
Monday, June 16, 2014

Goldstone Wood Concert

The time has come for the first ever Tales of Goldstone Wood music contest! I've been looking forward to sharing these submissions with all of you for quite some time now, and I hope you will enjoy this demonstration of talent as much as I do.

If you would like to vote on your favorite, send the title of the song and the composer name to me at my email address ( The votes will be tallied, and the winner will receive the Goldstone Wood novel of her choice along with a beautiful Goldstone Wood mug and various paraphernalia (stickers, bookmarks, pencils, etc.)

Voting lasts through Saturday. Winner to be announced on Sunday, June 22.

And don't forget, we have an alternate storyboarding prize offered by Melanie J. Morgan, who will pick her favorite of the submissions to use in a Goldstone Wood animatic! I can hardly wait to see how that turns out myself.

Note to all of you: For some reason, my blog glitched out and didn't want to upload anymore Youtube videos. So while the first few videos are present, the others are all links to Youtube. I do apologize! And I hope you'll enjoy the concert anyway.

Now adjust your speakers and enjoy these wonderful, original compositions by various talented musicians.

An original music and lyrics composition by Meredith Burton
Performed by Meredith Burton
 Inspired by Starflower, book 4 in the Tales of Goldstone Wood

Original lyrics by Meredith Burton, set to the hymn "Fairest Lord Jesus."
Performed by Meredith Burton
Inspired by Heartless, book 1 in the Tales of Goldstone Wood

Original composition by Marisa Miranda
Inspired by Moonblood, book 3 in the Tales of Goldstone Wood

Original composition and lyrics by Therru Ghibli
Performed by Therru Ghibli
Inspired by Starflower, book 4 in the Tales of Goldstone Wood

Original composition by Allison Ruvidich
Performed by Allison Ruvidich
Inspired by a poem from Heartless, book 1 in the Tales of Goldstone Wood

Allison's Introduction: "In "Song of the Spheres," I wanted to create the impression of layers of melody and harmony unfolding into a complex whole.  Originally, I thought I could do that with the piano (ahem; harpsichord), but then I thought of something much easier: doing it with my voice!  : )  I chose the harpsichord for its classic, fairytale feel.  Listen for the thrush!"

Original composition by Allison Ruvidich
Performed by Allison Ruvidich
Inspired by a poem from Starflower, book 4 in the Tales of Goldstone Wood

Allison's Introduction: "In "Lullaby," I wanted to create the sense of a grand river, spilling over rocks and crashing down a waterfall before fading into stillness.  I chose piano for its muted, mellow tone that allows a great variety of volume.  Listen for the river!"

Original composition by Allison Ruvidich
Performed by Allison Ruvidich
Inspired by Golden Daughter, upcoming book 7 in the Tales of Goldstone Wood

Allison's Introduction: "In "Golden Daughter," an instrumental, I hoped to conjured up the mystic, Arabian-Nights feel of the Orient.  To accomplish this, I wrote it in pentatonic, a scale associated with traditional Asian music.  I also chose to play it on violin, an instrument similar to the erhu, on which such music would've been played.  You may observe that this song has no final resolution.  That is because there is much more to come.  : )  Listen for the cat!"

Original compositin and lyrics by Brittney
Performed by Brittney
Inspired by Heartless, book 1 in the Tales of Goldstone Wood

Britt's Introduction: "This song references the time when Una longs for true love and has not yet realized the consequences of giving your heart away too freely. Though Una appears to be overly-willing to fall in love and perhaps does not see the broader aspects of life, this song attempts to voice a deeper side to Una's premature interests- a side of simply wanting someone to love and to be loved by with deep affection and sincerity."

Original composition and lyrics by Brittney
Performed by Brittney
Inspired by Veiled Rose, book 2 in the Tales of Goldstone Wood

Britt's Introduction: "At the time of this song, Rose Red is feeling very alone on her mountain, with only her "father,' an old goat, and the many haunting voices around her for company. She has yet to meet Leo, and is venting her distress of being shunned by most and hounded by others, and having yet to know what true friendship is."

Original composition by GypsyStarflower
Performed by GypsyStarflower
Inspired by a poem from Moonblood, book 3 in the Tales of Goldstone Wood

Original composition by Rebekah
Performed by Rebekah
Inspired by a poem from Starflower, book 4 in the Tales of Goldstone Wood

Rebekah's Introduction: "This is my idea of what the song Eanrin is composing all through out "Starflower" might sound like."

