
Monday, December 31, 2012

Read-along: Chapter 29

And the end of the year is upon us. What a year it has been! But there is still much more to come . . . as there is for Princess Una in this story we are reading together. So, despite what it says on the banner, we will go ahead and keep up this read-along into January until we are through. It won't be too much longer now! And there's a big giveaway at the end of it, so be sure to keep commenting, faithful readers.


An eclectic chapter. Wow, this chapter covers a lot of ground! It also jumps to a variety of points-of-view. We start out with Prince Lionheart, from whom we have not had a point-of-view scene up until now. Then we move back to Una, deep in the Dragon's Village. And then we end up in the point-of-view of an entirely new character, Captain Catspaw of the Southlands guard.

You will notice as you read Heartless that we never once get a scene directly from Prince Aethelbald's point-of-view. This was an intentional choice on my part. For one thing, it keeps him much more mysterious to the reader, which I like. And this mystery, I think, adds to the romance. We don't know anything of him that he does not reveal to other people. But we do enjoy a variety of perspectives on him, including Lionheart's perspective in this first scene of Chapter 29.

The Council of Barons. We learn in this scene that the Council of Barons is watching Prince Lionheart. It's merely a brief mention, but becomes so much more important in later books. In fact, reading this book again after Moonblood gives you a very different perspective on this whole scene!

The addled Eldest. I think the Eldest's greeting to Aethelbald is proof of how dragon-poisoned he really is. He makes the comment, "I cannot remember the last time I beheld a man from Farthestshore." The fact is, he has probably never seen a man of Farthestshore, because very few people believe Farthestshore even exists! It is hard to disbelieve Prince Aethelbald when he is standing right in front of you. But I can imagine that more than a few of the courtiers gathered that day thought it was all some sort of hoax, some cruel trick being played on their sickened king.

Prince Lionheart doesn't doubt him, though. He merely dislikes what he knows to be true.

Aethelbald's Purpose. I think this scene is yet another example of Aethelbald caring for more than just Una. He came to Lionheart, not for Una's sake . . . as we see later on, he does not need Lionheart's help, or the help of Lionheart's men. He is not so limited.

But Lionheart desperately needs Aethelbald's help. He needs to turn from this path he has chosen. And Aethelbald, full of compassion, comes and offers him an opportunity to forsake his own will and journey with him into the heart of dragon country. A journey which would, I believe, have changed Lionheart's life forever.

Lionheart, however, is unwilling to accept Aethelbald's offer. He is full of more excuses, more common sense, more good reasoning. And sends others in his place, somehow hoping to atone for his own reticence. It's not enough, of course. It never will be.

I don't believe that Aethelbald has given up on Prince Lionheart. I don't think he's the sort to ever give up.

The dragons of the Village. This scene actually gives some insight into the Dragonwitch character from Starflower (those of you who haven't read it, feel free to skip this section!). We see the dragons in their former forms pacing to and fro in the darkness. Una watches them as they pace, crawl, and mutter to themselves. We can only imagine that they are going over and over in their minds the hurts that led them to this place of evil fire. Just as Una thinks over and over of Lionheart and her heartbreak. When the fire mounts up too great, they burst into flame, transform into dragons, and race up the tunnel to go vent that flame on the worlds beyond.

The Dragonwitch can't do this.

Because of what she rebellion, the Dragon King took away her wings and her dragon form. Thus she is a dragon, but trapped in the body of a woman. When her fire mounts up, she cannot take relief in transforming to the body of a dragon, which can stand the violence of that flaming furnace. Her immortal woman's body  does not die, but the fire consumes her, burning her mind, taking her memory and driving her insane.

The Dragonwitch, firstborn of all the Dragon's children, truly is the most cursed of them all.

Do you wish to burn? The yellow-eyed dragon asks Una this question as she stands at the base of the upward tunnel. He tells her about his last time, burning soldiers in Parumvir . . . and Una does not realize that he also burned and poisoned her brother. I don't know if she would even truly care at this point, so lost as she is in her flame.

Dragon skin. The yellow-eyed dragon gives Una a black robe made from dragon skin. (Shudder!) He tells her to hide her exposed humanity.

