
Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Winner!

Dear imps, the time has come to announce the winner for the Tales of Goldstone Wood Musical Contest! The contest was brimming with wonderful pieces by talented musicians, and the voting was really close right at the end. But ultimately, the piece that won the most votes was . . .

Composed and performed by Camryn

Congratulations, Camryn! This win is well deserved. I was personally blown away by this submission, which moved me to tears by the end. An unusual idea, wonderfully performed!

Email me ( with your choice of any one of the six published Goldstone novels for your prize. You will also receive a lovely Goldstone Wood mug, bookmarks, notepads, magnets . . . a bunch of fun paraphernalia.

For the rest of you--Melanie J. Morgan has not yet had an opportunity to pick her favorite for the story-boarding prize (she tells me she's on a deadline for paper, and needs to finish that up first!). But she will be selecting a winner soon, and I'll announce that on this blog when she does. So we still have the animatic to look forward to! I know I can hardly wait to see it.

This was such a wonderful contest! It turned out much bigger and more exciting than I could have anticipated. The submissions were so varied and entertaining! I have been wandering around this week with a different tune stuck in my head each day. (Yesterday, it was Rebekah's "The Maiden I Adore." Definitely an ear-worm piece.) You imps are all amazing. If there's enough interest next year, we might go ahead and add this to the annual events here on the Tales of Goldstone Wood blog.

In the meanwhile, be watching for lots more fun events coming up on this blog! I'll be giving the official announcement for the Fan Fiction contest quite soon . . . .


  1. Congratulations, Camryn!!!!! I must say, my eyes became misty throughout the song as well! So impressive that you performed a seven minute piece! :D

  2. So, so very excited for you, Ms. Cameron! Your piece was phenomenal and superbly performed. I've lost count of how often I've listened to it. Wish I could read the words and see the pictures you included, but it's a great piece to listen too in conjunction with reading Starflower's climax. Tremendous job and congratulations! God bless you.

  3. Congratulations Camryn
    I loved your song.

  4. A truly beautiful song that brought tears to my eyes. So much emotion, so much beauty!
    Congratulations, Camryn. :-)

  5. I was stuck between this one and the Song of the Spheres by Clara Darling. I couldn't choose so I didn't vote... So glad one of my top two won though!

    If (or if this world has any justice, I should say "when") Starflower were made into a film, this song should absolutely be in in. Because I could see the words on the page coming to life with this music.

  6. Yay, congratulations Camryn!!!

    And, Anne Elisbaeth, I feel a devilish pleasure knowing my song has infected your ears. =)

  7. Ooops! I had written you a congrats note, Camryn, but it must not have loaded! You certainly deserved to was such a unique idea you came up with, and SO well performed! The scene where Eanrin jumped out to save Imraldera was perfect in every way. Beautifully done, and congrats!
