If you are new and don't know how to get your name entered in the weekly giveaway to win a copy of Veiled Rose, check out the post from November 30, which should enlighten you.
And here we go!
Chapter 5
The same night: Rather than a
big time-jump, we pick up with Lionheart once more on the same night as his
performance for the emperor of Noorhitam . . . just minutes after his
And he is given a peacock for his pains.
The peacock: This obnoxious
bird has proven one of the most popular characters from Veiled Rose, to the point that he featured in not one, but TWO
different fan fiction stories in last year’s contest! First was The Peacock of the Prince by S.F. Gorske, and the other was The Peacock of Lunthea Maly by Molly. Click the links to read either or both! They are quite wonderful.
This may seem like quite the random little interlude, this whole section
with Lionheart and the peacock. But I was obliged to include it because of a
line in Heartless when Leonard the
Jester told Princess Una that he was given a peacock as a “ceremonial gift”
after performing for the emperor. Heartless
was already in print by the time I was writing this version of Veiled Rose, so I had to find some way to fit in that dragon-blasted
Random or not, this little slice of storyline is one of the most amusing
in the book. And who knows? Perhaps we’ll see more of the peacock (or his
brethren) one day . . .
French Peacocks: When my
family lived in England, I often enjoyed visiting the various castles and
estates, not for the historicity of it all . . . oh no. I liked that many
of them kept peacocks on the premises! I
always loved the peacocks. After visiting Leeds Castle and admiring all of its
peacocks, I used to fantasize about taking one home as a pet. The entire long
drive home, I imagined what it would be like to a gorgeous peacock companion,
living in my (tiny!) back yard, going for walks with me on the Common and down
the street.
Sigh . . .
Anyway, one thing I always thought particularly charming about peacocks
was their cry. If you haven’t heard it, you can click this link. They
really do sound like they’re saying, “HELP! HEEEELP!” So, of course, that’s how
I wrote about Lionheart’s encounter with his peacock.
A couple of years later I received copies of Rose Voilée in the mail. Rose Voilée is the
French language edition of Veiled Rose.
I was curious . . . do French Peacocks say “Help”?
Yes. Yes, they do. Only, they say it, “à l’aide!”
Hmmmm . . . some things maybe get a bit lost in translation.
“Like unto the incarnate image of
the Mother.” Ooooh, here’s an interesting little tidbit! Turns out that
hint of the Duke’s about a possible alternate form for the Dragon’s sister
might be more than a rumor. Because, according to this official who showed up
at Lionheart’s door, the peacock is, “like unto the incarnate image of the
Mother as a Firebird.”
Something to watch for in future books . . .
The emperor: I find the
emperor a particularly interesting character, especially when considered in
contrast to Lionheart himself. Lionheart, as we know, tended to get pushed
around by authority figures in his life (for better or for worse). The young
emperor, by contrast, doesn’t seem terribly concerned with his uncle, Sepertin
Naga, or what he would think of Klahan’s determination to do what he believes
is right. The emperor demonstrates a strong sense of honor and a certain
impressive measure of wisdom, particularly impressive in a nine year old who is
as interested in clowns as in his own coronation.
This emperor will be an interesting one to watch as he gets older.
Ay-Ibunda: The interlude at
the Hidden Temple is another interesting little piece of Veiled Rose. One of the more fascinating locals visited in the
entire novel, though we only spend part of one chapter there. It’s a bit funny to me, reading this
selection a few years later. At the time when I wrote it, I seriously intended
Ay-Ibunda to be no more than an interlude in Lionheart’s adventures. I had no
particular intention of writing about it again, dealing with it in the broader
context of the series.
And now it is one of the most important aspects of the series.
Come Golden Daughter, many of
the secrets about Ay-Ibunda—it’s origin, it’s purpose, etc.—will become clear.
Or clearer, anyway, since it is quite a mystery and not easy to explain all in
one go. But there are interesting things to take note of even in Veiled Rose. The gate, for one thing,
gives us a strong indication of who this temple was built for: remember the
Duke and Captain Sunan mentioning that there are those in Noorhitam who worship
the Dragon?
The humming, chanting men in black and white are also important.
Lionheart scarcely sees them in this book, and they seem to pay absolutely no
attention to him whatsoever. Which may at first seem odd. Would not these
denizens of the Hidden Temple be concerned with this unexpected intrusion? But,
come Golden Daughter, we will
understand what exactly it is these men are doing and why . . . which will also
explain why they have no attention to give to these intruders.