And Una, thus clad, retreats back into the cavern. She's not ready to face the worlds above again. So she hides herself in the darkness, knowing that she can never be truly hidden. And she slips into dangerous dreams . . . .

Captain Catspaw. Poor Catspaw and eleven others are selected by Lionheart to travel with Aethelbald into the Red Desert. And the poor men have no idea what's coming! But things start out weird enough when Aethelbald asks them, "Will you follow me?" then proceeds to walk out of the gates without a horse! Worse still, he leads them away from the city, over the King's Bridge, an on at last . . . to one of the gorges.

He then leads them down into the Wilderlands.

None of them want to follow him in there. It is an unspoken rule that no one enters the Wilderlands. That's why they have bridges, for Lumé's sake! And there's a little reference saying: "No one climbed down to the Wilderlands below unless banished in cruelest punishment for the most vile of deeds." Foreshadowing!!!! But not until a later book . . . .

The Red Desert. The men follow faithfully enough, however, stepping onto the strange Faerie path behind Aethelbald. And they cover leagues upon leagues in mere strides! And when at last they emerge, they find themselves no long in Southlands at all. They've crossed to the Continent, over Chiara Bay, without so much as dampening their feet!

 Now, then men are truly terrified. And when Prince Aethelbald asks them to enter the Red Desert behind him, they cannot bear to. Not even the honor of Southlands is motivation enough! A Catspaw himself says, "We have all of us breathed in dragon fumes and lived under the shadow of dragon smoke for five long years, and it's a miracle any of us is alive."

And so Aethelbald enters the Red Desert alone.

My Personal Favorite Lines

1. "Their hearts fear us even if they don't know why. I hate their fear. Nothing incites my fire more. I find I can scarcely enter a town before the fire bursts out of me now. So I come here when I need quiet. Here among my family." (p. 283)

Questions on the Text

1. This one is for your writers out there. Have you ever tried refraining from giving a main character a point-of-view in order to contribute to the mystery of that character? Have you maintained this mystery through an entire manuscript before? Do tell!

2. What difference do you think it might have made in Lionheart's life had he agreed and followed Prince Aethelbald?

3. In honor of the coming New Year . . . what book or books are you most looking forward to reading in 2013? Have any of you made reading lists?

4. Any favorite lines?

Reader Questions

1. I also think I discovered another literary nod within this chapter. Una's attempt to brush her hair and the resulting hurling of the shell-edged comb at the mirror. "The mirror cracked". Alfred Lord Tennoson's "The Lady of Shalott?" Una, too, is waiting for her love just as Lady Elaine pines for Launcelot. "Out flew the web and opened wide ... The mirror crack'd from side to side. "A curse has come upon me!" cried The Lady of Shalot". Just a thought. -- Meredith

Good spot, Meredith! I am impressed! I do believe this was a little nod to Tennyson. I memorized most of the "The Lady of Shalott" when I was in high school, and I like to reference it here and there in my writing.

One thing you'll notice in all of my books is a tendency for my characters to make "three paces" here, there, and everywhere. This is an unintentional nod! Everytime I need them to take a step or two, the line from "The Lady of Shalott" comes to mind: "She left the web, she left the loom/She made three paces through the room." In fact, when I was doing a final read-through edit of Moonblood, I had to  very consciously go through and take out several "three paces" references! They just keep slipping in. A case of a literary nod gone wild . . .

2. Do most of the characters represent fallen humanity in this way? I mean do all have the possibility of becoming dragons? Yet some are given to the sister of the dragon. If I have this correct - The dragon represents dreams that are destroyed (so dismay over what can not be) and the lady represents dreams that have been fulfilled (dreams that consume the heart of man). So depending on which way the character's life is going they will end up meeting with one of the two Fates? Do the people under the lady's power have a physical transformation as well? Lionheart did not so I am guessing no. Do only certain characters represent humanity? I noticed some characters, like Starflower, did not really go through this process. -- Courtney

Good questions! I don't think all of the characters represent fallen humanity in the same way Una does. Una is a very distinct representation of the church. Even her name, "Una," is taken from the princess in the St. George and the Dragon legend, who is said (by some) to represent The One Church. Thus she is fallen humanity, rescued by the blood of Christ in a very specific way.

