
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

And . . . CLOSED!

All right, my friends, the deadline for the first-ever Tales of Goldstone Wood Fan Fiction Contest (2012) has come! All the submissions are in, awaiting a last-minute streamline formatting . . . then it's OFF TO THE JUDGES!

After a month of judgerly work, the winner will be announced on September 1st, so keep your eyes open. That winner will receive a free copy of Starflower (as soon as it releases) and any other Tales of Goldstone Wood title of his/her choice. Exciting times, my friends!

I would like to take a moment to thank all those who submitted work. I was blown away by the creativity that kept flowing into my inbox over the last two months. Some of them moved me to laughter . . . some of them moved me to tears . . . at least one of them inspired me during a period of major writer's block . . . and all of them demonstrate a love of storytelling that is fresh and fun and exciting.

So thank you, those of you who participated. The rest of you, be sure stop by on September 1st and in the weeks following to read these fabulous stories!


  1. Just out of an author, what could I do to make my writing/story better. I know it sounds kind of like a stupid question, but I thought I'd just ask :) (don't feel like you have to reply to this...I know you're pretty busy :) ).

  2. Fantastic!
    I can't wait to read everyone else's submission!

  3. @Taisia: No worries! The judges are going to send in notes for me to pass on to the writers, helpful ideas for improving your story/writing. You'll get feedback, have no fear!

  4. Thank you! This was my first actual story, so I'm not sure if it's up to snuff and all that :)

  5. Well, I had a sneak peek at your story, Taisia, and I can safely promise you that it is "up to snuff." ;) I'm looking forward to sharing it on this blog!

  6. I'm trying not to be nervous...

  7. Oh dear...I'm going to be in horrible suspense for a month!

  8. Thank you! I'm really looking forward to reading everyone's stories :)

  9. Oops...I'm "Anonymous". I did not mean to do that!

  10. While the judges review, do we receive sneak peeks of submissions?

  11. I thought about it, Rachel6, but decided that we'll wait so that the winner's story will be posted first. After that, I'll start posting the other stories! But I feel the winner should have that Firt Place honor. :)

  12. And the runner-up will get second place honor?
    Just wondering (because I always feel good when other people are excited)

  13. Yes, runner-up will be posted second, and after that, I will be posting the stories alphabetically by title. :)
