading the Hunger Games trilogy, and was wishing there’d been a bit more hope and healing in the ending of the trilogy, as well as some sort of spiritual aspect. From that germ of an idea, she wove the tapestry of this new, YA-dystopian-fantasy-suspense-romance series, beginning with
Remnants: Season of Wonder, in which seven children are born into a world on the precipice of demise…in order to save it. Propelled by a mission from the Maker, and pursued by forces of darkness, the Remnants set out on a perilous journey to accomplish impossible tasks with world-changing consequences. You can purchase a copy at
Barnes & Noble,
CBD, or your local bookstore. And don't forget to add it to your
Goodreads page!
Today, Lisa is sharing about:
The Inspiration Behind the Locale: The Valley
Remnants: Season of Wonder begins in the Valley, a rainy, verdant forest clinging to the mountainsides. Here, Andriana and Ronan have been raised and trained, prepared for the mission ahead of them. There are two seasons—Hoarfrost and Harvest, and little in between. Much like Colorado! Our seasons are very short and Spring and Fall, in particular, whip by.

I used Telluride, Colorado as the basis of my model for this valley, because I loved how the mountains climbed above the tree line and there was tons of water. Tim and I went to Telluride for our 20th anniversary, and rode the gondola up and over the summit, and into town each day. It was so beautiful…and romantic! I knew it was only a matter of time before I wove it into a novel. Pictured below is Bridal Veil Falls, a lovely hike at the mouth of the Valley. Near the top of the trail is an abandoned mine. In Remnants, I weave in how people scavenge metal from old mines and the like for weapons. In the Valley, there’s also the Citadel, a fortress carved from the granite mountainside. While I didn’t visit any real Citadel, the mine was what made me start thinking about it. The Remnants receive their blessing and first mission at the Citadel, and leave the Valley for the desert and beyond. But their hearts are always here. And for good reason!
Thank you for sharing with us today, Lisa! What a beautiful, inspiring photo.
Now hunters, it's time to continue with your quest:
Thanks for stopping by the Tales of Goldstone Wood blog! Before you move on to Stop #19,
Lisa T. Bergren's own site, to pick up your next clue, be sure to write down this Stop #18 clue:
--Haruki Murakami
And there you go! Good luck with the hunt . . .
Oh, but wait. Before you go, you can also enter your name to win a copy of my newest release, Shadow Hand, book 6 in the Tales of Goldstone Wood.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Yay! I've been waiting for this for ages. Anne Elisabeth: Was the ballad of Shadow Hand (particularly the beware, my son bit) inspired at all by Lewis Caroll's the Jabberwocky (which also has a beware, my son bit)?
The Ballad of Shadow Hand was directly inspired by the Ballad of Tam Lin . . . the stories of both ballads are SOMEWHAT similar, and the style of poetry is VERY similar.
While I adore Jabberwocky (and will quote it to any and all who will listen!) I can't say that it was an inspiration for the Ballad of Shadow Hand. I think the line you're referring to is: "But dark the tithe they pay, my son/To safely dwell beneath that sun." Which could, I suppose, be taken as a bit Jabberwocky-ish. But it wasn't a direct inspiration, no. Good literary question! :)
This is so much fun! I'm happy to have been introduced to both of you today! Thanks also for being a part of the scavenger hunt. I love online scavenger hunts - totally brings out the kid in me!
I don't know if you ever participate in linky parties, but if you are ever so inclined, I'd love for you to join our book-loving community at Booknificent Thursdays on Mommynificent.com. We gather every Thursday and share posts about books we've been reading or writing and how books are impacting our lives. We'd love to have you join us anytime!
These books sound wonderful!
Tell me, when is Draven's Light coming out?
This scavenger hunt looks like it'll be fun, I'm looking forward to reading Shadow Hand especially.
This scavenger hunt is so awesome. I can't believe there are so many Christian authors I've never heard about.
Oh my word yes!! These look amazing as do a lot of the other authors/books I've seen on the scavenger hunt!
What's your favorite book?
What got you started on The Tales of Goldstone Wood? I love all your books!
I have never read anything by Lisa Bergren and look forward to discovering all of her books!
looks like a great book.
do you like doing these hunts.
Great post!
I love Lisa's books so yes I am super excited to read this one!
My question: Who are your favorite authors?
I have already read Lisa's new book and I LOVE it!!
Thanks for being a part of the scavenger hunt,
A question? Got one!
Can you announce the next fairy tale contest sooner than planned? ;)
Also, how old were you when you first began writing? How about when the Tales of Goldstone idea(s) first came about?
Lisa T. Bergren's fascinating new series sounds wonderful.
