
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Fan Fiction Contest Announcement!

The time has come for the third annual Tales of Goldstone Wood Fan Fiction Contest! This contest is my favorite event of the blogging year, a fun opportunity for all of you to create your own stories, making Goldstone Wood even more your own. The talent displayed these last two years has been incredible and tremendously fun, and I anticipate this year will be the best one yet.

Here are the rules for the contest for those of you interested in participating:

1. Your story or stories must be set in the world of Goldstone Wood with recognizable Goldstone Wood themes and elements. You may feel free to invent your own new characters and Faerie demesnes, just be certain that there are enough Goldstone Woodish aspects to make it recognizably part of this world. You may also explore aspects of the novels or characters you are curious about . . . Seriously, the sky's the limit!

2. Your story may be any length you like. Poetry is also welcome and encouraged!

3. You may submit as many stories as you like!

4. To submit your story, email it to me ( no later than August 25, 2014.

5. The stories will be posted on September 1, and voting will run through September 14. The winners will be announced on September 15.

6. The first, second, and third place winners will be selected via fan voting. (Note: If you are not a fan of the Goldstone Wood series, please don't vote on this contest. This is for fans only.) To place your vote, you will be asked to email me your top three picks in order of preference. The votes will be weighted and tallied (more info on that when the time comes).

Now . . . the prizes!

The First Place Winner will receive an ARC (advanced reader copy) of Golden Daughter two months before the official release date.

The Second Place Winner will receive an autographed print copy of either Starflower, Dragonwitch, or Shadow Hand.

The Third Place Winner will receive an assortment of Goldstone Wood paraphernalia, including a collection of bookmarks for each book in the series (including the pretty new Golden Daughter bookmark).

So what do you think? Are you excited to try your hand at a Goldstone Wood adventure all your own? And don't forget to visit Dame Imraldera's Library to read stories from the previous two contests! There is so much good reading to be had over there, and I'm sure you will be inspired.


  1. OH MY GOODNESS! Those prizes are ridiculously amazing!! I can't wait to read the entries!!

  2. OOOOOOOOH...........!

    I've been looking forward to this contest for such a long time!!! Oh, lovely! Well, I have several ideas, but I think I shall only work on one, because it is quite the project.


  3. Hooraaaay! I've been waiting so long for this announcement...

    I've been working on-and-off on a fanfiction that came from a dream since /before/ last year's contest, so I hope this year I'll get to finish and submit it. I can't wait to see all the stories!

  4. Can't wait! Every year the stories get better! :)

    I'm so excited for the fanfiction contest this year! :D I have a bunch of ideas; I just need to write them. SO EXCITED! :D

  6. So excited! The stories are always so wonderful, I can't wait to see what else the rest of you imps come up with! And I just got an idea yesterday for a fanfic which *humble cough* will be awesome.

  7. Yes! So excited! Those prizes are amazing!

  8. Delightful assortment! Can't wait to read the entries.

  9. Oh Yay!
    This will be fun, so many stories to choose between in the thinking part of my brain! It will be sooo fun!

  10. Oh, exciting! Can't wait to read everyone's stories again this year.

  11. Oh, these stories are always so much fun! I can't wait to read what you all come up with!

  12. Wow. The third one already? I love reading the stories, this also one of my favorite times of the year! Can't wait!!

  13. Yay! finished mine! Now to type it out.