The blindfold: At the time I
thought it would be a good idea to blindfold Lionheart as he passed into the
temple simply to avoid having to do long detailed descriptions. I am very
thankful for that now! It leaves me with
so much more creative flexibility for later books. Golden Daughter deals very little with the actual interior of the
Hidden Temple. But I rather hope and expect to write a story about Emperor
Klahan one day (and perhaps a certain cabin boy as well, who would be only three
years or so older than the emperor). That story would certainly continue to
explore the Hidden Temple in more depth, and I like the idea that I can do
basically whatever I want with the inside. Because Lionheart didn’t see
anything except the chamber of the Mother’s Mouth.
Mortally afraid: Even the
emperor, proud and intelligent young fellow that he is, is terribly afraid of
the Hidden Temple. Again, this hinting storyline leaves us with all sorts
exciting possibilities! Possibilities I only just scratched the surface of in Golden Daughter and will really enjoy
exploring later on.
The pearl for the Mother’s Mouth: Sadly,
the significance of the pearl gift for the Mother’s Mouth—aside from the fact
that she requires a gift at all—has been lost in recent years. At the time I
wrote Veiled Rose, I had been
experimenting with a story in which pearls were significant and which tied into
situations in Noorhitam. But that
story has long since fallen by the wayside. I might play with it again down the
road, but have no immediate intentions to. So, sadly, the moment of the
Mother’s Mouth taking (and possibly eating) the pearl is not quite so
meaningful as it used to be in my head, no longer overtly connects anything to
anything else. It is simply creepy, nothing more.
Notice that the Mother’s Mouth refers to it as “a gift of the water
gods.” Since this November and the publication of Goddess Tithe, there is at least Goldstone Wood story that
features one of the “water gods.” And yes, that particular “goddess” was a
major force in the story I was originally playing with. So you get a hint of an
idea what that peal story was about. Now that I’m writing novellas, I might
explore the pearl story again. It didn’t work for the novel I was playing with
at the time, but it was an interesting theme. And a short story or novella
might suit it quite nicely . . . so we’ll see. (You’ll notice that Klahan’s
crown was pearl-studded too, back in the coronation scene. Again, this was a
reference to the pearl story I was tentatively exploring at that time . . . and
again, it’s no longer significant. I left it in because, hey! What does it hurt?)
The tunnel stretched on forever: It
is worth speculating (though Lionheart doesn’t see anything, so it’s impossible
to know), that the interior Ay-Ibunda
is currently in a similar state of being as the interior of the Eldest’s House:
existing in two plains of reality at once. This would explain why a distance
that should have been quite short stretched on for so long as Lionheart crawls
to the chamber of the Mother’s Mouth. Like Rose Red, who both walks in a tunnel
and a staircase at the same time, Lionheart seems to be both in a temple and
not simultaneously.
The Mother’s Mouth: I really
don’t think you can get a creepier character anywhere in Goldstone Wood than the Mother’s Mouth.
The Dragon might be more dreadful, and the Lady more frightening . . . but
neither of them holds a candle to the oracle of Ay-Ibunda when it comes to pure
This was another character whom I invented purely to interact with
Lionheart without really intending to do anything more with or about her in the
future. And she is another character who has since sprung into such vivid life
and vitality that I cannot imagine the series without her! Again, you will see
more of her come Golden Daughter . .
The language she speaks: The
Mother’s Mouth speaks in a language Lionheart doesn’t recognize. I will tell
you now, that she was probably speaking an old
version of Kitar. A good 1500 years old, but still Kitar. Which, since
Lionheart isn’t comfortable with any of the Noorhitamin languages anyway,
probably sounds that much more foreign!
Another indication that Lionheart is no longer in the Near World is the
oracle’s ability to make him understand her words. In the Between, language
barriers break down. Though the oracle is still speaking the same language, she
suddenly speaks it in such a way that Lionheart can understand her. Rather like
events that took place the Between with Mouse and Alistair in Dragonwitch.
![]() |
LADY LIFE-IN-DEATH by Hannah Williams |
The Lady of Dreams: Finally,
Lionheart interacts with the Lady of Dreams Realized while he is fully
conscious and aware. Via the Mother’s Mouth, he is made able to truly
communicate with this being that has been haunting his subconscious for years.
And at last, he is brought to the crisis point, where he must truly
decide what it is he wants. He must answer the Life-in-Death’s question. When
brought at last the moment decision, he says, “I will be Eldest of Southlands.”
So now the die is truly cast. There is no going back for our poor prince.
Notice: Lionheart does not ask
the Lady how to kill the Dragon.
