
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Storyboarding Contest Winner!

Dear imps, I have a fun announcement from animator Melanie J. Morgan concerning her pick for the winner of the alternate prize for the Goldstone Wood Musical Contest! Here is what Melanie has to say:

"All right, I have deliberated and prayed all week and listened to every song dozens of times, and I believe I've come to a decision.  

My decision is based not simply on quality, but on what vocal piece has the best storytelling dynamic. The entry I chose had a beautiful dynamic, fantastic storyboarding potential, and a simply amazing potential for a reprise.  It will also give those who see it a fantastic introduction to the world of Goldstone Wood.  My decision is
by Brittney

 Also, they all have absolutely shocked me with their talent. If they would like to work with me at some point in the future for other storyboarding/ musical projects I may come up with, they can feel free to email me if they're interested.  I can't even begin to imagine the masterpieces we could all create by working together!

I congratulate all of them and I want them to know I listen to their music over and over in my free time (I've also found that it really helps me write, so I'll be listening to the songs quite often).

I also have my tickets and flights booked for SIGGRAPH, an animation industry convention in Vancouver, Canada in August, so I'm going to be taking my portfolio with me, including the animatic to Brittney's "Prince of Dreams," so it's finalized!  The eyeballs of the likes of Disney and Dreamworks are finally going to get a glimpse of Goldstone Wood!

Congratulations Brittney!  Your music is fantastic and I can't wait to work with you!

Anne Elisabeth, thank you so much for letting me be a part of this!  This was so much fun and I'd love to do it again sometime if that's a feasible possibility!"
I hope to do it again too, Melanie! This was such an exciting extra, and I'm sure everyone will be eager to pursue more fun ideas like this in the future. Seriously, imps, don't be shy if you have a collaboration project you'd like to tackle with Melanie. Be sure to let her know!

And BIG congratulations to Brittney for this wonderful win. I can hardly wait to see the animatic when it is complete!

EDITION: I just realized some of you might not be familiar with Melanie's work . . . so I thought I'd share some of the gorgeous Goldstone Wood-themed pieces she has rendered.


I love these soooooo much! Eanrin's expressions are perfection.


  1. And I love people, so worry not, dear ones, I won't bite. :) Seriously, I would love to work with such amazing talent!


    I'm so excited! -cracks knuckles- Let's get this party started!

  2. This is soooo cool! I can hardly wait to see your final product, Melanie.
    I've been listening to the contest songs many times over, too. :-) Amazing work here!

  3. Congratulations, Brittney! Your piece was very pretty, I enjoyed it very much!
    I enjoyed the entire contest! Thank you for hosting, Anne Elisabeth!

  4. Yay! Congrats to Brittney! :D

  5. Congratulations, Brittney! I was excited to realize that you were the Brittney I knew!!! That's so cool!! :D

  6. Congratulations! Imagine Disney and DreamWorks getting a glimpse of Goldstone Wood!

  7. This is all so exciting! Congratulations, Brittney!

    Melanie, all God's best to you as present your work at SIGGRAPH and elsewhere. Your work is beautiful.

  8. Congratulations, Ms. Britany! Am so excited for when the anomatic is revealed! God bless.

  9. Congratulations!!!
