
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Weekend Reminder!

One last reminder, dear readers! Tuesday night at 11:59pm is the cutoff for this first-ever Goldstone Wood Fan Fiction Contest. Submissions have started pouring in fast and furious, and don't let yours get left behind.

So far I've seen tales of humor, tales of heartbreak, tales of loyalty and loss. I've seen writing styles everywhere from lyrical to exuberant, short-and-sweet to long-and-epic . . . and everything between!

So don't miss out. I want to see your creativity at work as well. And if you want to jump in last minute, that's fine too . . . you can find the rules here.


  1. I can't wait to read everyone else's submissions!! :)
    Can't wait to see who wins either, so that shall be a month or so of suspension. :)
    I hope you like my submission!

  2. I'd love to see what everyone else has written! I'm sure they're all wonderful! The judges will probably have a very hard time deciding who's the winner :)

  3. When will the winner be decided?

  4. The winner is announced September 1st, giving the judges a month to read, make comments, and tally up scores. :)

  5. The Microsoft Word Count says my story us within the limit, but the Google Docs Word Count says it's above the limit. Will that be all right?

  6. @Caiti Marie: Absolutely! Go ahead and send it in. :)