Though that was always his intention, it’s not what he actually asks. He asks
how to “drive the Dragon out of Southlands.”
And that is what she tells him.
“I must make my way to Oriana
Palace in Parumvir.” And now we see the inevitable drawing of Lionheart
into Princess Una’s story. So Veiled Rose
and Heartless are on a collision
I began to approach the most difficult passages to write, just as my
crazy deadline drew near. But more on that later . . .
Questions on the text:
1. This one isn’t so much on
the text, but . . . I’m curious, did any of you ever dream about owning exotic
animals as pets? Anything more outrageous than a pet peacock?
2. How many of you were
surprised when the emperor showed up on Lionheart’s doorstep? Or did you think
Klahan would honor his word all along?
3. Are you starting to get
intrigued for Golden Daughter? J
4. What were your favorite
1. We ALMOST got a few peacocks several years ago, but it never happened. We've had lots of cats, four dogs, tons of chickens, and those random wild animals we caught and tried to shelter, like a guinea, a hawk (that did NOT work), opossum...you get the idea.
2. I was! :)
3. I've been intrigued for Golden Daughter ever since you started talking about it!!!!
1. I wanted to own a peacock too. And a tiger (a nice tiger). And I still haven't quite given up my wish for a beautiful red fox. They breed them as domestic pets in a certain part of Russia. :)
2. I'm pretty sure I was surprised, but pleased.
3. EEEEEEE! Yes, I'm intrigued. I'm wondering more and more and more about it. I'm trying to put clues together.
1. I think the only animals I would have liked to have would be a horse and wolf, although a wolf might be more hazardous.
2. I don't know, but since I finally have the books, *cheers loudly* I'll soon find out.
3. Totally. :)
1.We have a farm so we have LOTS
of animals, but I LOVE cats so when I was younger I wanted a tiger but now I don't think that's
going to happen any time soon.
2.I was surprised.
1. I've always thought it would be cool to have a hawk. Or a tiger. Or a wolf.
2. I was surprised. Quite.
3. I was intrigued ages ago . . . but now I'm really getting excited.
I have yet to figure out why that peacock is so popular . . . I mean, it's a funny scene, and the stories were fun, but I don't get the hype. But whatever floats, I guess.
1. When I was little, I wanted a kangaroo. That way, I'd have two pets!
2. I figured that Lady Life-In-Death would somehow arrange for Lionheart to reach Ay-Ibunda and that the emperor would play a role in it, but I was surprised how it came about. I love Emperor Klahan, and his role in this chapter is so touching. He is terrified yet willing to help. Such a burden for a young boy to have the weight of an empire on his shoulders, but I don't think he's easily intimidated. Think he'll make a wonderful ruler.
3. Oh, my, yes! All the hints for Golden Daughter are fantastic! They are driving me mad with curiosity! But, please feel free to keep them coming.
1. I wanted to own a horse when I was younger, but I don't think that qualifies as an exotic animal. :)
2. I don't really remember. Probably at least a little.
3. Definitely! :)
- Heather
1. Just a cat. I did own two red-eared slider turtles, but they were hard to take care of and had to give them to a petstore.
2. I think I was when I first read it.
3. Yes.
4. "Help," the bird said, more out of principle than with any real feeling. "I wonder how much your feathers are worth?" Lionheart growled as he sat up. Every muscle in his neck and shoulders screamed ill usage. "I could sell them afater I pluck you for stew." The peacock hissed at him. -pg 285
How do you pronounce Ay-Ibunda? Is it Ay as in a or Ay as in I?
4. No stew tonight. And no profit from peacock plumes either. What wretched, wretched luck! He flung himself down on his bed and only then realized that the bird had used his blankets for more than sleeping.
"Dragon's teeth!" (pg.286)
1. The first time my attention was every drawn to peacocks in particular was when our (somewhat distant) neighbor's peacocks were very loud, and I learned a bit about them--one of the things being the fact that they are proud and somewhat vicious. Peacocks were never on the list of things I wanted. Horses, wolves, and foxes, though...
2. I don't believe I was too terribly surprised (I must start taking notes when I read books), nor was I quite expecting him to show up.
3. Is no even a possible answer for this question?
4. “Help,” the bird said, more out of principle than with any real feeling.
But the emperor, trying to hide a smile, spoke hastily in Westerner, putting out his hand. “No, no, I am incognito! And perhaps it will be best if we speak your tongue when there is no one present. I will laugh otherwise.”
1.I wanted a tiger
2.Yes I was surprised
3. Yes I am very intrigued.
4. "Help! Help!"
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