I am very excited to be in the scavenger hunt again this year.
My question would be: Where do you find your inspiration and subject matter for your books?
I read Shadow Hand and enjoyed it a lot. But I'm confused with the whole Imraldera and Eanrin thing. Eanrin states in this book that he's never heard of Lionheart or something like that. Is this the same Eanrin and Imraldera in Moonblood? Or are these two the ones from the past? But if that's so, how does that explain Eanrin's and Lionheart's run-in with Sun Eagle in Mooblood? (I think it was Sun Eagle).
Does that mean by the time Moonblood rolls around that Eanrin has already proclaimed his love for Imraldera?
The questions could go on forever. Could you please explain this to me?
- Heather
What advice would you give on a writer just starting out? I am writing a book with a friend and when finished would love to get it published!
Yes, I have it on my to read list!
The book looks interesting. I think I'll check into it!
- Heather
The pictures you posted for the valley are amazing. How in the world did you find such a place?
I look forward to reading books from both of you in the future.
I am looking forward to reading your books! What age were you when you were first published?
What kind of cats do you have ? We have domesticated kitties. tigers in gray and orange
Linda Finn
I was not into reading suspense till this past jan when I read Warning Signs by Katy Lee. So now I am hooked.
I can't wait to try Lisa's new book.
Linda Finn
How many cats do you have? What kind of cats?
I think I just accidently emailed you my Good Reads and Newsletter entries twice. Once on the raffle copter and once from gmail... Sorry if that cuases chaos and confusion.
This is going to sound a little odd, but I've been dying to know... You mentioned that you did/ do? fencing. Classical or Sport?
So at the moment, how many cats do you have? :P What was your FAVORITE book to write?
I would love to know more about your cats. I miss mine, but with allergies will not get another. What are some of their quirks?
I forgot to mention Lisa T. Bergren. If her new series is as good as Waterfall, Cascade and Torrent, I am very excited about read that series.
Are you one of those write-every-day type of writers, or do you just write when inspired (or when the deadlines are approaching. ;))? And who's your favorite author?
Thanks for being a part of the scavenger hunt! :)
I think my daughter would love your books and Lisa's new series. She loved the Hunger Games books. I enjoyed the first one . . . we read it aloud on the way (10 hrs from home to Pensacola) to see her sister at college. : ) Thanks!
Do you listen to audiobooks? If so who are your favorite authors? Question for the giveaway.
I consider Ms. Lisa a dear friend. I've read all of her books - we are facebook friends. I am very excited about her dystopian novels. I can't wait to read them. I'd love an ARC... giggles. PS I do book blogs when I have time. Would you be interested in being an author I interview?
I look forward to reading your books!
I am very excited to try Lisa new series.
My daughter will love your books!
oh! Yay... though, is it open to internationals? have to ask... :-) and, loving this scavenger hunt. so much information and goodies and fun!! Thanks for everything. Fun interview!
mrsdayseye at gmail dot com
ps... I just read Goddess Tithe... I didn't expect tears twice... caught me completely off guard. Lovely tale... Thank you.
YES! I am excited about Lisa T. Bergren's new series... Sounds brilliant!
mrsdayseye at gmail dot com
Ms. Stengl, do you sometimes confuse the physical realm with your fantasy realm???
mrsdayseye at gmail dot com
This scavenger hunt looks like it'll be fun, I'm looking forward to reading Shadow Hand soon.
This has been so much fun so far! Thank you for being a part of it. Your books are new to me so I'm anxious to read "Shadow Hand" I always look forward to these Scavenger hunts. I hope you'll be a part of it the next time. Thanks again!
By the way, who do you read? Do you have a favorite author?
Is it hard to remember everything when writing a fantasy novel? How do you keep it all straight? And yes I am super excited for Lisa's new novel...
Yes, I am very excited to read it! I love finding out about new good books!
What is your favorite book?
I don't know how I've missed this series. Sounds right up my alley! Can't wait to read one!
I love your writing! First book I ever read was Heartless! Would love to read more. :)
How many cats do you have?
Do you have a set number of words you write per day?
Who is your favorite author?
When do you know you are done with a manuscript? Or do you just work until deadline?
@Rybrynn - I hope to see DRAVEN'S LIGHT release spring 2015!
@Candi Michelle - I really love anything by Sir Terry Pratchett, particularly NATION.
@Esther/Mom/Grandma - I have been writing stories of Goldstone Wood since I was a teenager! :) I'm glad you enjoy the stories.
@Abbi Hart - I love Sir Terry Pratchett, Diana Wynn Jones, Megan Whalen Turner, George MacDonald, and C.S. Lewis. That's just to name a few favorites!
