
Friday, June 6, 2014


This is definitely a good week for cover reveals . . .

Some of you might recognize the name "Stephanie Ricker." Others of you won't yet . . . but soon will after you read Five Glass Slippers and Stephanie's sci-fi contribution to that collection, A Cinder's Tale. And I know that once you've read her story, you will be as eager as I am to pick up . . .

Get ready to explore the universe!
The Cendrillon Cycle
 A series of novellas recounting the past and future adventures of Elsa, Karl, Bruno, and the rest of the cinder crew from A Cinder's Tale.
DECEMBER 21, 2014

For those of you curious, The Cendrillon Cycle will be a series of ebook shorts, published over the course of several months/years. After a certain number of shorts are complete, they will be compiled into a single paperback.

Details about the first story are yet to come, though Stephanie has hinted to me what the title might be . . . and what an intriguing hint it is!

In the meanwhile, be sure to grab your copy of Five Glass Slippers so you'll be prepared to enter the fantastic, sci-fi world of The Cendrillon Cyle. Believe me, once you've read A Cinder's Tale, you'll be itching to see more of Stephanie's imagination and world-building.

Don't forget to add the book on your Goodreads shelves!

What do you think of that cover???

Note: The Cendrillon Cycle is not a Rooglewood Press production.


  1. Yay! I am so absurdly excited! The cover is very thought-provoking, because the girl looks kind of fierce and in-control, but also like she might be afraid. I can't wait to read it! : D

  2. Congratulations, Ms. Stephanie! So glad you have an opportunity to expand upon your Cinderella story and created a whole series! So intrigued by "A Cinder's Tale" and hope to read it soon. God bless you.

  3. I love her cover, I love her characters, and I love her world! I will definitely be continuing with this one!

  4. Woohoo! I was hoping she'd write more about Bruno and crew!

  5. Thanks, all! I'm terribly excited, and I can't wait to share volume I with all of you!

  6. Wow! That is one gorgeous cover. ^.^ I haven't had a chance to read 'A Cinder's Tale' yet, but this makes me want to read it soon!

  7. I love the cover. I was planning to say that as I opened the blog coments and then I realised everyone else said that to:)