Oh, woe is me, I am undone,
In sweet affliction lying!
  For though my labor's scarce begun,
It leaves me sorely sighing
After the maiden I adore,
Who marches bravely to Death's door.
Be bold, my heart! Now is the hour!
You've dared to love the Maid Starflower.

 Original composition by Rebekah
Performed by Rebekah
Inspired by the Tales of Goldstone Wood

Rebekah's Introduction: "This song is kind of like the theme music for the Wood Between."

Original composition by TheEuphonage
Performance by Cat "Paige" Reeder
Inspired by a poem from Starflower, book 4 in the Tales of Goldstone Wood

Original composition by Camryn Lockhart
Performance by Camryn Lockhart
Inspired by Starflower, book 4 in the Tales of Goldstone Wood

Original composition by Clara Darling
Performed by Clara Darling
Inspired by a song in Heartless, book 1 in the Tales of Goldstone Wood

Original composition by Clara Darling
Performed by Clara Darling
Inspired by lyrics from Starflower, book 4 in the Tales of Goldstone Wood

Original composition by Clara Darling
Performed by Clara Darling
Inspired by lyrics from Veiled Rose, book 2 in the Tales of Goldstone Wood

Based on "My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose,"
Performed by Clara Darling
Inspired by lyrics from Heartless, book 1 in the Tales of Goldstone Wood


  1. @Meredith- That was beautiful! You have perfect control over the key changes, which is very rare in a capella.

    @Marisa- I have no words. That is divine. : )

    @Therru- I love those lyrics! Now I have to reread Starflower while listening to this.

    @Brittney- I can totally picture those songs coming straight out of a Disney movie. : )

    @Rebekah- You have a lovely voice!! What instrument are you accompanying yourself with? (I think it's guitar, but I can't be sure.) I also love the motion and imagery of the piano piece.

    @Paige- I love your voice! It is so very jazzy. : D

    @Camryn- I think this has the most Southland-feel, very authentic to the time period. I love how you create the rhythm of the drums with the piano. : )

    @Clara- That is gorgeous, Clara. Your voice has a very bright, sweet timbre, and you're great on guitar! : D

    Now I have to decide which one is my favorite... Very difficult! Oh, and Anne Elisabeth, what day is the contest ending?

  2. @Allison: Good question! I've updated the early info to include an answer--Voting lasts through Saturday, the winner will be announced on Sunday!

    Also, one beautiful submission slipped through my fingers, but I have fixed it. Be sure to go back and listen to "The Night of Moonblood" by GypsyStarflower!

  3. @GypsyStarflower- That's exactly how I picture it sounding!! It has a low, soft, hymn-like quality that almost echoes. Beautiful job!

  4. Oh, my! What beautiful songs! How in the world can I pick a favorite?

    To Ms. Allison: Thank you so much. Your pieces were beautiful, too. I loved the Asian feel to Golden Daughter, the harmonic layers of The Song of the Spheres, (inclusion of the wood thrush was phenomenal), and the flowing feel of "Lullaby". Outstanding work.

    Ms. Miranda: Wow! Such a hauntingly beautiful waltz. Really evoked Arpiar's beauty and mystery.
    "Starflower's Song to Fairbird: So very sweet and such gorgeous depiction of Starflower's love.
    "Prince of Dreams": Such a great examination of Una's romantic heart. "Voices of the Mountainside, oh, my.
    "Lilla-Lay": Loved the jazzy feel of the piece and the background sound of the water.
    "Halflight Realm": Very mysterious.
    "The Maiden I Adore": I enjoyed the use of softness, conveying Eanrin's "spur-of-the-moment" composing and concealment of his feelings.
    "Starflower and the Wolf Lord": Incredible!! I could visualize Amarok pursuing her, and the vocal inclusion of Psalm 23:4 was marvelous. That ending! You made me cry.
    And, all of your songs, Ms. Clara, were terrific! I love the soothing timbre of your voice. You'd make a terrific Christine!
    If I've overlooked anyone, I apologize. I assure you that I loved every piece.

    Thank you, Mrs. Anne Elisabeth, for such a fun contest. God bless you all.

  5. Oh my goodness! Such beautiful music! I was blown away by all the talent! From vocals to instruments, this was amazing I loved every single piece!