@ Emily Chapman - Heheh, nope! I have to wait until June 1st. I was 9 years old when I started writing, and I was about fourteen, I think, when the first ideas for Goldstone Wood began to develop.
@ Notes from Karla's Korner - I am always inspired by great writing, particularly the classics. I spend quite a lot of time pouring of classic poetry and legends when developing ideas for new stories.
@ Sierra Faith - My advice is always this: be sure you love what you are writing. If you love it, other people are likely to as well. Also, don't rush! Get feedback and opinions before you start shopping your stories around.
@ Anonymous - I was 22 when I signed my first contract, 24 when my debut novel released.
@Linda Marie Finn - I have one purebred Abyssinian and five rescue kitties. All the rescues are long-hair or at least very fluffy! One is a tortishell female, one is an orange-and-white male, one is a fluffy tabby-girl, one is a grey-and-white tabby boy, and one is a VERY longhair solid gray girl. They're all lovely! :)
@Halita Wilson - I currently have six cats! Yikes. Recently rescued my sixth, an old girl with almost no teeth, poor baby! We love them all. One is a purebred, but the rest are all domestic longhairs.
@ Heather NZ - I USED to fence a little, only for a few months. That's how I met my husband! :) It was sport fencing, but I certainly was never good enough to compete.
@Anna - I have SIX cats. Never thought I'd own so many of my own! :P My favorite book to write is usually the most recently finished one. So right now that would be GOLDEN DAUGHTER, book 7 in the series coming out this November!).
@Beth Rambaugh - Some of their quirks? Let me see . . . Marmaduke, my one purebred, likes to give hugs. He will jump into total strangers' arms, wrap his paws around their necks, and press his cheek against theirs. If he's feeling PARTICULARLY lovey, he will even give kisses! It's a bit embarrassing when I have new people over, but friends of ours always look forward to Marmaduke's hugs. :)
@Deborah O'Carroll - I used to write every day, but I haven't been able to for a while due to a too-crazy schedule. Hope to get back to it! I like to write 2,000 - 4,000 words a day.
@Christy - I like to listen to audiobooks when I'm drawing or painting! Such a fun way to pass the time. My favorite authors include Sir Terry Pratchett, Diana Wynn Jones, and Megan Whalen Turner. All of them are brilliant!
@Celita - I definitely have trouble sometimes focusing on the real world when my fantasy world is SO VERY interesting! ;)
@Shirley - I read a BUNCH. My favorite authors include Sir Terry Pratchett, C.S. Lewis, and George MacDonald.
@Lisa Medeiros - I try to keep careful documents and timelines of all the different histories and "rules" of the world. It definitely helps when I'm trying to keep everything straight in my head!
@Emily - I have SIX cats, and I adore them all. :) I try to write 2,000 - 4,000 words on a writing day. And my absolutely favorite author (at the moment) is Sir Terry Pratchett. But I reserve the right to change that answer at a moment's notice!
@Chalcedony1213 - That depends on the manuscript. I usually don't feel that I'm totally DONE until the book is in print! :)
This hunt has provided so many new authors for me - the extra bonus is that they are all Christian! Yay!
I am definitely going to be trying out your books - it's the genre I like best. :)
And YES, Remnants sounds fantastic! I love Hunger Games, but it would be so wonderful if it had Christian truths in it - I will definitely try Remnants.
Are there people in your life who have inspired you to create certain characters?
And what inspired the Song of Spheres?
I was surprised to see a link for "Stengl Fiction Editing Services". Do you get much 'action' from that? Do you do all the editing yourself? If so, how do you have time to work on your own writing projects?
Yes, I'm excited to try Lisa's new writings. I don't think I've ever read any of her material, so it all seems great!
Your books sound cool, Lisa and Anne! Will check them out.
I am really enjoying this hunt. So many new authors to meet and get to know about their books. I see your have written several books, but you look so young. When did you first start writing? crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
Lisa T. Bergren's new series looks interesting and uplifting. As a "Senior Citizen" I am impressed by the young adults interest in uplifting the world around them. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
How many pets do you have and how many keep you company when you write?
Why yes I'm very excited about Lisa's new series!
I am very excited to read Remnants. I've enjoyed The Hunger Games and the Divergent series. This one seems right up that alley.
Can't wait to read your books!
Would love to win your book! Rafflecopter is not working for me. Please enter me if possible.
Excited to have discovered a new author to me...just love this annual scavenger hunt :)
Would love to win a signed copy of Shadow hand! =D
I would like to know... are you going to write a Tales of Goldstone Wood book dedicated to telling more of Eanrin and Imraldera's story?? :) I just recently finished Shadow Hand and am so wondering what's going to happen next with them!
