
Monday, August 6, 2012

Moonblood Giveaway: The Review Iteration

Dear readers, I think while you all are patiently waiting to hear the results of the Fan Fiction Contest, we should have another giveaway to pass the time. Are you game?

This one will play like this:

1. You write a review for any one of the Tales of Goldstone Wood on Amazon. If you have already done this for all three of the released titles, no worries! You can write a review for Barnes and Noble or or any other major reviewing site.

2. You let me know that you have done so and where you've posted this review. I will then add your name to the name-drawing!

3. TWO WEEKS from today, I will draw a name at random, and that person will win a free, autographed copy of Moonblood!

4. If you have already written a review for one of the books, that does not count for this particular giveaway. But there are other books to review, so why not write up one of those?

Don't worry if you feel as though "you don't know what to say" in a review. Any review, however simple, helps me out. And you don't have to write an essay or anything! First you give a star rating. Then you write something about the story, what you liked and why you think someone else might like it too. That's it!

A basic rundown of the ratings is 5 star = I LOVED it! 4 stars = I really, really enjoyed it! 3 stars = I liked it! 2 stars = I didn't like it. 1 star = I hated it.

I make a point of not reading my reviews . . . the negative ones upset me too much, and you can't help seeing those when you look! So I won't be reading over your shoulder as you post reviews. If I feel the need to check and make certain reviews are actually posted, my husband will check for me!

Public reviews like this are an important part of a writer's career. The more reviews I have on amazon, the more people are likely to stop and look at the books. So in this way, you all can help with my career by getting the word out there for me!

Please take the time to share this blog post on your  facebook walls so that other folks will hear about this giveaway and have a chance to participate. Thank you, and good luck!


  1. I'm terrible at writing reviews. I think I'll sit this one out. Mine always end up being too short. :P

  2. Really, Taisia, you can't write a "bad" review for this contest! Any review makes a difference, and length doesn't matter at all. :) You can simply say, "I liked it because (fill in the blank)" and it might help someone decide right there whether or not they want to buy the book!

    So, don't be shy. Your opinion counts!

  3. I wrote a review, leaving my most definite and non-hesitating five star review.
    Most of the reviews I read were five stars, and just a few were four stars, which actually made me so happy that people liked your books! :)

  4. Oh, totally forgot: I wrote the review on Amazon. :)

  5. Awesome! Your name has been added to the list. Be sure to spread the word about this contest! :)

  6. Fantastic, I will! I'm emailing a few right now! :)

  7. Okie dokie! I'll do my best!

  8. Okay! I wrote one :) Hope it helped!

  9. Excellent! And your name has been added to this name-drawing. :)

  10. I left a review about Heartless on Amazon, but my little sister hacked my account and I had problems changing it. So, if you see a review about Heartless by "Molly", know that it's actually me.

  11. Hahahah, no problem! I'll add your name to the list. :)

  12. Hi!
    I reviewed Moonblood on under the name tomcotte. :)
    Thank you so much!

    ~Anna C.

  13. I posted a review at Barnes and Noble under Limwen!

  14. I wrote a review for Heartless on Amazon. I look forward to reading the rest of the Tales of Goldstone Wood.

  15. Excellent. I've got you down on the list!

  16. I've posted on Goodreads,, Amazon, and Barnes&

  17. I posted a review on Amazon and one will soon be published on my blog! :)

    Also, I was wondering if you would possibly be interested in doing an author interview at I am hoping to interview several of the authors I have recently discovered, and would love to share more about you with my blog readers!

  18. Wonderful!

    @Katherine Sophia: I would love to do an interview-giveaway. Feel free to email me at and we'll schedule it! :)

  19. I wrote a review on Amazon on Moonblood. It's under the name Mindy Barenfanger. I would absolutely love to win Moonblood! I have read it but my sister hasn't. Thank you so much for the opportunity.