The other characters are all flawed and fallen in some way, but they aren't such distinct symbols as Una is. They are more personal, less universal . . .

Some of those taken by the Lady undergo a pretty drastic transformation, but it's a much slower process than what we see in the Dragon's children. She is far more subtle and insidious than the Dragon is, so the transformation worked on her victims is also more subtle. If you read Veiled Rose you'll get an eyeful of one of her servants deep in transformation, however. I don't know if that character reflects the coming fate of all the Lady's children or not, however it is a possibility.

I see the Lady and the Dragon as two sides of the same coin. They have their own personalities, but they are basically just two different anthropomorphizations of Evil.


  1. In my current manuscript I have a very important character who barely gets any viewpoint. He gets two very short sections near the beginning, but then we get nothing until the climax where we finally learn what truly goes on in this characters mind.

    In a future trilogy, there is a villain who shows up in two of the three books and seems important. And yet we don't get his point-of-view. Until the end where we learn that we have had his viewpoint in many areas of the book. ???

    2. He could have faced the Dragon. But might he still have that chance?...

    3. Well, I know that the book I'm looking forward to the most is "Dragonwitch". And I plan on reading "The Light of Eidon" series by Karen Hancock. Hopefully, I'll be able to check out the "Books of the Infinite" too.
    Now my favorite books of this year have been:
    1. "The Tales of Goldstone Wood" by Anne Elisabeth Stengl
    2. "The Lost Conspiracy" by Frances Hardinge
    3. "The Blue Sword" by Robin McKinley
    4. "The Queen's Thief Series" by Meagan Whalen Turner
    5. "The Witch of Blackbrid Pond" by Elizabeth George Speare

  2. 1. In my novel, The Jarah Portal, I try to refrain from giving the Christ figure a point of view. He appears and is an integral part of the story, yet I try to present him through the experiences of my two main protagonists. It's kind of a difficult thing to do, but I think in this novel, I was able to do it better than in my previous attempts. I've found that, for me, limiting the POV to two or three main characters works best, although I do like the third person omniscient point of view a lot. First person is fun to write, too, but I like delving into other character's thoughts and not limiting myself specifically to one individual. It seems to constrain my imagination when I write in the first person. It's so much fun to experiment, though.

    2. Lionheart would have had significant opportunities to witness Aethelbald's ministering to others, and, possibly, Aethelbald could have led him to Rose Red. It's interesting that Lionheart sent other men to follow Aethelbald. Such a relatable reaction and just like something I probably would do. I'm not a risk taker, so I have to really pray for courage a lot of times before I undertake something new. Gotta love Lionheart even if he is frustrating at times.

    3. For me, getting new books isn't always possible because it takes a while for audio or Braille formats to be made. However, I'm looking forward to reading Tosca Lee's new book entitled Iscariot. (It comes out in February). Also looking forward to reading Moonblood and Starflower. Lord willing, they will be available in Braille toward the end of January! Yay! I also hope to get a chance to read The Chair, by James Rubard and The Illusionist, by Frank E. Peretti. If Chris Fabry has written another book, I'll definitely try to find it, too. He's one of my favorites as well. Every year, I always reread To Kill a Mockingbird, too.

    So glad to finally be back to reading Heartless, and I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and are ready for a Happy New Year. Be sure to eat some black-eyed peas!

    Mrs. Stengl, thanks so very much for answering my question. I love Tennyson's works, and "The Lady of Shalot" is sucha beautiful yet tragic poem. By the way, the tiramisu toffee torte sounds fantastic! I love tiramisu and know it had to have been a hit! God bless you.

  3. 1. In my first trilogy, I didn't. I think the way the story flows, I've included the main characters point of view and the villains to add tension. But in my next trilogy I wrote everything from one point of view in the first book, but the second book it will switch at least between the hero & the heroine for sure. I hadn't thought about trying to refrain to add mystery, or perhaps I have but hadn't done it intentionally. But don't you write more from an omniscient point of view?

