
Monday, August 27, 2012

Calling On Bloggers . . .

Hey, bloggers, I am looking for influencer readers for my upcoming novel, Starflower. So if you:

a) keep an active blog with at least 30 subscribers

b) enjoy YA fantasy

c) would be interested in receiving a complimentary copy of Starflower for review

d) are willing to post your review on Amazon and Barnes & Noble as well as your blog

you can write to me at and request to be added to my influencer list! Sound like fun?

Copies are limited, so write me soon if you meet all of these qualifications. And remember, this is for bloggers only. No worries, other dear readers . . . I'll be hosting various giveaways after the book releases, so you'll get your chance. (And, of course, the more of you who actually buy the book, the more likely I'll get to write more!)


  1. oh no, I have everything on the list but A! I don't have too many followers, only about 11 (makin my way any way that i can!)
    I guess I'll have to pass on this one.

  2. Maybe in upcoming years, Molly! Just keep blogging and building a following. :)

  3. AWW. I don't have 30 followers :( I'll see if I can get more before the deadline, but otherwise, maybe next time!

  4. ...Dear me. I have but a pitiful following of 3 people.

    Yes. I know it's pitiful.

  5. @Padme, hey I started to follow your blog; it is so awesome! I found it hard not to follow it. :) on your fave book list, I love all the books on it too! and movies and things. wishing you luck in getting 6 more followers!

  6. Darn! I don't apply to one of those :P I don't have a blog.

  7. Will you ship internationally? Or is there an ebook option? I would love to be an influencer and some of the kids at the school I'm working at (as a librarian) just love YA fantasy. Once things get settled I'm planning on reading Heartless aloud to the 5th & 6th graders. And hopefully doing a "storytime" for the middle and high school students during their lunch hour and reading it to them too.

  8. @Rina: Sadly they don't ship internationally . . . Sorry about that! I'll have to check on the ebook option since I've had a few potential reviewers ask about that. I hope the kids at your school will enjoy hearing HEARTLESS out loud!:)