  6. Meredith! At last I got to hear you sing! What a beautiful voice you have. I would love to hear you sing "Think of Me", or something else from Phantom! ;) Something tells me you would be able to hit all the notes in our favorite musical... :D

    Everyone worked so HARD on their pieces, it's going to be very difficult to choose just ONE to vote for!

  7. Wow! This is all so wonderful!

    Meredith, I love your voice!!! What beautiful lyrics!

    Marisa, your waltz of Arpiar is so incredibly creepy and haunting and beautiful! I could definitely see this tune for Vahe's court! Oooo...

    What a sweet song, Therru!

    Allison, I didn't know you can play violin! I especially love your lullaby! So lovely!

    Nice lyrics, Brittney!!!

    Great job taking on that epic, GypsyStarflower!

    Nicely done, Rebekah! Your piano playing is especially wonderful!

    Wow, Paige! What a fun, jazzy version! you almost had me crying at a few points, Camryn. I loved the parts when Eanrin jumped in and when the thrush is reminding her of the truth.

    Clara...what can I say? I love your voice, I love your tunes! I go around singing your songs! :D

    Wonderful job, everyone! This is so fantastic!!!!

  8. First, I'd like to make a correction: in Halflight Realm, the piano playing was done by my younger sister, Ruth. I WISH I could play piano like that!

    @Meredith: The lyrics of Trapped Between were very, very good. And the tune perfectly fits that part in Starflower.
    @Marisa: Waltz of Arpiar gave me shivers! Arpiar is so enigmatic and creepy, and you captured that.
    @Therru Ghibli: I loved the music for your song!
    @Allison: All your songs were fantastic. I especially loved Golden Daughter. Although I couldn't hear the cat....
    @Brittney: Both Prince of Dreams and Voices of the Mountainside perfectly fitted the characters.
    @Paige: Your voice is very good. I loved the feel of this song, especially since it wasn't what I'd expected.
    @Clara: Wonderful job! And, you play the ukulele! I didn't know that.

    Oh, and Allison, for The Maiden I Adore, it was the ukulele. And no, I really don't have that great of a voice.

    Everyone did SUCH fantastic jobs!!

  9. Wow! I’m blown away by all the talent. It’s going to be so hard to choose just one favorite…

    Meredith— Very nice! Both songs are so well done, and I especially like the way you captured Una’s story in the second song.
    Marisa— Oh my goodness! I LOVE this. So whimsical yet deliciously creepy… perfect for Arpiar! I think it also would be perfect as the song that the dragons danced to in the ballroom scene from Veiled Rose.
    Therru— I like the melody! You’re a very talented guitarist.
    Allison— Very creative! You have a beautiful voice. I especially like your rendition of The Song of the Spheres and the Lullaby from Starflower. I've had them stuck in my head pretty much all day! ;)
    Brittney— Great lyrics! You reflected the personalities of Una and Rose Red very well.
    GypsyStarflower— Wow! Well done. Now whenever I read that section of the book again, I’ll have a melody to go along with it. :)
    Rebekah— I really like this version of The Maiden I Adore… do I detect an accent? :D I also think Halflight Realm is very fitting for the Wood Between.
    Paige— I love this! It’s so snazzy, and the melody fits the song really well. You have a great voice.
    Camryn— This is definitely one of my favorites. You captured the story so perfectly! I even teared up a bit while listening. Beautiful song.
    Clara— You have such a sweet voice! I love all of your songs. :D “Oh, Gleamdren Fair” is so fun!

  10. I am having a difficult time choosing just one favorite! So much talent here--so many lovely voices and beautiful arrangements.
    Thank you all for sharing your gifts!

  11. What a beautiful talented collection of entries! I so wanted to participate, and I tried doing something but I was so busy and no time to really sit down and compose or record anything. Maybe next time!

    But these collections are so good it will be so hard to choose!! Are there more than one winners or second and third place, Anne Elisabeth?

    By the by, I suspect you are very busy these days, But you might still be interested! Last Thursday, my blog, Fullness of Joy had its 3rd birthday :). To celebrate the event, I am hosting a blog-party of "special magnificence" throughout the week, and as a cherry-top icing a fun giveaway for three winners to end it all. It will be a week long tag series, with every day or so I'll be making different literary-themed topic tags, about different genres such as the classics, fantasy, mystery, children's, etc . . which everyone can join in with. And I am dearly hoping you would - it would thrill me very much and also it should prove some fun, I think :)

    Today's topic is "Historical Classics" :)

    I hope you can join!