    2. I think it would have made all the difference. At least it would be a turning point. by going with Aethelbald, he would have to believe Aethelbald, he would have to face the truth, to accept that he had hurt/betrayed Una. There is so much riding on his shoulders, I can't imagine trying to figure out what's best for "his people" and what would be the right thing to do, the most honorable thing to do. But he's listening to someone else, the Lady.

    3. Yea! Love lists. I have a lot of books on my to read lists this year, I really hope to, but money is really tight, so we shall see. Hoping for my hubby's pay raise. ha!

    1. I have to finish ALL of the Tales of Goldstone Wood. Honestly, I am very much excited about the adventures to come.

    2. Daughter of Light by Morgan L. Busse

    3. Dreamlander by K. M. Weiland

    4. The Dragons of Chiril by Donita K. Paul

    5. Then there's the books with my book club, so we shall see... :-)

    oh the favorite lines. There all so good, it's hard to take them out because they all connect so nicely to each other.

    Question: When Aethelbald is asking,where are you to Una, does he really not know where she is?

    Is Starflower's home the Southlands back 1600(?) years ago?

  4. 2. I think it would have made a difference in his life.

    3. Some books are:
    1. Ted Dekker books:
    The Santuary
    2. The Codebearers Trilogy:
    Book 3 - Hunter Brown and
    the Eye of End (the Miller
    3. Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan
    4. Veiled Rose (Anne Elisabeth

    Jennette, you'll like The Dragons of Chiril Chronicles (Donita K. Paul). I finished the trilogy this year.


  5. Thanks Caitlyn!

    I really liked her DragonKeeper Chronicles, so I've been anxious to revisit her world again.

  6. 2. I think that he would have not gone through as much trouble in the next two books. I still think it would have been difficult for him. I don't really know. It is hard to see him ever agree to that quest at this point in his life.

  7. 3. I have made a booklist starting now, actually. Starflower is first on my list...I still haven't read that yet and I am SO anxious to get my hands on it. I need to finish Eoin Colfer's last Artmeis Fowl book (sniff sniff) and I have yet to read the Mysterious Benedict Society, which I had heard some tremendous ravings about, plus my brother got them for Christmas...score!

  8. @Hannah:
    You will LOVE 'The Witch of Blackbird Pond.' I could say so much right now about that, but I won't.

    3)I don't know what I'll read (I try to just read as I go). But I HAVE to read Tolkien's 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy, and 'The Hobbit'. Everone in my family has read them!
    We watch the movies and they babble amongst themselves about the differences in the movie adaptions. It's awful!

  9. 1) I was writing a book (I stopped it, but maybe I'll pick it up)and I did that. I gave the main hero this little five sentence paragrapgh in the first chapter, then from there he's on his own.
    It worked pretty well, actually. Especially since you don't know it's him.

  10. 3. I'm trying to work my way through about 400 Classics... Right now, I'm in a Robin Hood/Pirate mood, so I've been reading Rafael Sabatini and Howard Pyle.
    Books I Plan to Read (or Reread :D):
    - The Sea Hawk
    - The Screwtape Letters (soooo good!)
    - The Count of Monte Cristo
    - Les Miserables
    - The Rose Round (because it melts my heart every time I read it)
    - The Everlasting Man (by G.K. Chesterton, who happens to be awesome)
    - The Woman in White
    - The Maximum Ride series (not that I would recommend them or anything, but... *sigh* I got sucked in.)
    - Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel (honestly, the week I spent reading it last year was the strangest and one of the best weeks in my life. And, quite frankly, I don't think I got the whole story the first time, so I'm going to reread.)

  11. 1) I have never not given a main character a point of view to add to their mystery, but I have manipulated what the character says, so the reader has to really dig into the text to understand why they act the way they do (inspired by Megan Whalen Turner's The Thief).

    2) I think if Lionheart had agreed and followed Aethelbald, it's possible he and Una may have been able to at least stay friends, or possibly even end up married?

    3) Reading list: the rest of the Goldstone Wood books, books by R.J. Larson and Jill Williamson (if I can get my hands on them!)...
