
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sunday Afternoon Creativity

It's a rainy, nasty, icky day here in NC . . . so I holed up with my pencils and had some fun!

I realized I had never done an illustration for Veiled Rose. I've done paintings or sketches for every other story but that one! So here's what a few hours doodling produced . . .

Friends for Rosie

May I just say, I particularly love how my little Leo turned out. With his Bloodbiter's Wrath and all!


  1. drew that?! That's like....really good! I'm terrible at drawing people and animals :P I'm still working on that! :D

  2. I'm trying to learn how to draw well, but I have to say I'm SO TERRIBLE at it!
    The first thing that caught my eye was Beana; she is so incredible! And Rosie's eyes...
    And I love how adventurous Leo looks.
    Beana's my favorite!!

  3. I love Leo! Rose Red looks PERFECT! It's rainy and icky in Louisiana too. :(

  4. Wow! That's amazing! :)