  12. Meredith – such beautiful lyrics! And I loved the use of “Fairest Lord Jesus” as the tune for the second song.

    Marisa – I adore this! You captured the mood of Arpiar perfectly.

    Therru – Lovely! Nicely captures Starflower’s tenderness and protectiveness toward her sister.

    Allison – The layering effect is great in Song of the Spheres, and Golden Daughter has a nice Eastern feel to it. Lullaby was my favorite though – so hauntingly beautiful.

    Brittney – Both songs perfectly fit the characters. Your voice is lovely – I love that you did a capella!

    GypsyStarflower – this sounds just like I imagined it when reading that scene in the book! Eerie and captivating.

    Rebekah – Halflight Realm works very well as a theme for the Wood. The gentle, rolling movement of it puts me in mind of the river, too. And I really enjoyed The Maiden I Adore!

    Paige – I wasn’t expecting a jazz sound, but I loved it! Very creative. And your voice is perfect for that style.

    Camryn – I nearly teared up in parts! You are a very talented composer – every note was a perfect fit to the words.

    Clara – These are so pretty, and very fun to listen to! I’m so glad someone did “Gleamdren Fair.” I would love to hear you sing Lionheart’s parody of it, too :)

    Hopefully I didn’t miss anyone…if I did, it was not intentional. Now I just have to decide which one to vote for!

  13. @AllYouLovelyLadies
    Though I don't have time (or consistent enough internet connectivity) to review each entry individually, I want you to know that I listened to them all, that I'm duly impressed, and that I'm glad to have been a part of the very first ever Goldstone Wood Music contest!

    Thanks for coming up with fun opportunities for your fans to engage, Lauded Author Ms. Anne Elisabeth Stengl. :-D

  14. Meredith,
    Your songs had lovely melodies, and I loved the medieval ballad sequences. Your voice was very pretty, too! :) The lyrics for Trapped Between and Una’s Story were wonderful, and well phrased to get the point across in the best musical way.

    I loved the Waltz of Apriar! It reminded me of the music in Beast’s Castle in the video game Kingdom Hearts. Have you ever played that? Anyhow, it was very good! It made me smile (even though it is eerie) and want to waltz!

    You did a great job with this! I liked the words, and the guitar was great! I wish I could play that well. It is a very sweet song. :) I have a younger sister, so I can relate to Starflower feeling protective over Fairbird, and your song portrayed that.

    I loved all of your songs, but I loved Lullaby the best. In fact, I was babysitting the other day and sang it to her to calm her down. :) It was the perfect melody, sad, but still hopeful- a bittersweet sound. Just like Eanrin would have sung it. I liked the classical sound of Song of the Spheres, and the oriental violin in Golden Daughter. You are very talented!

    I know you’re probably tired of hearing this, but your songs did have a very much ‘Disney’ sound to it. I liked it a lot! They sounded like they came from a movie soundtrack, and as your voice rose and fell, I could almost hear music backing you up. :)

    This was wonderful! I actually was going to try the Night of Moonblood for my competition piece, but it was out of my depth. I heard yours and I knew I could never have done it justice. I especially liked the melody for the part, “I blessed your name in beauty, in fear I still must sing.” Good job!

    Perhaps my favorite poem in the Goldstone Wood series, (obviously because it’s one of Eanrin’s few songs not dedicated to Lady Gleamdren, and I mean, how rare is that?), and you did a great job! It’s so cute, and just like a love song Eanrin would write! Halflight Realm sounded great as well. I could picture all the heroes and heroines going through the Wood Between, and this music running them down.

    This was great! I certainly wasn’t expecting this sound when I came to listen to all these submissions, but I’ve been singing it around the house as I wash dishes and the like. I like your sound a lot!

    Wow! How on earth did you manage to compose so many good songs on such short notice? Seriously, I struggled to get my one piece decent in time for the deadline, and here you have four great songs. Song of the Spheres had a terrifically eerie tone that almost made my hair stand on end, Eanrin’s song had a lovely lullaby sound, Oh, Gleamdren Fair was so happy I couldn’t help but smile, Gervais’s Song was so wonderfully medieval, romantic and ballad-like I felt myself reminiscing on the events of Heartless. All in all, I’m amazed by your talent. Good job!

    Thank you so much, Anne Elisabeth, for doing this contest! I had so much fun! :)

    In Christ,

  15. Starflower and the Wolflord is my favorite. I do also love the lullaby songs as well.