As for Lisa Tawn Bergren's new series, yes, I am excited to read it! I've been wanting to read the Hunger Games for awhile now, but just haven't quite made up my mind to, because of what you mentioned, the seeming lack of hope and spiritual aspects. I would love a Christian take on it!
Thanks for the giveaway!!
What is the most difficult thing about writing for you?
I haven't had a chance to read any of Lisa's books yet, but have several in my TBR pile. I am excited to add some new ones.
I love your books can't wait to read this one
Love the Scavenger Hunt! Thank you!
Signed up for the newsletter and put the book on my to read list on Goodreads.
What kind of cats do you have? How many? Names?
Love the hunts to find out more about all the new books! I can't wait to read the new one from Lisa! Sounds great!
Where did you get your inspiration for this series? Thanks for being part of the Scavenger Hunt.
I am very excited to read Lisa T Bergen's series. Love the Valley she has chosen to set it in. Thanks for being part of the Scavenger Hunt.
I havenot read any of your books but always looking for new authors. What genre does your book fall into?
Do you have a favorite scripture or life verse? If so, what is it and why?
Thanks for participating! I have a number of your books!!
What is your top advice for aspiring authors in a few sentences or less?
Yes, very excited for Lisa's new book! :)
How many cats do you have? How old are they and what are their names?
Have you been to Colorado?
The series sounds interesting
I'm in Wendell. Do you know where that is? Are you originally from Raleigh or a transplant like so many of the residents? Love that you went to Campbell. I was good friends with most of the Wiggins family.
I just love the picture of Telluride, Colorado. I would love to visit this place.
I'm also excited to read Lisa's next book.
doing a two in 1... SO how long does it take you to research your books before actually writing them?
Yes I am excited about Lisa's New series.
Mrs. Bergren's series sounds super cool; I'd love to read it if I can.
Question for Ms. Stengl: if you could visit one of the countries from your books, which one would you go to?
Love the Colorado pic. The books sound interesting!!!
Do we get too see Meadow Lark in another book? She's a wonderful character!
And yes, I'm looking forward to Lisa's book! Asked the library to buy it *fingers crossed*
And recently convinced the library to get the Goldstone Wood books, so now I can recommend them to everybody! :)
So many books so little time lol. Love the contest, thanks for the opportunity to be a part of it.
I just bought several of her older books, so I'm going to read them first!
No questions. But I do love the Tales of Goldstone Wood Series!
Her new series looks interesting.
I can't wait to read Lisa T. Bergren's new books!! I love so many of her books and i'm really looking forward to the next ones!! :)
Who does your cover designs? They are all gorgeous and truly let you know you're looking at the cover of a Fairy Tale!
kam110476 at gmail dot com
Thank you for participating in the Scavenger Hunt!
I pre-ordered Remnants as soon as I saw it up on Amazon and available for pre-order! Soooo excited! Only 2 more sleeps!
What is your favorite genre to read? Entering under the name of Virginia
I am intrigued by Lisa T. Bergren's new series and I can't wait to read it. So looking forward to it. Entering under the name of Virginia
This is so exiting!
Her series looks great! So excited to read it:)
I really enjoyed Heartless! I thought it was fascinating! And I didn't realize you'd written more books and that it's a series! Sweet!
My question: On average, how many hours do you spend writing each day/week?
How did you get your cats? We adopted our, Doc, from a local non-kill shelter. He was a couple of years old & had been abused. He was so frightened when we brought him home. My daughter lavished him will love and talked to him for days. He slowly got comfortable with us. Of course, my daughter is his favorite & he waits outside her bedroom door every morning for her to get up. Then he follows her like a second shadow! We all love him & he has added so much to all of our lives!!
Lisa T. Bergren's new series sounds really good, especially for fans of The Hunger Games. Hopefully, those fans will read these new books!!
Yes, I am looking forward to Lisa's new book. I'm glad she's written something with more hope and spiritual dynamic than Hunger Games! I'll pass this along to my daughter. :-)
Lisa Bergren's series sounds very intriguing! I look forward to reading it someday soon.
Thank-you so much for participating in this hunt, Mrs. Stengl, and for sharing through the giveaway. :) I have LOVED your books and can hardly wait to read Shadow Hand.
I'm curious, did you intentionally model the cultures and countries in your books after countries and cultures in our world or did you invent them out of your own imagination?
What is your favorite fantasy animal/creature?
Lisa Bergren's books would be quite a change from my normal genres, but I would definitely be willing to try them out!
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